ZEITGEIST Tizbiz Zeitgeist Campaign



i am currently running a pathfinder based zeitgeist story. I am not an native english speaker and beg you to ignore any misspellings.

My players are really into roleplaying their characters. We have been playing together for a long time and know each other well.

Having only two players we decided to use the Gestalt Character rules. Lylandra who is storytelling a Burning Sky campaign somewhere else in this forum plays a swashbuckler/bard and her husband plays a stalker/alchemist+arcanist. Later in the game the players felt they needed an assistant NPC and recruited an other constable who already was a medical forensic researcher with the RHC.

Both players invested a lot of time to build meaningful characters and unknowingly have deep connections to Risur and matters that will feature in the adventure path. Yet during the first adventure and especially during the first half of the second adventure i felt my second player was often bored or distracted. He had told me in advance that he does not like city adventures and investigation plots and he felt they had to dig for even the smallest clues. He was clearly often outside his comfort zone. Only at the end of the second adventure he startet to get into the plot.
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Auryn, daughter of matriarch Galadin, daughter of Kaealys, daughter of matriarch Launga of Elfaivar

Auryn was born as daughter of matriarch Galadin in Elfaivar. Deeply frustrated by her own drive to do all things perfect and to a lesser extend the high expectation her mother had of her being the next matriarch of a tiny independent enclave she fled the small eladrin city.

She is curious, brave and feels the need to do anything she does to her best abilities. Being incredibly charismatic and beautiful beyond mortal standards helps her negotiating her ways and avoiding most conflicts.

Her cousin Zahir found out about her plans and insisted to follow her because he himself had no hope ever to be chosen as a worthy husband. They boarded a westbound ship but were soon attacked by a pirate ship. Cousin Zahir was badly wounded and went missing during the fight. She still mourns his death and feels herself to blame for allowing him to come with her.

Auryn was sold as a exotic slave to one Mr. Fordren an really wealthy industrialist from Danor who had her delivered to a private resort in the Yerasol islands. (I changed the name of Mr. Pemberton to Fordren and plan to play him as an commercially involved partner to Mr. Goodson. I are wondering what will happen when they actually meet again.)

There she was held captive by her tormentor who insisted on calling her Charusheela.

After a long time she was freed by a risury warship and befriended the crew and captain Morris Dawkins. (who later initiated her into the Vekeshi movement)

She went to Risur and worked as a artist who was deeply interested in the new docker movement and their ideals. After some years she decided to work for the betterment of Risur and joined the RHC.



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Gabriel Carlyle

Mr Carlyle was born about 540 years ago as the third child of a wealthy merchant family in Alais Primos . He quickly realised, that his two older siblings Vanisair and Stilling Carlyle would lead the family business, so he saw little future for him there.

He choose to attend a butler school and worked in his first assignment with a crisilyir official.

A few years later he was drafted to the military and assigned for special operations. He was especially adept in questioning eladrin prisoners but got into a fight with one of his sadistic superiors. This officer tried to kill Mr. Carlyle´s captain who was saved by Gabriel.

Mr. Carlyle´s Team was near the last battle and was transformed by the death of Srasama. After his transformation Gabriel was deeply disturbed because he could hear the dead als well as something he could not place but was somehow connected to magic and the goddess. And he could not agree with the clergy anymore who he saw at fault for all things going wrong in crisilyr.

In the aftermath the deva was found by his captain and this guy helped him to leave crisilyr. The deeply frustrated Gabriel found a new home in Risur and devoted his time to a noble family named Vantrys.

Almost 500 years passed and he arranged all matters for many generations of the Vantrys who involved themselves in the industrialisation of Flint. He studied alchemy and brew a potion that could suppress the voice of srasama and learned how to bear with his gift of hearing the dead.

A few years ago he died protecting the last scion of the Vantrys family. The new lord Nathaniel Vantrys withdrew himself from public eyes but cared about his „Uncle“ Carlyle.They would discuss the incident and lastly Nathaniel recommend him to the RHC. Since then the Vantrys industrial prowess was plagued by arson and financial problems.

At the RHC Mr. Carlyle was quickly found to be an excellent judge of character and his fine manners were useful when dealing with powerful nobility and the newly wealthy.

Gabriel looks to be around 40 years old and he is always correctly dressed. He has a strong sense of what is appropriate and ist very keen on keeping with risuri traditions. For example he is still concerned about his former lord having a heir soon. He at first rejected any information from Auryn that his lord might be homosexual and still hopes Lord Vantrys might come to his senses soon.



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I was worried how to forge an Eladrin princess and a Deva from Crilisyr into a functional team and was almost annoyed when both players agreed that they would have avoided contact with each other as much as possible.

I compared the RHC responsibilities and the strong points of the players and came up with the following sidequest.

Mr. Carlyle reads his favorite high society gossip rag and finds a announcement of a science competition sponsored by the museum of natural history and a Mr. Guy Goodson who is a business partner to his former lord Vantrys. He decides to visit the competition because he has nothing to do on sunday and it might be a notable high society event worth watching.

At the same time Auryn Galadin gets a visit by her good friend Nymeia who is a student of biology and botany at the pardwright university. Nymeia is terribly nervous about her thesis being nominated by the museum of natural history´s science competition and Auryn offers her companionship during the presentation.

In the sunday morning both players independently visit the science competition and watch the gathering of some philanthropic high society members including the sponsor Guy Goodson and crown prosecutor Starke and his rather indifferent son Tyler Starke.

The nominees include Auryns dear human friend Nymea, the half-elf Julia Fymarsö and the young female minotaur Wolmi Heffanita. All the nominees are students of the pardwright university.

Auryn Galadin and Gabriel Carlyle meet each other as they observe the gathering and awkward moments pass while they speak about what they do in their free time.

They both seem relieved as the museum curator announces the nominees and each of them shows a short presentation of their thesis. Then the committee members announce Wolmi Heffanita as the winner of the competition.

During the presentation Auryn observes similarities between her friends Thesis and the one of Julia Fymarsö. She immediately suspects that her friends research data has been stolen and dislikes Julia Fymarsö especially as she has seen her to be very unfriendly to her young attendant girl.

Mr. Carlyle senses that the curator is very uneasy when he announces the winner and recalls Mr. Goodson looking for business opportunities in Ber and Wolmi Heffanita being the young niece of the berian ambassador Heffanita in Slate.

While they exchange their findings the gathering is disturbed by docker drunkards shouting abuse at the nobles and industrialists and the two RHC constables intervene to diffuse the situation peacefully.

The gathering concludes with the winner Wolmi Heffanita announcing that she is going to use the prize money to sponsor an journey to recreate a famous expedition to the border of risur. She invites the other nominees to accompany her on this journey.

In the evening Mr. Carlyle retreats to his favorite cigar club and expects to read newspapers at an uneventful gathering of gentlemen. His evening is disturbed by the club sponsoring an elven artist singer event. To his amazement the unearthly beautiful voice belongs to his fellow constable Auryn Galadin who he recognises despite her artistic mask. After the event they share a glas of spirits and find that the gathering is not as awkward as the initially expected. The gentleman Gabriel offers her to see her safely to her home and both find that they have been living in stray river for years unknown to each other.

The next day they are called to Inspector Delft´s Office. He tells them that they have an assignment because he needs someone with some scientific knowledge and good manners to guard an expedition from the pardwright university. They are expected to return the berian ambassador´s niece safely after the journey.

Curator Hans Weber instructs them that they will pose as guides and helpers and that they are expected to organise the journey.

