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Time of Vengeance


It’s a typical April day in Freedom City. A little warmer than usual, but there are no complaints after a long, cold winter. Millions of cups of coffee are poured, waking the city from its collective slumber
as the morning rush picks up. People are firmly ensconced in their own little universes, focused on the forthcoming religious holidays,
end-of-term exams at Freedom City University, or the Blades’ chances of winning the Cup.
Yes, indeed, it’s an ordinary day. Of course, as any costumed hero can tell you, those are the ones when all hell breaks lose.

During the course of your daily routines you each individually discover the following finformation rom either the Media or Word-of-Mouth.

• After a dimension-hopping rescue by the anthropoid heroes from “Earth-Ape” known as the Primate Patrol, leaders of Spain’s ruling Socialist Party are today sponsoring a bill in Parliament to grant basic civil rights to the primates of their own country.
• Don’t forget! THIS SATURDAY NIGHT, the one and only FOGHAT rocks the Shuster Auditorium. Tickets are on sale now, or just keep your radio tuned to WNCC for your chance to win front-row seats and backstage passes. Foghat—taking a “Slow Ride” to Freedom City, this Saturday night only! Sponsored by Fresh Sounds Promotions.
• If you blink, you’ll probably miss Freedom City’s newest super-powered resident. The Freedom League’s very own Johnny Rocket has been seen speeding about town in the company of a red-and-gold-costumed young woman who was keeping pace with the fleet-footed Rocket stride for stride. No word yet on who the new lady speedster is, but keep your eyes peeled for a crimson comet on your way to work today.
• Freedom City Police still have no leads on the mysterious disappearance of several patients from Trinity Hospital. Asclepian Associates, the HMO that owns and operates the facility, today released a statement saying the company was cooperating fully with the authorities in their effort to locate the missing people. Extra measures are being implemented to prevent any future reoccurrences.
• The Freedom City Waterfront was shut down for several hours earlier today as agents of AEGIS, the Homeland Security Department, and the City Transit Authority searched an incoming cargo vessel suspected of involvement in a terrorist plot. Authorities removed several containers from the ship and took the crew into custody for questioning. An official statement is still forthcoming. Unconfirmed reports indicate a suspected plot by a major international terror cartel such as al-Qaeda or Overthrow.
• The Liberty Dome box office was robbed earlier today by the Canadian super-criminal known as “the Mad Maple” in a daring daytime robbery. Dome officials are still calculating the exact loss, but it is known to include several thousand dollars in cash and an unspecified amount of credit card information. Eyewitnesses report that the Mad Maple shouted at passers-by as he made his getaway, claiming the theft was retaliation for the Edmonton Oilers being eliminated by the Freedom Blades in the first round of the Stanley Cup playoffs.
• Freedom City’s Jewish community observed special prayer services today in recognition of the Passover holidays, which begin tonight at sunset. Most of the city’s synagogues reported large turnouts, including the West End’s famed Temple Ben David. Channel 5 WXAD is marking the occasion with its traditional airing of Cecil B. DeMille’s The Ten Commandments, starring Charlton Heston as Moses, tonight at 8 p.m.

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First Post

Fiona found herself listening to the news a lot more intensely since she had discovered her powers. A year ago, she was mostly waiting for the gossip and maybe the sports news, only remotely reckognizing any mentioning of terrorist attacks or mysterious disappearances. This has changed a lot during the last year. Sure, her interests where still there, somewhere, but her focus had been turned to a different angle these days. Still, there was nothing in the news right now, that she considered urgent enough to actively pursue, but a few of the items she kept in mind, just in case she would run across some more information about those; especially the hospital disappearances had drawn her attention for a moment.

Her father was long gone, when she finishes her breakfast in the luxurous Stark Mansion they both occupied together with some servants and staff. He didn't have the luxury to stay around longer, even though he enjoyed most other luxuries one could think of. Fiona, on the other hand, took her time. Since retiring from the racing sports after the incident, she had a rather flexible schedule, only helping her father out every now and then and otherwise enjoying a lot more freedom than she had before. About an hour later, she has changed her nightdress and pyjama for her casual clothes of choice, a process she has perfectioned to only taking a split-second if necessary, but usually she takes her time there, too, carefully aligning the individual pieces and making them fit together nicely.

Dressed in a short, black leather skirt decorated with ultrathin and flexible red metal plates with twin silver stripes along the sides, knee-high boots with similar plating and a sporty halter top made of some light beige cloth, Fusion is ready to get out into the streets of Freedom City.


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!

Kelly was spending her day hanging out at the mall in her street clothes. Dressed in a stylish denim skirt, spaghetti strap blouse, and strapy heals she makes her way from store to store trying on clothes and slipping her way into conversations listening to what her peers are talking about. So far nothing has major has been happening today so Kelly is looking forward to just having a relaxing day buying some new clothes.


First Post
"Mental note," Alex mutters to herself as she squints at her computer screen. "Learn to hack."

