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Three Characteristic Behaviors Per Monster


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Ettins One head is the 'smart' head (as smart as ettins come) and one head is the 'charismatic' head (as Ettins go). Act like a child in demeanor and intelligence, even 'play'. Will bargain for shinies, magic, being TAUGHT magic, or babies.

Wood Elves. Quiet, very suspicious, moves in squads and surrounds. Follow their commander's gestures, and watch any intruders (especially) humans with wary contempt. Single names (Raven, Blazingsun, Foxfire).

Gnolls Laugh hyena-like as they approach their prey; flank, attack, only to step back so the other side can do the same. Retreat only to have a second small 'pack' attack the quarry's chasing side. Act very native-american with ceremonies, howling in a keening song; their tribes are equal opportunity for genders.

The Gnoll language is only in third person, so there is no 'I' and 'You' but 'He' 'She', 'It' and names. Also has a habit of adding extra 'ed's on the end of words (Killeded, etc). This shows up if not very fluent in Common.

Dragons Their talons are in Everything around them; they are the head of networks, be it breeding with humanoids to get them to worship them, to being 'Mafia dons' of the forest throwing their weight for loyalty of all monsters in the area. Superior, but may not lord it over immediately (especially if polymorphed). Always have a contengiency plan.

Rakshasa Cunning in setting up false weaknesses; documenting legends on what will kill a Rakshasa, and it won't. Always looking to make a deal instead of fighting, especially if they're out numbered or the attackers are haggard. Every spell in the book to help against missile attacks (Or whatever may cause their death).

Kobolds A realization that they are not the most powerful physically, so everything must be done at a distance; excape routes, ranged methods, contingency plans, defenses, traps, spells, and ways to screw over 'just in case'. A habit of hissing and chirping, steadily moving. Their Nest social-structure is normally Socialisim with a small reward's system.
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Your word is my command! Let's try again, in a more concrete fashion...
Lurks-no-More, I love your "concrete" examples! Can I make the same request to Bonedagger, Xarlen, and psychognome? Guys, could you reshape your suggestions into specific, visible behaviors?
Erinyes: Dress in an alluring way, yet show as little of skin as possible; treat their charmed followers with undisguised contempt; are visibly disgusted by open displays of affection.

Nagas: Speak in low, hissing voices, often repeating their sentences with minor but significant variations; spend time coiled together and admiring themselves in mirrors or reflecting pools; sway in an almost hypnotic fashion when angry or afraid.
All good!
Night hags: Dress in tattered clothes made from human skins; frequently speak in riddles or in rhyme; when excited or angered, claw themselves and pull their hair.
Those paint a wonderfully terrible picture.
Winter wolves: Drive their prey onto slippery ice or into deep snow; eat their kills only after they have thoroughly cooled; sing eerie prayers to the full moon.
I'm definitely going to have to have Winter Wolves drive prey onto slippery ice now.
Manticores: Follow their prey from afar, circling above, watching them before attacking; play with their food; store their kills by impaling them on broken tree branches or by wedging them in cracks in cliffsides.
Ooh, I love the stored prey! Gruesome!
Devourers: Never speak or make a sound, even in combat; the victim being devoured will weep and moan, urging the characters to flee lest they suffer the same fate.
I hadn't considered using a Devourer until now...


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mmadsen said:

Lurks-no-More, I love your "concrete" examples! Can I make the same request to Bonedagger, Xarlen, and psychognome? Guys, could you reshape your suggestions into specific, visible behaviors?

Do you want examples? More detailed? I was trying to word each so that someone can interpret it spesific ways. I thought the Ettins and Gnolls were pretty spesific.


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Do you want examples? More detailed? I was trying to word each so that someone can interpret it spesific ways. I thought the Ettins and Gnolls were pretty spesific.
Sorry, Xarlen, I didn't mean to imply that you gave no specifics; I just wanted to prod you to "show not tell" a bit more. Take a look at Lurks-no-More's original suggestions and his more concrete follow-ups for what I was getting at.

The parts I liked, distilled down:

Ettins: Bargain for "shinies".
Wood Elves: Follow their commander's silent gestures.
Gnolls Laugh hyena-like as they approach their prey.

Other parts were quite vague:
Dragons Their talons are in Everything around them; they are the head of networks, be it breeding with humanoids to get them to worship them, to being 'Mafia dons' of the forest throwing their weight for loyalty of all monsters in the area. Superior, but may not lord it over immediately (especially if polymorphed). Always have a contengiency plan.