To their relief most of the ancients expeditions way can be traveled by train to Bole and there is even a private train along the border. They find information about the ancient expedition and remember that there were rumor´s about the members dying in accidents or even curses. There is even an rumor of one Mr. Starke bringing back a notebook of the expedition but at the museum of nature history they are told that this notebook is believed to be lost.

They investigate the private mine which owns the train and find Lord Vantrys owning a share of the stock of this business.

They organise provisions and Gabriel easily secures his Lords permission to use the private train.

(The young Lord was visibly agitated by his unexpected visitor and touched his arm fondly during this visit but Gabriel cluelessly ignored his Lords not so platonic love interests.)

As they do not know the wilderness they seek out a druid whom Auryn knows from her Vekeshi contacts. (she does not tell Gabriel because even the very moderate vekeshi of Flint are mistakenly known as murderous terrorists) The grumpy druid agrees to accompany them as they agree to help her to make medicine for the poor.

Some days later the expedition gathers his members at the Flint Train Station and the constables are shocked to see Julia Fymarsö commanding several porters to carry a lot of trunks and unnecessary equipment. After a heated discussion they manage to board the train just in time.

During a short stop somewhere along the way they encounter a pair of pickpockets. Auryn chases them but sees that she must return to the departing train.

During the journey Julia is amazed that her Guide is a Mr. Carlyle and tells Gabriel that she is actually engaged to a Mr. Carlyle from Danor. Gabriel recalls his Brother Stillin relocating to Danor and the family being involved in the Avery Coast trains.

The party arrives in Bole and secures their places at the private train where they are treated unexpetedly well. (Mr Carlyle remains still completely clueless that Lord Vantrys arranged for their special treatment.)

At the mine they get the best accommodation the small mining community has to offer and the next morning they finally embark on their more dangerous part of the journey.

A few days pass with Julia complaining about the difficult journey and her aching feet. The party reaches the place that the ancient expedition where traveling to and settles for a base camp. The next day they find crude walls and a kind of neatly tended garden. Some of the plants move away and the constables quickly negotiate with the vegepygmies who rush to defend their garden.

Auryn wins the hearts and minds of the plant people by exchanging seeds from her own small garden in Flint.

(My players are hellbent to avoid a fight because they feel they are officials of risur and they both tend to use their luck and diplomatic skills really good. Getting these plant people as allies granted them a very unmolested journey till the tomb because the plant people secretly secured their way.)

Mr. Carlyle largely ignores the visibly interested efforts of Nymeia to get to know him.

(Poor Nymeia always gets a rebuff when she invites this gentleman later in Flint.)

The next day Wolmi Heffaniti suggest a route deeper into the backcountry and to the party´s amazement she seems to predict how to navigate the wilderness. Once their suspicion is raised Gabriel and Auryn catch the ambassadors niece consulting a small ancient notebook. They confront her about it and reveal her possessing the lost records of the rumored Mr. Starke. Wolmi claims that she got it legally from a trader visiting Ber and that it points to an ancient Tomb of her ancestors. She wants to retrieve a Symbol from that tomb to gain more prestige in Ber and to convince her Uncle the ambassador to give her a greater degree of freedom in her life.

Wolmi claims that she knows the Rituals to open the Tomb without releasing its curse. Reluctantly the constables agree to search for the tomb.

The party journeys to the tomb and find the way completely matching the information in the records. They find a slope with an buried entrance which can be opened by digging. Near the entrance Auryn finds the droppings of a young black bear.

Uneasy they open the tomb an find a crude sarcophagus which they open with the rituals that Wolmi has provided. Inside they find a minotaur skeleton wearing a gold necklace with geometrical symbols and a not matching magical stone hammer with very ancient tribal symbols.

Wolmi takes the valuable proof of her ancestry and leaves the old tomb while Gabriel decides to attune himself to the tomb because he wants to know more.

(Gabriels player missed the part which would have told him that his speak with dead feat does only work 24 ours after a creatures death. But i wanted to drop a clue for his efforts.)

The tribal chieftains spirit answers his summons and tells him that one of his symbols of office was taken from his enemies. Then he begs him to defend his descendant from danger.

The constables hear the girls crying for help and soon engage a very angry black bear who is fighting a wounded Druid in front of the cave. They fight the bear who leaves his bite and claw marks all over the soon unconscious Gabriel till Auryn manages to knock him out. (not Gabriel … the bear)

The party quickly retreats and journeys largely uneventfully back to Bole and then to Flint.

Wolmi is very pleased and promises that she will give the records back to the Starke descendants in a few month.

Auryn and Gabriel discuss their journey and both think that they wouldn't mind to work together in the future.
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I happen to have one of my players writing a (german) recap for this campaign and she even adds her thoughts for me to see. This means you see the campaign trough her eyes and not from both players or mine. I will translate these and add my own thoughts. Please forgive the occasional german sentence structure sneaking in.

Stover Delft summons Auryn Galadin and Gabriel Carlyle to his office and suggests that they could look into a closed case of a late Skyseer, which was rumored to have had a vision concerning the King's visit, "if they don't mind following a cold case".

The two constables examine the files and get to know that the skyseer's nephew is a young Bailiff named Steffen and so they visit him and his colleagues in the Nettles.

Everything points to a "true“ accident, but the Skyseer has left many cryptic drawings in her apartment, which Auryn and Gabriel draw on paper so they can show them to a different Skyseer since they are no experts on visions (They only know about the famous, but very old Nevard, so they were looking for him.)

After searching for him in the Nettles they can´t find Nevard, so they consult other, more unknown skyseers. Finaly Ms. Galadin and Mr. Carlyle agree on an interpretation based on their own findings and the interpretation of the moderately famous "Allseer" who had scores of beautiful ladies waiting for his visions, as well as the interpretation of a local seer in a shady tent at Bosum Strand: There might be some unrest in which people from Ber are involved which in the worst case can end in something deadly. (cant remember how they misinterpreted some of the drawings and came up with the wrong Ber clue actually. Fortunately they got it when they saw the map on display.)

(The players were requested not to take the skyseer related background because we just finished an other campaign where one player was using omen and visions quite often and i was a little tired of that. Yet i wanted to give them the clues from the skyseer theme in exchange for a little legwork.)

*Auryn was a bit surprised that Assistant Chief Inspector Delft sent Mr. Carlyle and her on a mission immediately after their last assignment, even if it was a seemingly cold case. For a short time she was not sure if she would not have preferred working alone, as she was used to. But somehow she felt that they both had something in common. Gabriel Carlyle worked precisely, planned exactly and had a keen eye. And more importantly, he had 500 years of experience. She could not help comparing him to Thorandil, who had been teaching her art and music back in Elfaivar. He too had been a veteran of the last war. She understood what a girl like Nymeia could see in him. And yet the mystic nuances she could sense so clearly were often completely alien to Gabriel, resulting in his skepticism towards the Skyseers. She had wondered how many of the seers really had visions, and how many were just charlatans who had attention or a quick coin in mind, and thus extolled the old traditions of Risur. Was the Alleseer a real Skyseer? She could hardly point her finger on whether or whether not he was sincere. Not being able to find Nevard had frustrated her, but she could, no, she had to draw her own conclusions from the cryptic information. Especially if the King's welfare was at stake … *

The constables share their insights with Delft, and he agrees to raise the security level for the time of the King's visit.

