TITANSGRAVE Season 2 Announced

At the Titansgrave Gen Con panel, Wil Wheaton announced that there would be a second season of Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkania. The panel ended with a standing ovation. More info if I hear it!

At the Titansgrave Gen Con panel, Wil Wheaton announced that there would be a second season of Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkania. The panel ended with a standing ovation. More info if I hear it!


Photo by Chris Pramas

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Von Ether

Seeing that pic reminds me of my Gf's story of trying to get her book signed by Alton Brown back on the day when she thought she was the only fan, only to find out that the book signing had the line out the door.

I liked Titan, but had no idea that it would be standing room only.

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Guide of Modos
And yeah, there's no way they will go to a different system. Titansgrave will be Fantasy AGE. They didn't explicitly say that, but it was heavily implied because of the expressed love of the system. Ran a game of it myself a couple of nights ago, and I can see why. It's fast, it's great for novice players and the stunt system is very fun.
Fantasy AGE is cool. I'll give it that. But Titansgrave doesn't convey fast, and after eight episodes, I still don't understand the stunt system.

Interestingly - right now I'm watching a Game Master tip from Wil. He's talking about how he uses facets of D&D, Fate, Savage Worlds, and more... in "every game." Doesn't sound terribly dedicated to AGE, at least not right now.



I'm betting that, once the AGE rules are officially released in hardcover, we'll be given a lot more dice mechanic examples. Remember, this was filmed before AGE was even available on PDF.


Fantasy AGE is cool. I'll give it that. But Titansgrave doesn't convey fast, and after eight episodes, I still don't understand the stunt system.

Going purely from watching the show, it seems fairly straightforward. They have a quick-reference card of various stunts (which by now they seem to have memorised), each of which cost a certain number of points.

If they get doubles on their dice roll and score a hit, they gain a number of stunt points equal to the value of the 'stunt die' - the one die in their set that's of a different colour. They can spend those points invoking whatever combination of stunts on their attack they can afford.

Stunts they've used seem to include one which allows an extra die of damage, one which halves the target's armour value for that attack, and one which allows a follow-up attack.

For non-combat rolls the system seems much looser, with a sense of stunt points "making cool stuff happen", but that may be subjective.


Fantasy AGE is cool. I'll give it that. But Titansgrave doesn't convey fast, and after eight episodes, I still don't understand the stunt system.

Interestingly - right now I'm watching a Game Master tip from Wil. He's talking about how he uses facets of D&D, Fate, Savage Worlds, and more... in "every game." Doesn't sound terribly dedicated to AGE, at least not right now.


Wil Wheaton isn't married to the system, that's true. During the seminar someone asking a question sort of denounced "systems with too many rules" and Wil mentioned that he loved D&D and other systems with lots of rules too. His opinion was that every system has its purpose, and also said that the most important thing was who you play with. But in the context of Titansgrave, I still think they are dedicated to Fantasy AGE because of the support they've gotten from Green Ronin and because of how well the system fits their needs.

But hey, I could see a scenario where he could be convinced to do Titansgrave with a different system every season. The risk would be that it would confuse fans of the series, but the benefit would be that it would show them that there is more than one way to skin a cat and expose them to more RPG systems. I just don't think this is a likely scenario.


First Post
I enjoyed the series but I found actually watching people RP got a bit tiring after a while - it's not the same when you're not playing.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I don't enjoy watching other play an RPG. I tried watching the show but couldn't get into it.

I usually find it impossible to watch other people playing an RPG - it's the least fun spectator event ever! I think the Titansgrave folks got it right, though -- that's pretty much the first example of roleplaying I've ever been able to watch. They've got the right formula.

It helps that they're professional entertainers, and that the show has decent production values and judicious editing.


I usually find it impossible to watch other people playing an RPG - it's the least fun spectator event ever! I think the Titansgrave folks got it right, though -- that's pretty much the first example of roleplaying I've ever been able to watch. They've got the right formula.

It helps that they're professional entertainers, and that the show has decent production values and judicious editing.

I did make it through one episode (with some fast forwarding) and that is more I can say for any other actual play recording, but I wasn't inspired to watch any more after that.


I did make it through one episode (with some fast forwarding) and that is more I can say for any other actual play recording, but I wasn't inspired to watch any more after that.

I found the series definitely improved as it went on so it might be worth giving it another shot.

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