Three browser windows were open, showing three different news stories while the TV chattered on in the background. All of them looked interesting to her, but she wasn't sure how to get involved legally. This superhero business could get complicated sometimes.

Like the hospital. People disappearing. Sounds like a job for Amazing Makestuff Girl, right? Sure. Only the police were there, and they wouldn't be exactly inviting people onto the crime scene. Same with the incident in the harbor, with the ship and the terrorists. The whole area was battened down.

Of course, she wasn't making things easier on herself. Hardly anyone had heard of 'Genesis.' Partly because she kept changing her look, and avoiding press. It seemed to most of the public as if there were a bunch of new armored heroes around town, when really there was just one. The fact of the matter though was that between school and trying to have a personal life, she didn't WANT to have to deal with any celebrity from her 'extracurricular activities.' For her, Genesis was a way to let off steam and test ideas first and foremost.

Sometimes though, there were really -interesting- crimes. And she was done studying for now.

"Hell," she mutters, putting her computer to sleep. "Why not? Worst they can do is send me packing."

A glow appears over Alex's hands and quickly coalesces into a sleek black motorcycle helmet with a high pitched whooshing noise. She glances out the window of her little studio apartment into the alley of the building she lives in. A moment later there's a wicked looking racing motorcycle out there with the keys in the ignition.

And a moment after THAT, with the loud roar of an oversized engine, She and the cycle are gone again.

Trinity Hospital
Freedom City

A figure in distinctly feminine-shaped armor makes her way to the officer in charge of the site. Gunmetal grey plates of extraordinarily tough, but lightweight composites fitted to an underlying skintight suit of padded ballistic fiber that made Kevlar look like spaghetti strands. Genesis was rather proud of the basic design of her armor, though she often varied the specifics of its manifestation. This time, for example, the protection was a bit lighter than usual so that it didn't obscure her rather fit natural shape. Cops were humans too, after all. Maybe she could sweet talk her way in.

"Afternoon, officer," she says, extending a gauntleted hand. Her voice was electronically modified, but still recognizably female. "Genesis. I'm here to help with the crime scene investigation."


Jared Stockwell rises as any other day, slightly groggy and at least for a glimmering moment, blissfully unaware of the tragedy his life had become. Ahhhh... teen angst. Of course, Jared's teen angst was on a higher scale than most, having strange super powers and all. Jared had managed to keep his super powers secret from the majority of his family and friends, but the teen didn't know how much longer he could maintain this charade.

Getting up, Jared stretches and looks over at the other side of the bed. Beneath black, disheveled sheets sleeps someone - a girl hopefully... but who??? Jared wracks his recent memory, hoping to unearth some factoid to link to this mystery sleeping companion.

Oh well. Let her sleep. Jared gets into the shower. It's about time. Been a few days. The ladies don't seem to mind Jared's scent in any event. Plus, smelling funny had a sort of cool to it, as long as Jared didn't get too funky.

Peeking out of his bathroom, Jared sees that his sleeping beauty (hopefully) yet slumbers. He darts out of the bathroom, completely au naturel, using his superhuman sliding ability to effortlessly glide across the floor and to his dresser in a mere moment, stopping without effort as if he had never slid at all, catching himself on the door. No noise at all. That's the beauty of frictionless travel. Catching a glimpse of the sleeping girl - thankfully - and she looks kinda hot. But who the hell is she?

Jared pulls on a pair of boxers and ripped black jeans, the one with safety pins holding the left leg together, and throws on a beater. Fred Durst had signed this shirt at a concert about three years ago, but Jared had long since stopped caring about that. Heck, the signature was barely visible now.

Elizabeth Stockwell, Jared's mom, knocks short and pops open the door. Jared reminds himself to put a lock on that door. "Mom!" Jared exclaims. "Don't I have any privacy?"

Mom smiles. "Privacy? Not under our roof, sweetie."

Jared frowns at the last word. "Mom, c'mon," he pleads. "Sweetie is so seventh grade!"

Mom looks about the room. "Aren't you going to be late for --" and sees the sleeping girl. "And who in creation is that?"

"Uh, not sure," Jared replies, desperately trying to ignore not only the 800lb gorilla in the room, but also trying to find his cell phone.

"Jared Alexander Stockwell, if your father knew you were hiding a girl up here in your room... did she spend the night?"

"Mom, I'm sorry but I really don't want to get into this, school and all, you know," Jared replies, retrieving his phone from beneath a pile of what could only be the girl's clothes. Or some girl's clothes at any rate. "I gotta head out."

Mrs. Stockwell stops her boy at the threshold. "Are you kidding me? You're not skipping out and leaving this girl here. Show some respect."

Jared whispers to his mother, "Mom, um, I don't know how to tell you this, but... I don't really know who that is."

Raising her hand briefly to strike, Elizabeth Stockwell sighs. She looks at the bed, then to Jared. "Well, I don't want you to be late. We're going to have a long chat about this later."

Wordlessly, Jared skips down the stairs and out of the house. Elizabeth Stockwell puts one hand to her forehead, then enters the room. "You have to be making the room this messy on purpose, kid."