Auryn visits rear admiral Dawkins to tell him the disturbing news and he seems to share her worries. He promises to swap part of the crew of the Coaltongue with crew members of his own flag ship. Auryn is relieved to know Dawkins' most trusted men will be on duty. If fortune was on their side, it would be a happy reunion with old acquaintances, even if this was important work for the RHC. She is still troubled by his mentions of a growing rift between workers and industrialists, as well as followers of the old paths and the new industrialism.

She is invited by the rear admiral's wife Milena Dawkins to stay for supper When Milena hears that she will be on duty on the Coaltonge she tells her about a nice young noble who will antend the celebration and seems to be interested to play matchmaker for Auryn and Lord Vantrys.

*Auryn hoped that Milena would someday understand why she had no interest in a marriage with a young Risuri. Not only would Auryn survive the poor by ten lifetimes, a connection with any human or non-Eladrin would also not be futile, as she could not sire any offspring with them. Plus probably none of the „little“ boys would ever be her equal. Love was a concept unknown to her, and even if she was ever to develop spontaneous feelings, which she thought was impossible since true relationships needed time, young men would probably not be her first choice. Her first husbands in the enclave would have most certainly been experienced, older Eladrin, who could have supported her in her duties, while the chosen young men became the husbands of experienced, older women. But for Milena's sake, Auryn decided to at least exchange a few polite words with this Nathaniel Vantrys.*

Mr. Carlyle asks his informants to mingle with the crowd at the day of the celebration and to tell about suspitious guys or known troublemakers if they happen to spot them.

As the constables are responsible for the coordination of the security, they visit the Royal Shipyard in advance. There they meet the talkative chief mechanic from Danor, Geoff Masarde, who explains some of the features of the ship. He tells them that firing the canon might extinguish the fire in the ships furnance and leave the ship without power.

Carlyle comes up with the idea of ​​preparing an escape boat for the king and securing the furnace of the Coaltongue. Auryn agrees and takes him to the rear admiral's office.

Auryn introduces Gabriel to rear admiral Dawkins and they agree to prepare an escape boat, just in case. For the event of an energy shutdown of the ship, Dawkins tells the two that the Coaltongue will not be defenseless because there will be more ships accompaning her on her maiden voyage. Carlyle wonders about the details of Auryn's relationship with Dawkins. When he asks her about it, she tells him that he is her best friend and that she trusts him unconditionally(which seems to surprise him even more)

The constables spend the evening together (apparently both do not have much to do at the moment ...) and exchange their (pretty negative) opinions about industrialists. They also talk a lot about responsibility of aristocrats (especially Carlyle seems to hold noble families in high regard, but Auryn agrees that being taught to lead responsibly from the very beginning will work out better than just aspiring to power through money or strength)

*Auryn was astonished to see a Danoran tiefling aboard the Coaltongue. She had concluded that Masarde had to be an exile because he had protection, but no supervision, like a prisoner would have had. The ship was impressive, albeit frightening. She saw the potential in the combination of technology (new) and magic (ancient). She had hesitated to take Carlyle to Dawkins, but did not really know why. Maybe she did not want to reveal too much about herself, but there had been something else ...
Nevertheless, Carlyle's logic was sharp and the king should be protected by all means. She was not surprised to see that her colleague was wondering about her contact, but she did not want to doubt the integrity and trustworthiness of Dawkins. Carlyle was a strange man, she told herself. He did not seem to have a private life, had no hobbies, and she was not sure whether she was doing him a favor or whether she was a nuisance when she was spending time with him. But as he was a veteran of the old war, there was a slight chance that he could explain to her what had really happened when Srasama died. He seemed to dislike industrialists as much as she did. Plus he was favoring a leading role of the traditional noble families whose heirs were groomed to be leaders anyway. They really had the same ideas, ableit in a slightly twisted way, yet Auryn could not forget the time of the mad kings of Elfaivar (who were also "educated nobles") and that she herself had been educated to be a leader.. Still both of them shared their appreciation of the old risuri way more than she had previously thought.*

On the day of the launch of the Coaltongue, Auryn and Gabriel are both assigned to monitor the crowd gathering in front of the shipyard.

Together they look for suspects via descriptions they got from the RHC profiles and quickly spot three restless potential troublemakers, which are all found near signs which match the vision of the late skyseer.

The three suspects are part of the Docker's Union and the constables manage to calm the three with arguments and even get the help of Thames Grimsley, (who leads the three troublemakers away after being promised a favor.)

After a brief conversation they admit that they were instigated by the veteran Dafton. As time runs short, Auryn quickly charms Dafton and leads him away to Grimsley. Till that day, the Docker has only known her as an artist but now he suspects her of being a cop. Still he thanks her and tells her that he will keep in mind that she owes him something, even if he might return the favor again.

Auryn promises that either king Aodhan or governor Stanfield will be informed about the terrible, unjust situation of the workers. Carlyle seems to be impressed by Auryn's networking, but warns her that she should not put too much strain on her relationships.

*Perhaps Auryn understood better than most of the RHC or the town guards of Flint what the Dockers felt. They expressed their feelings and thoughts through their form of art and Auryn knew how to read them. Until a few years ago, the concept of a "job" had been foreign to her. She has had her duties while other Eladrin were taking care of everything else. Her life had been regulated, simple and secure. But these people suffered in a country that could afford great ships like the Coaltongue. Industrialists lived in abundance and could afford leading the luxurious lives of kings. Even law seemed to protect them. Nevertheless, violence and turmoil were the wrong way to achieve one's goals. Violence only led to conflict and suffering. She was glad Grimsley understood this approach and that their influence had been strong enough to prevent worse. Grimsley now knew that she was part of the RHC. Carlyle was right, she had given her promise that the king or the governor would learn of the conditions of the workers without having access to any of them. But she could ask Milena a favor, even if she would not have the chance to speak to either of them. She just hoped that her words could make a difference. In no case did she want to choose between the safety of Flint and the well being of the workers. And as much as she despised the exploiters, she had sworn to defend any Risuri, regardless of who they were.*

Delft tells the two constables to go on board and help welcoming the guests while some cooks enter the ship to deliver sweets. Milena Dawkins boards the ship, as well as a somewhat depressed looking Lord Vantrys who is in the company of a much more cheerful Guy Goodson. Vantrys' mood lightens up when he sees Mr. Carlyle. The King's sister Lady Ethelyn has an Eladrin attendant with her and she seems to be as unhappy as Lord Vantrys was just some moments before.

When Auryn asks Carlyle about Vantrys' sudden change of mood, the Deva explains that he used to work for Vantrys.

After a prolonged tour around the ship, Lady Ethelyn seems tired and weary and Auryn and Gabriel take her to a room where she can rest.

The constables observe the the guests and learn that the industrialists seem to take great pleasure in the event.

The ship leaves the harbour and Auryn and Gabriel are tasked to blend in with the guests partake in the banquet under the lightning lit crystal dome (it is absolutely safe they said!)

As the banquet ends, Carlyle and Lord Vantrys talk to each other. Vantrys is not happy about his business relationship with Goodson and promises that no one is exploited in his own company. He also mentions an entrepreneur who is particularly respected (Sechim), since he leads his chemical company which he has founded on his own in a very responsible and independent manner.

Vantrys looks much more relaxed in Carlyle's presence. Auryn suspects that Carlyle is a good friend of Vantrys, but her colleague tells her he was (and somehow still is) like a son to him.