Rakshasa Cunning in setting up false weaknesses; documenting legends on what will kill a Rakshasa, and it won't. Always looking to make a deal instead of fighting, especially if they're out numbered or the attackers are haggard. Every spell in the book to help against missile attacks (Or whatever may cause their death).

Kobolds A realization that they are not the most powerful physically, so everything must be done at a distance; excape routes, ranged methods, contingency plans, defenses, traps, spells, and ways to screw over 'just in case'. A habit of hissing and chirping, steadily moving. Their Nest social-structure is normally Socialisim with a small reward's system.

Displacer Beast:
* Disconcerts foes by leaning its real body against a solid object, so the displaced illusion appears to be held up by air. They sometimes also crouch in trees, so the image of the cat appears to be hanging limp in mid-air.
* Slap their tendrils loudly on the ground where their image is, both to kick up dust and to make cannily-eared foes confused as to where the beast really is. Always moving so as to be hard to pinpoint.
* As vain as any cat, the displacer beast will twist and turn its body when it's not threatened, trying to get a good look at its own displaced image so it can more effectively primp and clean itself.
* Sometimes when struck in combat, they'll vomit out a bit of their last meal (they look bulemic, don't they?), which can provide a clue to their actual location.

* Store extra weapons in their bones, drawing swords out of their ribcages and such.
* Scratch at impossible itches, or pat at the top of their heads where they used to have hair.
* Claw the flesh off their victims in thin strips, stretching it across their bones.

* Approach prey through high grass, or in areas with lots of concealment. They'll use their breath to create bursts of flame that can spook prey, but they will slowly circle, coughing up new clouds of fire as they get ever-closer, like a tightening noose. When working in packs, one will draw attention with its flames while the others sneak in from opposite directions. Sometimes, a sneaky hellhound will actually set fire to something, which usually causes their prey to think the hound is standing still.
* Howl at the sun, causing an uncomfortable stillness at noonday when all the animals of nature hide at the noise.
* Their blood burns slightly when touched (no damage, it just stings), so they mark their territory by gashing open a cheek or foreleg and smearing the blood on trees and rocks. When done regularly enough, this will slowly burn a depression into the marked object.


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mmadsen said:

Sorry, Xarlen, I didn't mean to imply that you gave no specifics; I just wanted to prod you to "show not tell" a bit more. Take a look at Lurks-no-More's original suggestions and his more concrete follow-ups for what I was getting at.

For some of them I am trying to offer some room to wiggle; it's hard to simplify social structures and some behaviors in a sentence. :) For instance, Dragons will put themselves at the head of anything in the area: breed into humanoid tribes, make deals or throw weight until all monsters in the area are loyal to it, etc.

Here, lemme try one...

Kobolds Socialist nest structure, with reward system of good items/prestige for their work in the nest: Individual survival is just as important as survival and thriving of the Nest.

Like to put everything at range or traps. Many kobolds with Shot On The Run, across a large pit, jumping in and out of full cover.

Or,do you mean PURELY physical/mental/habit behavior? Here, lemme have a shot...

Ghouls Like to paralyze prey and then Taunt them. May cluster near water in pairs, and drown paralyzed victims. Burn bodies if no more spawn is needed/not enough food to feed existing ghouls. Will keep poisonous creatures on their bodies, to use incase paralysis is resisted.

Troglodytes Do push-ups when threatened, or try to appear Bigger to scare off others. Bite at a male enemy's crotch if weaponless, desperate, or have superiority of numbers. Eat their enemies on the spot (if not in danger), and their severely wounded.
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For some of them I am trying to offer some room to wiggle; it's hard to simplify social structures and some behaviors in a sentence. :)
Ah, but, Xarlen, that's exactly what I'm trying to avoid: abstraction, ambiguity, and "wiggle room".
Or,do you mean PURELY physical/mental/habit behavior?
Concrete behaviors.
Ghouls Like to paralyze prey and then Taunt them. May cluster near water in pairs, and drown paralyzed victims. Burn bodies if no more spawn is needed/not enough food to feed existing ghouls. Will keep poisonous creatures on their bodies, to use incase paralysis is resisted.
That's what I'm looking for! My take:

Ghouls: Paralyze prey, then taunt them. Lie in wait along water's edge; drag paralyzed prey underwater to drown. Let poisonous "pets" crawl all over their body.
Troglodytes Do push-ups when threatened, or try to appear Bigger to scare off others. Bite at a male enemy's crotch if weaponless, desperate, or have superiority of numbers. Eat their enemies on the spot (if not in danger), and their severely wounded.
Gruesome fun!


