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Three Characteristic Behaviors Per Monster


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In a past thread, I took an idea Maldur suggested and asked for three characteristic behaviors per monster -- little quirks you could add to encounters to give monsters some character. For instance:

Trolls -- Hunch over and stomp their feet like sumo wrestlers before they attack.

Orcs -- Beat great drums before they go on a raid. These drums can be heard over a very long distance, making the villagers panic days in advance.

Goblins -- Insult humans in broken Common, make rude gestures, throw filth on them, etc. -- but only from out of reach. Break fences, steal livestock, etc. to extort cookies from human farmers.

Hobgoblins -- Goose step. Always march in order with magnificent battle standards and symbols of power. Shout a battle cry in unison before charging.

Gnolls -- Cackle eerily. Females dress like males, may be chieftains. Hate lions, even heraldric designs thereof.

Ogres -- Slam their clubs into the ground before battle (to challenge and scare the opponent). When charging, throw around stuff laying about (overturning tables, throwing pots and pans, etc.).

Minotaurs -- Throw their heads back, roaring in defiance. Before charging, scrape their hooves along the floor (like bulls). Chase their prey at leisure, their loud footsteps echoing through their mazelike lair -- since they dont have to rush; they already know where to turn.

Hill Giants -- Lick boulders before throwing them. Love to throw with their mates in waves. Wear multicoloured kilts. Clap their hands after hitting and holding up their fingers to give a rating of their throw.

Kobolds -- Never stand still (except when they're lying in ambush, of course). Even in melee combat, they're continually taking 5' steps at the very minimum.

Displacer Beasts -- Usually napping. Watch birds, squirrels, and other game. Try to scare off enemies after making a kill (to eat safely).

Giant Owls -- Eat Were-Rats and Ratmen. Regurgitate giant pellets (maybe with treasure). Always looking around -- turning their heads 180 degrees.

Treants -- (In tradition of Tolkien's Ents...) Live in geologic time. Speak slowly and laboriously, never succinctly. Remember ancient history.

Blink Dogs - Wag their tails before 'blinking'; like to stand on their hind legs; love to drive normal dogs crazy by blinking in and out.

Hags -- Offer tasty treats. Very maternal and sweet -- until upset. Hate beauty.

Celestials -- Speak in riddles. Only make formal declarations, no small talk. Look through people.

Centaurs -- Always talk in terms of astrology. View any suggestion of riding them as deserving death. Eat both horse and human food for their two stomachs.

Medusa -- Hire models to "pose for a statue", keep cages of mice to feed their hair, decorate their lair with real statues as well as victims.

Ettins -- Argue between heads. Play "good cop, bad cop" (if they parlay at all). Heads fight over food like two dogs.

Ratlings (Nezumi, Skaven, etc.) -- Always sniffing, especially in a new place. Gnaw on wooden objects (spear shafts, staves, etc.) when bored. Attracted to glittering objects.

Yuan-Ti -- Taste air with tongue. Stare -- without blinking -- at people. Bob their heads.

Troglodytes -- Move around a lot when angry or frightened; it helps spread the stench from their musk. If parlaying, attribute the most authority to the worst-smelling member of a group. Change skin color in order to express feelings.

Otyughs -- Willing to trade choice items from pile for disgusting pieces of trash. Cultivate fungi on self - such gardens often contain rare fungi unable to survive in the local area. Territorial but willing to share lair in symbiotic relationship (certain undead are a favorite as they tend not to consume their prey).

Anyone have more evocative traits for these monsters or others?

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Inventor of Super-Toast
Well, a few that I have used, am using or will use in the future...

Kobolds: Dart eyes about warily; wring fingers nervously; generallly have a difficult time standing still.

Illithids: Refer to all non-illithids as "food creature"; always look and act dignified, even under stress; when under stress, secrete ink from pores near the mouth.

Demons: Balors laugh, constantly, and are incensed by others telling them what to do, especially mariliths. Most demons play with their "food".

Rakshasha: Always condescend to non-rakshasha, even if they are notably more powerful. Always act as if they have the upper hand. Live in the finest luxury, even under the poorest conditions

Just some suggestions

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Stone Angel

First Post
I like the idea of a troll stomping his feet like a sumo wrestler.
I had an ogre monk hit himself in the face like boxers sometimes do.


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mmadsen said:
Hags -- Offer tasty treats. Very maternal and sweet -- until upset. Hate beauty.

Here's another one for Hags: obsessive knitters of intricate but grotesquely cabled or patterned shawls, scarves and caps (ranks in craft; knitting needles equal daggers).