Auryn and Gabriel happen to overhear a conversation between Principal Minister Harkover Lee and King Aodhan, as the later apparently gets a bloated belly and it seems like the Fey of the sea want to make him feel that they are displeased. (The Fey are not amused about the Coaltongue). Aodhan tells Harkover Lee that he fears that the situation as it is right now might kindle an insurrection. The constables don´t geht the part what would cause his fears.

When Aodhan notices the constables, he asks them about their opinion on the Coaltongue. They tell him that they are impressed, but Auryn also mentions that the ship has caused a lot of suffering for Flint's workforce. The king explains his own burden and responsibility for all of Risur and indicates that he had to make the difficult decision to let Flint be Risur's industrial center in order to lessen the threat that is the highly industrialized Danoran military. ("At the moment, we need the industrialists"). Auryn warns him respectfully that Flint is becoming more and more of a powder keg and that one must not lose sight on the possible threats one might breed from inside.

*Auryn was astonished to see that her "future husband" (in Milena's eyes) Lord Vantrys was not only the former employer but apparently also a good friend and quasi-son of Gabriel Carlyle. She understood what he might feel for the "boy," as she had herself taken care of the little Eladrin of her Enclave, who were cared for by the whole community. She could not help but notice that Vantrys seemed more alive whenever Carlyle was present, and that he even freely expressed his thoughts. Thoughts ablout his feelings of unease when it came to his relationship with Goodson. Thoughts about the need to treat his employees well. Deep inside, she realized Vantrys was reaching out to his mentor for help. He was still too young to be without an adult adviser. She felt empathy for the young lord, but would have to disappoint Milena again. Auryn was also amazed that Lady Ethelyn had an Eladrin maid and wondered how she had come to her service. She understood the Duchess' displeasure about the new technologies, but found her open display of her discontent to show a lacking respect for the king. King Aodhan was an impressive man, who emanated a pleasant, calm and even warm aura. And he had actually listend to her concerns for the workers of Flint. Like Old Stag, he had the aura of a matriarch which made it easy for her to exchange thoughts with him and which gave her confidence. She respected the difficult decisions he had to make, even if she had not necessarily come to the same conclusion as he did. But alas, she was an Eladrin from a small enclave in Elfaivar and had no country to rule and millions of inhabitants to protect. She wondered what kinds of difficult decisions she might have to make once she was a matriarch, and for a moment she ws afraid of that burden. She only hoped that Aodhan would not lose sight of the Fey and the unseen court, since they too belonged to Risur and the hints of Old Stag sounded troubling. Old Stag ... he had to have something important to do in the dreaming if he could not be on the ship on this important day. She just hoped he was all right. His career prospects were nothing compared to a broken bond with the Fey. Harkover Lee had seemed eerie and harsh, and she did not really know what to do with the mage. Yet the King was certainly in good hands.*

The Duchess Ethelyn is missing after a few hours of absence. The constables are send to look after her by Assistand Chief Inspector Delft and to lead her back to the banquet. Delft fears that she wants to shame her brother by not being in the crowd when the king makes his speech.

On the way down, they are stopped by Carlyle's favorite columnist, who wants to know more about rumors on Lord Vantrys (his "relationship" to Goodson and hints about Vigilantism). Carlyle dismisses all of these accusations as mere rumors.

The constables find the room of Ethelyn locked, so Carlyle quickly lockpicks the door to Auryn's surprise when they hear a splashing sound. Auryn fears that the Lady has gone overboard and is shocked when she sees Ethelyn dive into the deep sea alongside Archfey Beshela on a Titanic Nautilus.

The subsequent hectic search for Ethelyn's servants ends with the discovery of several murdered technicians and sailors (including some members of the admirals flag ship which Auryn knew)

*Beshela. What had happened in the name of all the Titans that Lady Ethelyn disappeared in such an unsuitable manner with an archfey and her wretched pet? But now she was gone and "someone" had left a pile of dead people. Auryn did not have time to think about the consequences. She had to find the culprit before more people died. Before they killed more people she knew. Who meant something to her. Who were important. The faces of Milena, Telluriel Rommath, Julien, Kilika and King Aodhan floated before her eyes. And for a moment, Zahir. She would not hesitate again. She would eliminate the threat at any cost. No more would die today.*

The constables search all the decks and uncover a sabotage attempt of some cooks, the eladrin maid and two other technicians who try to make the engine explode and sink the ship.

After a short, hard fight Auryn and Gabriel can finally knock the saboteurs out and pull the fire stone out of the overheated furnace.

The constables realise that they only bought themselves some time and decide to switch off the furnace with the help of a completely planned (!) shot of the main cannon. Carlyle shovels as many firegems as possible out of the fire, while Auryn searches for Geoff Masarde and together they activate the fire sequence under the glass dome. (And interrupt the King's speech ...)

Ms. Galadin and Mr. Carlyle tell Stover Delft about Ethelyn's high treason, who in turn informs the king, while the constables move on to inform Harkover Lee. (Lee gets really angry and casts a silence to cover his cry of rage and the heroes get a very short glimpse of his eyes turning into a slit.) He also demands the death of the Duchess.

Harkover Lee commands the constables to conduct the interrogations of the prisoners who call themselves fanatical "true patriots", who support the anti-technology stance of the Duchess and lament the decline of the Risuri values, fearing that the ancient connections to the Fey will suffer beyond repair should Aodhan continue his course.

The constables are very skeptical about the changes the industrialisation brings to Flint but sharply condem the terrorist's actions.

*Treason among their own ranks. A murder plot, an act of sabotage on the Coaltongue, which could have easily extinguished hundreds of lives on the ship. Auryn was able to understand Lee's reaction (or better explosive rage) only too well. His harsh, repulsive nature now made much more sense under the prospect that he had to keep such a fiery rage under control. She could not help assuming that he could be a fey advisor to the king. Carlyle had once again been a reliable partner, who had protected her during combat .They both had taken care not to end even more lives (they had been especially careful with the eladrin maid) and were able to learn something about the motives of the "true Risuri". In fact, she understood the logic of the attackers too well and she found that she could even agree with them. However, violence, especially conducted in such an insidious and excessive way, could never be a good start for negotiations. She was sure that the king, as an intermediary between Fey and mortals, would have had an open ear for reasonable concerns, and that the terrorist's cowardly attack had destroyed all possibility for negotiation. Such behavior was unworthy of a noble sibling of the king and even less of the eladrin woman in her attendance.*

The constables are told that the King would like to speak to them again and he asks them about their life and their reasons to join the RHC. Auryn introduces herself as being the daughter of Galadin, daughter of the Kaealys, daughter of the matriarch Launga. Being quiestioned why such a descendant of Elfaivar would be part of the RHC, she explains that she was freed from "danoran captivity by a certain "Captain Dawkins" and is thus indebted to Risur. Because of this she is skeptical about an all-too-danoran path which Risur might be about to follow. Aodhan tells her that he missed Dawkins at the celebration (she tells him that he has caught a fever) and declares that he really likes his „youngest rear admiral“. Carlyle states that he has been living in Risur for centuries and has proudly served the Vantrys family until his death 7 years ago. His family, except for the young Lord Vantrys, had been killed by an attack of unknown assailants. He says he has known Flint and Risur for a long time, but is concerned about the current domestic political situation and the worker's issues. The King understands their motivation to serve Risur and shows his own pain about the betrayal of his beloved sister.

In the same night the cowardly attack is announced to the Risuri media and in the next morning the King announces that there will be negotiations with Danor for a peace treaty and that he will marry a Danoran to tie this knot.