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Some of the suggestions so far:

Kobolds -- Dart eyes about warily; wring fingers nervously; can't stand still.

Illithids -- Refer to all non-illithids as "food"; always dignified, never panic; secrete ink from tentacles.

Demons -- Laugh maniacallly as they play with their "food".

Rakshasha -- Condescend, even to kings. Surround themselves with fine silks, cushions, furs, etc., even in a cold, damp cave or basement hideaway.

Hags -- Obsessively knit intricate but grotesquely cabled or patterned shawls, scarves and caps. (Knitting needles equal daggers).

Frost Giants -- Wear ice jewelry and ornaments.

Lizardfolk -- Raise their frill when threatened. Don't move at all unless necessary; sun themselves on rocks. Leap in to battle from high points, like the trees of their swamp.

Archerai -- Peck at bright/shiny objects on the ground.

Shocker Lizards -- Run through tall grass to generate static electricity.

Orcs -- Celebrate victory with jumping Cossack dance.

Troglodytes -- Watch two different things at once with their chameleon-like eyes. Lick own eyeballs. Stand still when frightened.

Devils -- Take "Devil's Advocate" position. Only follow letter of law, not spirit; twist all contracts and agreements.

Bugbears -- Snicker to each other. Smack each other around. Collect skulls, as a hobby, for laughs.

Athaylatch -- Scratch belly with the extra arm. Mutter. Demand impossiblely large ransoms; satisfied with anything though.

Worgs -- Nip at their Goblin riders. Kill more than they can eat, but guard it jealously. Howl from one direction to drive their prey into the maws of their packmates on the other side.

Erinyes -- Dress in an alluring way, yet show as little of skin as possible; treat their charmed followers with undisguised contempt; are visibly disgusted by open displays of affection.

Nagas -- Speak in low, hissing voices, often repeating their sentences with minor but significant variations; spend time coiled together and admiring themselves in mirrors or reflecting pools; sway in an almost hypnotic fashion when angry or afraid.

Night hags -- Dress in tattered clothes made from human skins; frequently speak in riddles or in rhyme; when excited or angered, claw themselves and pull their hair.

Winter wolves -- Drive their prey onto slippery ice or into deep snow; eat their kills only after they have thoroughly cooled; sing eerie prayers to the full moon.

Manticores -- Follow their prey from afar, circling above, watching them before attacking; play with their food; store their kills by impaling them on broken tree branches or by wedging them in cracks in cliffsides.

Devourers -- Never speak or make a sound, even in combat; the victim being devoured will weep and moan, urging the characters to flee lest they suffer the same fate.

Retrievers (Demonic constructs) -- Make scary robot sounds. Intone, in Abyssal, along the lines of "Target acquired. Tracking... compensating... locked. Moving to engage." Walk dumbly towards their target, pausing only to engage anyone who gets in their way.

Vampires -- Don't bother to dodge attacks that won't hurt them. Prattle on about the gift/curse of their immortality.

Zombies -- Moan names of favorite edible organs ("Brains!"). Pause to pick up body parts that fall off and jam them back into place.

Ettins -- Bargain for "shinies".

Wood Elves -- Follow their commander's silent gestures.

Gnolls -- Laugh hyena-like as they approach their prey.

Hell Hounds -- Howl at the sun.

Ghouls -- Paralyze prey, then taunt them. Lie in wait along water's edge; drag paralyzed prey underwater to drown. Let poisonous "pets" crawl all over their body.

Troglodytes -- Do push-ups when threatened, or try to appear Bigger to scare off others. Bite at a male enemy's crotch if weaponless, desperate, or have superiority of numbers. Eat their enemies on the spot (if not in danger), and their severely wounded.


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Lantern Archons: Sing hymns badly in soft, angelic voices when they think no one is listening. Fly quickly to leave behind a trail and make patterns in the air. Burn scripture in to rocks with light beams.

Hound Archons: Crack their knuckles. Growl and bark like a dog in combat. Meticulously groom themselves.

Ghaeles: Sun themselves on church roofs. Fly loop-de-loops and other acrobatics. Cry like a hawk in combat.

Voidrunner's Codex

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