Frost Giants: wear jewelry of finely carved ice braided into their hair and beards.

Githyanki: rigidly militaristic among the rank and file, but more and more reckless as they grow in skill and power, as they'll eventually end up dying to appease Gith the Undying's envy anyway.

Githzerai: given to seemingly random obsessive-compulsive behavior that is actually rigorously disciplined (a defense mechanism against the chaos of Limbo in which they lead their monastic lives).

Not a characteristic trait for the race, but how about a chaotic neutral Ettin, only one of whose heads (and therefore arms) might be interested in a given combat, while the other picks its nose idly, or flicks the other head's ear, or even begs for mercy?


First Post
Re: Re: Three Characteristic Behaviors Per Monster

Here's another one for Hags: obsessive knitters of intricate but grotesquely cabled or patterned shawls, scarves and caps (ranks in craft; knitting needles equal daggers).
I like it. Any suggestions for what those grotesque patterns might be?
Frost Giants: wear jewelry of finely carved ice braided into their hair and beards.
Ice jewelry! I like it too.
Not a characteristic trait for the race, but how about a chaotic neutral Ettin, only one of whose heads (and therefore arms) might be interested in a given combat, while the other picks its nose idly, or flicks the other head's ear, or even begs for mercy?
Hey, the "conflicted" Ettin is an old standby:

Ettins -- Argue between heads. Play "good cop, bad cop" (if they parlay at all). Heads fight over food like two dogs.


First Post
Lizardfolk: Always raise their frill when attempting to display a threat. They don't move at all unless necessary. They leap in to battle from high points, usually from the trees of their swamp.

Aboleth: They never make any sound, nor do they ever blink, but they never stop moving. They decorate their lairs with elaborate gardens of anemones. Their Skum servants hide under thick piles of rotting waste to surprise attackers.


First Post
Lizardfolk: Always raise their frill when attempting to display a threat.
I hadn't thought of Lizardfolk as that kind of lizard, Anabstercorian. That's a funny image.
They don't move at all unless necessary.
The image of Lizardfolk sunning themselves on a rock is also pretty funny.
They leap in to battle from high points, usually from the trees of their swamp.
That kind of creeps me out. I'm not sure why.
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First Post
Pecks at bright/shiny objects on the ground.
Hops from place to place, rather than walks like a 4 legged creature would.
Eats charcoal (fuels the black cloud)

Shocker lizards
Fond of running through high grass to generate static electricity
Avoids water (eats foods with moisture instead)
sensitive ears - dislikes loud high pitched noises

Tend towards obsessively clean.
Will scratch at rough wooden/leather/cloth surfaces when irritated or distracted.
Fond of Mellowing drugs (opiates and the like)
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First Post
Honourable fighters, although they're still evil. I've actually had one surrender to a paladin, which was interesting. It was a bezekira, a hellcat, and its telepathy came in the form of images of hunting prey. That was all it really wanted to do: Run around, hunt and kill.

They don't act superior to other races, they are superior. The basic illithid meets the basic human? No contest. It's a logical conclusion drawn from a life of experience.

Everyone these days seems to play orcs as mongols, and I'm no exception. However, I've also had a few orcish cossacks running around. That little dance with the kicking? Where you fold your arms and jump a lot? Have them do that.

What would you do if a rat ran up to you and tried to hold an intelligent conversation? (Just a normal rat trying to hold a normal rat conversation. Squeek a couple of times and then run off.) If you didn't try to kill it, you'd say a word and it would lose interest. That's what dragons are to humans: So much better and older it's not funny. So dragons are prone to telling long, meandering stories about the time they destroyed such-and-such a legion or some other amusing anecdote. If the PCs attack them, it's by no means certain that they'll notice.

OK, this one's a little odd, but in my campaign the gnolls were converted to Islam. They're still savage, but seeing gnolls policing the merchant quarter of Tunis and having the populace actually enjoy their presence was... interesting.

Like cats, elves are the center of their own little universe. "Give me attention!" they shout, but they don't actually shout it because that means they'd lose face. So instead they're masters of witty repartee and suggest it. And if you still don't pay them attention, they'll scratch your eyes out (figuratively speaking, of course. Elves are far too cool to use their fingernails - they'd much rather use centuries-old magic weapons or incant some horrible doom upon thy lineage). Needless to say, elves are uppity even amongst themselves.


They **** **** and **** with their **** and ****. Some willl **** **** and **** with anyone they meet and then **** or **** for hours. **** and ****, too. The worst ones could even **** until ****. :D

Voidrunner's Codex

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