*Auryn had not expected the King to speak to them personally. She knew there was no reason to hide her origin from the king of her new home (and in a way she was proud of what she was and had created her „elven camouflage" out of pure caution). She had to smile slightly when she caught Carlyle's surprised expression and was even mildly surprised that the King held rear admiral Dawkins in such high esteem. Likewise, she was astonished to hear about the attack on the Vantrys family and the corresponding death of Carlyle, and now she could understand the relationship between Vantrys and Carlyle a lot better. She was glad that the King had listened to the words of both of them again, and apparently also recognized their underlying wisdom. Carlyle probably knew Risur and its people better than any of them, and even he feared that Flint might soon to tear itmself from the inside. Her own experience of her imprisonment on the Danoran island and her comparison with the situation of some workers had apparently also made an impression on the king. She thought that in the end she could see many similarities between the thoughts of those present and she felt compassion for the grief of Aodhan for the loss of his sister whom he could not forgive. She herself would not know how she would cope with such an insidious kind of treason, an attempted murder by a part of her family. She comforted herself in the belief that this would never happen. Her family, her bloodline, had always been most important and holy to her, even though she was now far from home. No, a family would defend each other with their lives as she had been taught so many times before.
Auryn had feared for a moment that due to Stanfield's reactions, sanctions would be imposed on Fey supporters or critical voices, but the King's wisdom was greater than petty feelings of revenge. She herself saw the engagement with a Danoran as a wise descisono worthy of a king who wanted to maintain and build on peace. She hoped that this would also lead to diminished labor pressure and better rights for the workers. *

Contrary to all fears the population supports the king's descisions.

Auryn and Gabriel are concerned however, that the industrialists who have benefited from the armament expenditures could now plan possible intrigues against peace.

Auryn visits rear admiral Dawkins, who seems to be getting better after his „Dreaming fever“. She tells him about Beshela and he explains to her that he had fought Beshala in the Dreaming but lost because his powers were lessened by his exile. He thanks her for protecting the king in his stead. (Auryn knows Dawkins to be a strom fey exiled to live countless mortal lifes as an punishment for loving the mortals too much.)

*Despite her concern for her friend, Auryn was a little proud that he would rely on her and that she had been able to protect the king in his stead. His warm words meant a great deal to her, even though she could express it only by a friendly embrace. She had still not completely processed the events of the last day and realized now that the possible consequences were beyond her imagination. She was afraid that they might have to confront Beshela again, and if even Old Stag could not stand up to the archfey, the who would?*

Four days later Auryn and Gabriel are again summoned by Assistant Chief Inspector Delft to his office where he introduces the Minister Foreign Affairs of Danor: Lia Jierre

This part literally went by the book. No surprises here besides the party's more or less expected willingness to negotiate as much as possible instead of looking for fights.
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Auryns player wrote this recap and her thoughts are marked green.

Just four days after the unsuccessful assassination attempt against King Aodhan and after a great deal of paperwork, Auryn and Gabriel are once again summoned by Assistant Chief Inspector Stover Delft to present an unexpected guest: Minister of Foreign Affairs of Danor, Lia Jierre.

The female tiefling does not seem to have any time for courtesies, since she skips a proper greeting, and instead presents Ms. Galadin and Mr. Carlyle with a puzzle to test their wits and attitude. In this test the heroes are to connect three rings with three lines with three magic towers. They succeed very quickly after using a little creativity. (once it was clear that we were allowed to solve this puzzle in three dimensions, it became a pretty easy task. Carlyle insisted that there had to be a way to do this in 2D as it was a classic puzzle he knew from somewhere. I just didn't bother with that approach since there were towers to be connected, not circles on the ground)

Lia Jierre seems to be satisfied with their "bending of rules," as she and Delft finally tell them about the coming mission. He tells them that the escaped duchess Ethelyn has teamed up with a group of Risuri rebels from Shale and taken hold of Axis Island, which has previously been occupied by Danor since the end of the last Yerasol war. The Danorans have built industrial plants and mines on this island and, according to Lia, Danor is now on the verge of tipping the peace treaty with Risur to reconquer the island with its own military power. She claims that she won't be able to convince the war-mongers in the Danoran council that the Risuri on Axis Island are actually rebels, since this could also just be a political feint. Therefore, the only way to prevent an impending fifth Yerasol war is to officially return the island to Danor. She also tells the heroes that her cousin, Nathan Jierre, had been on a research field trip to the island and asks them to look after his whereabouts. Initially, the constables are a bit skeptical, but they see some kind of logic in this plan (After all, it was „Risur“ who broke peace, so why should the Danoran military risk their soldier's lives to reconquer the island? Still Lia seemed too cunning to be an easy candidate for trust-).

Delft is satisfied that Ms. Galadin and Mr. Carlyle agree with the plan and he sends them straight to the port, as the ship Impossible carrying Team 3 and Captain Smith should be ready to leave every moment. Lia promises a possible time frame of three days for the Risuri to clean their mess, since she won't be able to halt the Danoran war council any longer. Delft gives the heros the task to officially arrest the Duchess and learn about her motives. He also mentions to Carlyle that he is supposed to get information from her even if she was killed, but Auryn does not seem to understand what her chief means by this.

Carrying equipment for the party and Team 3, they hurry to the port, where the Impossible sets sail at the very same moment the heroes are on board. In the ship's belly, they agree to the plan Team 3 had worked out with Delft: A RHC commando group should enter the island unseen through a secret entrance in an underwater cave and then sneak into the military fortress in which the Duchess is assumed to be. There, Team 3 is to open the port gates via a mechanism and let the remaining Risuri fleet into the port, so that the otherwise impenetrable fortress can be taken without much resistance. Tanya tells them that Auryn and Carlyle are ultimately only reinforcements for Team 3 and both of them are happy with that sort of arrangement. Still, they all exchange their opinions on fighting styles. Only the Illusionist Letmas Sigurd is absent, as he left an illusion of himself to boil some tea (which Auryn finds extremely funny but turns Tanya and Carlyle rather sour).

A few hours later we meet up with the fleet in the seas of Shale under increased security conditions (after all, there are still some rebels in the city, so we do not dare to enter! I never told them but the players assumed that and i went with it.) Now finally complete, the fleet sets sail towards Axis Island.. The constables try to get as much rest as possible, as they are about to face a very long night. A few hours later, the heroes arrive unchallenged in a small bay of the island. Team 3 distributes water breathing spells to all of them and Tanya explains that they will dive ahead and will then signal Auryn and Gabriel when they cleared the path.

When the heroes actually see the expected tugging on the rope, they rush into the cave only to witness a terrible sight: Except for the Goblin Burton, all members of Team 3 have been crushed by falling rocks. Burton is also in serious trouble because his leg has been crushed under a Rock. Auryn and Gabriel rescue the goblin, drag him out of the water and make sure his leg is tended for. Still it is clear that the mission for him is over and that he will need urgent medical help. After that they retrieve the bodies of their former colleagues. In the cave itself the constables discover a petrified tree with a magically illuminated seal, as well as several unnaturally large iron nails, which have been struck into the wall. The heroes can not phantom why the nails should be there, but think that it might serve as some kind of protection from magic. Auryn climbs the petrified tree and takes the seal with the symbols of Avilona. Just as they have roughly identified the properties of this magical token (it offers the ability to fly for a short time), the constables notice some movement near the cave's exit. They decide to move carefully and with dimmed light and climb over the ladder placed in the cave. Then a person suddenly appears and commands some elementals to attack the constables. Since the heroes could only make out one man, they decide that Carlyle keeps the elementals in check while Auryn tries to "persuade" the one commanding the elementals. Auryn activates her new token so she can fly to the entrance of the cave. Surprisingly, the air elemental quickly changes sides when it feels the power of the emblem and Auryn succeeds in magically charming the attacker, telling him to wait and negotiate.

