TITANSGRAVE Season 2 Announced

At the Titansgrave Gen Con panel, Wil Wheaton announced that there would be a second season of Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkania. The panel ended with a standing ovation. More info if I hear it!

At the Titansgrave Gen Con panel, Wil Wheaton announced that there would be a second season of Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkania. The panel ended with a standing ovation. More info if I hear it!


Photo by Chris Pramas

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Guide of Modos
Let's set up a vote on which RPG he should use. 172,000 ENworld members can't be wrong. Will OLD and NEW be finished when Wil starts filming?


I'm willing to put hard money on it being Fantasy AGE again - you don't put that much work into a setting book and a game system to be a promotional throwaway. :)

Plus, it sounds like a pretty good rules-light system! Wil drops hints all the time that Tabletop has a simply stunning level of penetration into segments you wouldn't think were watching (Apparently even members of the Daily Show watch Tabletop!) so if anything would raise public awareness of RPGs, it's a rules light system that you can see positive fun examples of play.

Scrivener of Doom

Awesome! I'm just downloading episode 8 as I type this and now I know my withdrawal symptoms in a couple of weeks will be short-lived.

(And AGE is a pretty good rules-light system that makes you wonder why we haven't seen the stunt die/dice mechanic before in a game. It's such an elegant mechanic.)


Golden Procrastinator
I'm also betting on the continuing use of AGE. Wil and his son worked closely with Chris Pramas on Titansgrave and there has been talk of publishing other books in the setting.


Also he said Tabletop will get a season 4. I was in the audience. I'll paraphrase "Legendary said they wanted us to do a Tabletop series 4. I wanted to do a second season of Titansgrave. So we came to an agreement; we're going to do season 4 of Tabletop. <applause> <pause> And we're going to do a second season of Titansgrave." <bigger applause> . It was a fun seminar. I don't recall anything else notably newsworthy, except that his son has a new gig and won't be able to write for the next season, making him proud as a father and upset as a producer.


And yeah, there's no way they will go to a different system. Titansgrave will be Fantasy AGE. They didn't explicitly say that, but it was heavily implied because of the expressed love of the system. Ran a game of it myself a couple of nights ago, and I can see why. It's fast, it's great for novice players and the stunt system is very fun.


Was the panel videoed and will it appear on YouTube at all? It sounds awesome.
I audio reordered it. I"m waiting to hear back from my press contact at Geek & Sundry to see if I'm allowed to post it over at my site. I can't post it anywhere, without there permission. If i get the go ahead, I'll post it.

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