Shaking the sleeping form awake, Elizabeth smiles at the girl. "Hello, I'm Mrs. Stockwell, and you are..."


"Foghat?" Jared asks into his phone. "What the ---- is Foghat?"

He continues to skate down the sidewalk, avoiding coffee-wielding businessmen on their way to the parking lot. Sheesh, look where you're going.


"Uh huh, well, I know how you like those old, crusty bands and all, but have you forgotten we have a gig?"


"I know. I forget sometimes. Having my mom managing the band helps in the old memory department, though. All right. Text me when you get out of study hall. See ya." Jared clicks off the phone and shoves it into his pocket.

A few taps on the ground and he's at the dreaded hill. Jared used to have to walk up this long hill, but no more. He kicks his board and starts skating right up the steep hill, as effortlessly as if he had been skating on flat ground. He smiles.

School was in sight. Another day of boring lectures and pointless homework. Jared didn't look forward to this. One more year. Yay.

The first three bars of The Cure's Lullaby chimed from Jared's phone. Pulling it out of his pocket, Jared saw on the display, "DAD". Strange. Jared stops and answers.

Dad. What's up?


The waterfront? What's going on down there?"

Jared starts walking across the grass towards the high school's main building.


"But, Dad, I have school, hello! I can't just --"


Jared stops and turns away from school. "Sure, anything is better than wasting another day in this place. I'll be there in 15. No, make it 10."

Zipping across the grass as if it was polished hardwood, Jared leaps atop his board and zooms down the hill, weaving effortlessly through traffic and to the waterfront.

This day was about to get interesting.


Rumble scowled slightly as two figures zipped passed him at breakneck speeds. Must be that Rocket-kid and his new dish. Hmm, she had a nice body though. He shook his head and returned his attention to flying. He may not be the fastest guy in town, but he always got where he was going. And he enjoyed it when someone noticed him.. He'd been at this for 10 years, and was one of the few supers in town that didn't hide his identity. Rumble wasn't his Super-hero name, it was his ONLY name. Since he didn't have a past, he'd never had to worry about putting people in danger.

'And anyone who DOES associate with me KNOWS what they're getting into.' He thought to himself as he came to land just outside the police line. Unfortunately, this time, someone he knew WAS in trouble. He'd known one of the kids who'd gone missing from Trinity hospital, A teen by the name of Billy. Rumble seemed to keep running into the kid.. he wanted to be a super hero, but didn't have any powers. Lotsa heart, good brains, but no powers. He'd been injured last month when he followed some drug dealers. He'd managed to get away and tell Rumble what had happened, but they hurt him pretty bad when they found out who'd ratted on them. They were all in prison now, but Billy was in the hospital..

'And when I find out who's taken my little buddy, they're in for a pounding' He scowled as he walked forwards, his anger shaking the area around him and setting off car alarms until he realized with a tad of embarrassment what was going on. 'Damnit, I ain't had trouble controllin my powers for years, I must be more worked up than I though.' That was when he saw her. "Damn..." He whispered, momentarily distracted as he approached the Cop and the... fine feminine figure speaking to him.

"Good morning, Officer, Ma'am." He grinned as he walked up to them.
The officer's eyes went wide at the sight.. Rumble did, after all, look like Schwarzenegger's big brother. "Name's Rumble, if ya didn't know. I'm here to help with the case. A buddy of mine's one'a the Missing."


First Post
Genesis felt the tremors briefly before she looked over and saw the man coming. Even then, she felt a bit poleaxed at the size of him. Supers tended to be on the buff side, but this was ridiculous.

And was he staring at her?

"Rumble," she repeated, keeping her tone businesslike neutral. By instinct she started to extend a hand, but hesitated when she realized the difference in scale. Finally she realized she couldn't NOT complete the gesture once begun, and finished it, offering up a handshake.

He looked like he could crush that hand, armor or no. Her helmet at least hid her expression, which was fortunate.

"I'm Genesis. I was just explaining to the officer here that I'm here to help investigate."

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
At the mall, sipping on a piping hot latte, Edward stands in line at Ticketmaster.

"I am quite excited about the Foghat concert," the humanoid beaver says to the heavy-set man with graying hair standing in front of him.


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Kelly does a double take as she sees a beaver standing in the line.

She thought to herself, "Sure this is Freedom City, the place where unusual things are commonplace but.. A beaver? I didn't know beavers lived around here. Cute little fuzzy though."

Just before she walks on she mutters under her breath, "And what on earth is a Foghat?"


"Nice to meet you, Genesis" Rumble noted her hesitation but didn't comment. After all, others didn't know he'd been dealing with his size and strength for a decade, and thus had a good handle on it. His maskless face - Looking too gentle to be on such an imposing figure - grinned down at her as he took her hand gently in his, holding just a fraction longer than neccesary after shaking it. "So, officer, is there anything we can do to help you? I REALLY would like to help find my missing friend."

Voidrunner's Codex

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