It turns out that the man, a gray-haired, skinny guy, is the foreman Nicolas Dupiers from Danor. He tells Mr. Carlyle and Ms. Galadin that his people were killed by "the forest" and a dryad, and that he was the only one who could hide in the mine and has been there for days. With many cautious and friendly words, the RHC agents explain to him that they are not the enemy and really only want to liberate the island. After a while he believes them and Auryn drops her charm. Nicolas is still frightened, but is open to suggestions on how to get him to safety should he give them his two elemental amulets. He agrees in a trade and the heros escort him out of the cave, while Burton is left to wait inside to be rescued by the ships divers. (we didn't really want Burton to dive through the water again as this could have lead to a dangerous loss of blood.)

The heroes pass a village that is "occupied" by a small group of Risuri rebels (a house with inexperienced "green soldiers") and avoid it. Then they finally find a group of danoran survivors in a forest where they release Dupiers into the care of his people and continue their mission. On their way, they realize that the rumors about the "strange island" are true, as the scenery suddenly changes and they find themselves in a strange place under a blue sun (which also fits to Burton's report that the deadly rocks had come out of nowhere). The constables suspect that the nails they found everywhere could help against such unwanted changes of reality. In the middle of the night, they get to the Axis fortress and sneak to the opposite side without any problem. Auryn and Gabriel use the scrolls which had been prepared for Team 3 (which had been made by Harkover himself - thank you, old man!) to pass the wall of the outer fortress and sneak along the wall towards the harbor. Since they and their elementals are all very light-footed and / or flying, they arrive without an incident at the port's wall. On the way to the lighthouse, the constables find a warehouse with dozens of Danoran corpses, which had been carlessly piled there. As they had the foresight to request invisibility potions, they use them to get into the interior of the lighthouse and stun both the wizard, the guarding officer, and the little dragon familiar before they open the harbor gate with the opening mechanism and barricade themselves and their prisoners inside. Thanks to Carlyle's quick thinking, the heroes use the emblem they got from Dupiers to close their hideout with a (perfectly fitting!) wall of stone. This way, they can wait for the soon arriving reinforcements without being in danger as they use the spare time to browse through the wizard's notes. (Unfortunately, it contained nothing of interest)

(That really caught me unprepared. I decided that a wall of stone was not anticipated by the attackers and i could not see them fetching picks and heavy hammers in in such a short time, so i gave a well deserved point to the players. The wall held up against all waves of attackers who ran back to get equipment. Has any of the other partys had the same idea?)

Ten minutes into battle, Ms. Galadin and Mr. Carlyle are liberated by their own forces. A look outside reveals that the battle for the fortress has already begun and more and more royal troops are disembarking in the harbour. During a short chat with an allied soldier about the situation and the whereabouts of Team 3, a gigantic fireball suddenly hits one of the ships. After the dust of the detonation has settled, the heroes see with horror that "something" wrapped in smoke, wielding a fiery sword and whip plows through the battling soldiers in the lower part of the fortress. They can not make out whether this person is a friend or foe, and the moment Auryn sees a flying lion shield she suspects that this could be „The Lion Shield“, a kind of avenger for the unseen court. Since Ethelyn escaped the Coaltonuge by the help of a fey, the constables are afraid that this berserker could be about to rush to Ethelyn's aid. So they decide to follow him at a reasonable distance. But since he also seems to be cutting down Risuri rebels (and is only referred to as a "god of war" even by rebel soldiers), they suspect that he might be working for a third party or be a completely rogue element. However, the constables lose his track after a few minutes. They agree to follow him again, should he reappear, as he might know a way into the inner fortress. Otherwise, Auryn and Gabriel just plan to wait until the siege engines finally make their way through the main gate.

(I was quite happy that the party appeared as shellshocked as the soldiers they encountered and had actually prepared Auryn´s player about „this Lionshield“. She wanted the vekeshi in Flint to not be murderers and so she asked what Dawkins would do if the Court demanded the death of someone and Old stag feeled the need to deny the request. I told her about a guy who is sent when the unseen court is really angry about something. My players sometimes misread hints and complain later and i did not want them to charge Asrabey not knowing the risks.)

In the meantime the RHC agents hear news about a "prison" that has been taken by the royal forces, but whose danoran prisoners refuse to hand out any information. Since Carlyle knows how to use and get even the smallest bit of information, and Nathan Jierre is still missing, they decide to help out with the interrogation. It turns out that the Danorans were mistreated badly by the Risuri. Bit by bit they learn that the people refuse to talk to them because they are afraid of a certain Danoran soldier. So they decide to approach the man who is suffering from a bad wound on his eye. The soldier seems to hate all Risuri and does not want to believe that the attackers were simple rebels. The heroes try to explain to him that 1) if he truely was a Danoran patriote he had to support the decisions of his government and that 2) a king of Risur would certainly not attack the people of his future bride. After some tough discussions he finally tells Mr. Carlyle and Auryn that he is secretly suspecting an inside job, since the well-defended fortress would never have fallen that fast. In exchange, the constable hand him over his weapons, take care of his wounded eye, and order their people to leave the Danorans who apparently wish to defend themselves.

Outside the prison they find another track of the "god of war" and finally find an escape route (which we have already assumed be out there somewhere), which would lead directly to the port. This leads to a complex with a teleportation circle, which had been changed with a magic ritual. Also 87 golden swords and some dead soldiers lie scattered on the ground. This magical gate now points to an unknown location in the Dreaming. Carlyle fears that the Fey/God of War could summon more reinforcements and covers the circle with some of the gold swords to seal it off. The party continues to make guesses about who the guy could be, and with the help of Carlyle's experiences (he has never fought against such a person before, yet the style seems familiar to him) and Auryn's knowledge (the last survivors of Elfaivar were armed to the teeth and would cut down entire companies in their rage) they conclude that they could be lucky and their attacker might "only" be a very well-equipped Eladrin veteran. Just as they come to this conclusion, they notice someone moving swiftly atop the roofs, in the direction of the main keep. The heroes follow him on the ground as fast as they can, when he suddenly leaps and activates a magically glowing sphere. The growing light illuminates the smoke around him and to Auryn's horror she recognizes the man from ancient descriptions as Asrabey, the esteemed husband of her ancestress Kasravina, who was the mother of matriarch Launga (he also seems to have recognized at least something familiar in her, since he casts a friendly wink in her direction). Shortly after, the constables are blinded by the bright light and can only hear how the iron nails are torn out of the wall. Then the landscape changes at once. Fortunately the light grows darker soon, and Carlyle remembers that a certain Asrabey had been a great help to the Risuri in a past Yerasol war, as they happened to be on the same side (he had freed a captive Eladrin, good man! ). To their surprise, they find themselves in a swampy environment, which somehow replaces the wall that had been in front of them and opens up the way to a huge labyrinth.

Asrabey first cuts his way through the hedge with his blazing sword and then continues his way running above the thicket, as the party slowly cuts through the labyrinth and fights with illusions and animals. They „persuade“ one of the fey hedge guards to clear a part of the way for them, but this fey is killed by "something" shortly thereafter. The murderer then confronts Auryn and Gabriel personally: it turns out to be a Dryad, an ally of Ethelyn. Since the constables seem unable to negotiate this time (and the dryad's initial attack on Carlyle was totally unexpected), they face the threat and beat her down. The way to the main keep is now (hopefully!) open.
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On the way to the main fortress, only a few hedges seem to separate the constables from the central tower when they suddenly hear voices and steps and decide to hide behind a hedge. Their instinct turns out to be right, as shortly afterwards three Risuri, led by an (quote Auryn "pretty") elf, clad in the colors of the duchess pass by. Since the constables suspect that they might want to hurry to their mistress and probably know the way through the labyrinth better than they do, they decide to follow the three at short distance. They lead them unknowingly to the front of the entrance of the tower, where the entire security team seems to have fallen victim to Asrabey's blade and shield. Since the two are under heavy time pressure, they decide to clear the way by using light „pats on the back of the head“ on the guards. Meanwhile, the pretty elf officer tries in vain to persuade his utterly afraid soldiers to enter the tower. Both constables apologize politely and make sure the passed out soldiers suffer no harm before following Asrabey into the tower.

Inside the defensive fortress they find a massacre, as rebels and soldiers of the Duchess were killed regardless of their age or affiliation. Auryn seems to have problems with the sight of so much violence and death, but forces herself to move on. When they finally arrive on the top floor of the tower, they hear a quiet, elven-sounding voice which seems to speak with Ethelyn, as she is probably about to be tried for treason against her brother and the unseen court. Since the constables suspect that Asrabey (to whom the voice apparently belongs) would kill Ethelyn at any moment, which would ruin the mission and any hope of insight into Ethelyn's motives, Auryn risks to confront the Eladrin warrior alone. Carlyle is supposed to hold back as he could be the last surviving representative of the RHC soon and would then have to report what happened to Delft. In a very nerve-wracking conversation, Auryn tells Asrabey, the "esteemed husband of Kasvarina," that by the executing the Duchess, he would only drive a stronger wedge between the king and the unseen court, as this might deprive Aodhan of his own revenge. (Asraby taking a secret liking to his beloved matriarchs cute descendant was the only reason Asraby even cared to negotiate. He finally decides that he does not want harm Auryn and her friends and actually keeps his end of his bargain instead of killing the duchess and trying to escape with the tiefling.) And that it was the king who has originally been the victim of the murder/sabotage plot on the Coaltongue. She tries to evoke the unity between Fey and mortals as a symbol of strength and a special characteristic of Risur, and Asrabey seems to listen to her words. In the meantime, the conversation is interrupted by a young, inquisitive tiefling, who, according to the constables' conclusions, has to be Nathan Jierre. Asrabey is visibly angry at Ethelyn's "devil" she's in league with, but Nathan explains that he is on the Fey's side and was actually the one who had informed the Duchess about Danor's war research on the island. He says that he had also seen someone named Kasvarina Varal on the island, and that this lady "hung on the arm of a danoran businessman" (and according to Asrabey had also built the teleport point in the city). Asrabey promises that he could think about leaving the Duchess alive and handing her over to the Risuri, if he would in return been given free escort to the nearest coast of Risur. Additionally, he wants to take Nathan with him, so the court might interrogate him in the future. Auryn agrees, but tells him that she would like to come to a mutual agreement on this matter with her "friend and colleague" who is still waiting for her outside the door. When Carlyle enters the room, Asrabey reacts extremely shocked as he views the Deva as an old enemy. Carlyle tells him, however, that he has abandoned the conflict between Crisillyir and Elfaivar centuries ago and that he wishes to sharply distance himself from the battles of the past. He believes that atrocities were committed on both sides and that even after the Malice too much fanaticism prevailed, so that afterwards he preferred a quiet life to escape the horrors of war. Asrabey seems to understand Carlyle's words, and it almost seems as if he would wish for an end to murder and fighting. He says he had been a warrior for the court for 200 years, and before that he had been a fighter at the side of Kasvarina (who also had a reputation of being an assassin/terrorist if one would believe the clergy). He hopes to see his wife again and says that he will keep searching for her.

When the constables are sure Asrabey will not do any harm to his two hostages, they retreat from the tower and talk to Captain Smith and the Admiral who's in charge of the fleet. They claim to seek a way to enable Asrabey to "escape" to Risur by taking a fast ship which is run by only the most basic crew. Smith is not too happy about this suggestion, but ultimately agrees to let the Eladrin go aboard the "Impossible".

The two head back to the tower and wait for a sign that the ship is ready to go. Carlyle talks to Nathan and he mutters that he would like to seek asylum in Risur as he fears that his cousin Lia could have him executed as a traitor because he had written the letter to Ethelyn in hope of peace (he himself was not a spy, he claims, only a researcher dealing with the spheres). When the "Impossible" signals that she's ready, the constables accompany Asrabey and his two prisoners to the port, taking care that none of the other Risuri does anything stupid. They have a few moments with the duchess, in which she explains that she has been trying for years to warn her brother of the Danorans. She tells us that she has received a prophecy suggesting that "the king" was ultimately to be governed by a man who had died a thousand times, and that some of the signs of that prophecy had already come true. We believe that the mere possibility of such prophecy, however terrible it may be, does not justify a „preventive fratricide“. So Ethelyn is carried away on a ship to Slate.

Since there is still a little time left until the Risuri have to hand over the island, the constables are looking for the next best presumed weapons factory, although they are already completely exhausted. At tzhe factory grounds, however, they find only rudimentary attempts of a prototype and blueprints of a kind of magical gatling, which is still far from any kind of assembly. What falls into their hands, however, is a code book with the inscription "Fordren Industries" (a sight which really shocks Auryn). On Carlyle's request, she tells him that it was a man with that family name who had held her prisoner on one of the Yerasol Islands.

As they head back to the fortress, all other ships of the Risuri fleet have disappeared, except for one cargo ship. Shortly after, Lia arrives with her entourage (an elf and a half-orc) in the abandoned harbor and they give her, or more specifically Danor, the island back. The two credibly tell her that they suspect that her cousin Nathan was abducted, but still alive, and that they do not know exactly where he is. She thanks them in the name of Danor, and promises them, besides a reward, an invitation to her wedding as she is – to their surprise – the future wife of King Aodhan.

After a little more than a day, the constables return to Flint and report to Stover Delft about what really happened on the island and show him the amulets that they have found and brought with them. Delft awaits a detailed report and suggests that they hand over the amulets to Harkover Lee, as he is probably the one who has the best knowledge of "magical stuff". Also, the „old man“ would probably have use for a swift report on the events that happened on the island. They also give him the book with the code, and Auryn asks Delft to instantly inform her if he is to find something about a person or people named Fordren. (that Fordren guy really ticks her off)

The next day they travel to Slate by an express coach. Auryn does not seem to be able to cope with the massacres and all the dead people on the island, and Carlyle tries to explain to her that her feelings of grief are actually a good sign, since it would be much more terrible if such a loss of life meant nothing to her. He tells her that 500 years ago he had not been able to cope with what had happened in the war, and that after the death of the goddess he could somehow see the restless spirits and therefore had to leave Crisilliyr. He explains that since these days he has learned a lot about the spirits and the dead, which surprises Auryn very much (and for a moment, she is even fearing for the soul of a "certain someone" who died in vain. Her Cousin Zahir who died on the journey).

In Slate, the constables hand over the magical artifacts to Principal Minister Lee, who thanks them for their report, but seems to have surprisingly little knowledge about Fey and the court, which in the end makes them doubt the theory that he could truly be a Fey.

In the evening on the journey back to Flint they find that their tavern is hosting a fake "cultural elven event" and Auryn is a little anoyed by the mostly wrong presentation of her culture but is appeased by the good imported wines and the actually very good food.

Mr. Carlyle is somehow hypnotised by the elven music and sees the human waitresses with the fake elven ears and wrong elven fancy dresses change into genuin eladrin dancers serving food und dancing to genuine elfaivar music. He is disturbed by this but does not tell Auryn that he hallucinates.

(Just as the party came to Bole Carlyle's player told me that he had been using an alchemical potion to suppress the eladrin goddess influence that he hears since his change and has forgotten to take the potion the last weeks. Ultimately he wanted to change his Alchemist class to an arcanist and thought that he had supressed this knowledge all the years. I had to come up with something fast and decided some confusion would be nice. Mr. Carlyle sees himself surrounded by elfaivar people whenever there is a strong stimulus till he accepts his gift of the goddess, which he did just in the beginning of adventure two.)
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When we return back to Flint after our short trip, we immediately report back to Assistant Chief Inspector Delft. He seems to be satisfied with our work and is expecting our complete written report about the events on Axis island. Because of our good work, he promotes us to "Constables 2nd class". We are extremely grateful for this honor. He unofficially explains that Gale's attacks are getting more and more frequent and that someone should take care of it should the opportunity arise. (I wanted to hint of things to come)

The next morning, we are called to Lady Inspectress Saxby's office, where she officially orders us to take care of the case of Gale. She gives us four weeks to gather all the information about Gale's whereabouts and plans and to arrest her, should the opportunity arise. Saxby also tells us that as long she has not chosen a new Team 3 yet, we can move into their old office. We ask her about Burton and are told that the Goblin moved to Slate and we speculate that he might need some distance after the loss of his comrades.

As Team 3's old files are still lying around in their office, we decide to check up on them. However, we cannot really decipher their (partly elven) code, which we think is a creation of the late Tanya Blattgold. We decide to write a letter to Burton and ask him if he can help us decode their files, or whether he would prefer to have the files sent to his new office in Slate. Since he apparently needs distance from his previous work, we expect the former.

Around noon Carlyle, who has been eating in the cafeteria, reads that a kind of trainer is being sought for the prison-ships of Goodson. He is bewildered at the concept of using a ship as a prison and can hardly imagine the concept of "rehabilitation".

At the same time Auryn visits the Dawkins estate to announce that she will be coming for dinner today. However, the very friendly Julien Moore (Dawkins former ship steward) insists that she stays for lunch. When she arrives at the RHC again, Carlyle asks her to meet him in his home the next afternoon, as he needs her help. She is a little surprised, but she agrees anyway. The two then discuss the concept of prison ships and they agree that it is extremely alarming that Goodson now also starts managing private prisons. They wonder if there is anything left in this world out of which the man doesn't try to make profit.

(Goodson gets to be the hated Mr. Nice Guy ... all good things he does leave a foul taste in the players mouth.)

On their way home, Carlyle notices that Goodson has established a fairly cheap tabloid newspaper which is reporting on fires on a prison ship and attributing the fire to the "terrorist Gale". He is more than just worried about Goodson when he sees an advertisement for the Vantrys ironworks factory "Gutstahl" in the same newspaper and their logo seems to indicate that the factory has close ties to Goodson.

(The party took an interest in the industralism conflict but they had the tendency to see it as evil and i wanted to start some controversy and see how they would react when their most hated industrialist seems to ally with Mr. Gabriel's Lord Vantrys. I told them „Gutstahl“ (baking pans etc.) was an old brand that was beloved by the flinter households but has steeply declined in the last years due to financial problems of the Vantrys family.)

When Auryn arrives at the Dawkins estate, Milena is concerned about the apparently miserable condition of Auryn. Since she does not want to burden her friend with the ugly details, she tells her that she saw too much suffering and death on her last assignment and does not really know how to deal with it. Milena tells her that she happens to know "someone", who had to cope with the same kind of problem (She means that Auryn should speak to her husband who has seen death's ugly face in the Yerasol war.). After Morris's arrival and their dinner together, the read admiral asks his wife for a little time with Auryn in the cigar room. Morris offers Auryn a "special" cigar which Auryn accepts with a grin. (Auryns player loved to smoke a marijuana cigar with her "father".). She tells him about the incident on Axis island and her insomnia, but also mentions Asrabey, Nathan and Kasvarina. Morris tells her that he fears a rift within the Fey community due to Beshela's actions and the ongoing industrialiation of Risur. He also mentions that he had to learn gradually that many actions, which are natural to the a Fey of the Dreaming, can cause great suffering in the realm of mortals and lead to serious consequences. He gives her the advice to not judge herself too harshly and finally offers her some rest by enchanting her with a sleep spell.("sleep my beloved child. you need to rest your mind.")

The next morning, Auryn wakes up in a guest room and heads back home. Around noon, she appears at Carlyle's place, who leads her through his house to his alchemy room and shows her a heavy spellbook, which is written in a very old elven style and also includes religious themes. He explains to his very surprised colleague that he had unconsciously written texts and spells into this book since his first rebirth and his transformation into a Deva. As he was disturbed by his uncontrolled writings, he sought to find a way to suppress his urges to work on the book with alchemical potions. But as the knowledge about Fey, Eladrin, and their relationship with Risur seem to become more and more important for his work as a constable, he wants to try to let his suppressed traits reappear again. He even seems interested in trying to understand and learn the unconsciously written magic. Auryn is more than impressed by the content and scope of his book, explaining that she herself had to study casting magic from books many decades ago, but never learned it correctly. She tells him about Estelar, one of her mother's husbands who was keen on invoking a spark of magic in "his daughter". Auryn explains that to Estelar's disappointment she had no talent for book magic but that maybe her rudimentary knowledge could help him. Carlyle explains that he has made an alchemical mixture to neutralize his suppressive drug and drinks it in her presence. As lightning flashes over his face, both feel like being torn from their bodies and fly to a clearing at the border to the Dreaming.
There we see a guardian in the form of a deer, who explains that he has yet to decide whether he can allow the Deva to cross the threshold to the Dreaming. He says that he will observe and judge him by his deeds. Carlyle asks Auryn about the meaning of the deer's words and she suspects it could be related to the case of Gale. After a short stay, they fly back to Stray River. On their journey back both of them notice that a dark presence is imprisoned in Cauldron Hill, which is confined by an arcane protective network in the nettles.

(The deer is inspired by the guardian of the threshold from various shadowrun books and is both a guardian of Risur's border to the Dreaming as well as a spiritual sentinel of magic. I have not decided yet if I use him instead of Old Stag or if he actually is the Old Stag. Right now he is a tool to get Mr. Carlyle to know the mystic side of Risur without exposing the Vekeshi of Risur to his mercy. Just a bit of flair to add to Risur. I hope, i find a way to use Mr. Carlyle's new magic get him used to the goddess and more importantly to get him to see the Vekeshi as a just movement. Otherwise it could get ugly, if he finds his trusted partner to be one of the hated terrorists.)

We spend the next few hours practicing magic together and Carlyle asks Auryn about her opinion of Gale. Auryn explains that she cannot imagine that Gale would ever seriously harm people, at least not if she had grown up with the same philosophy as she did. She also tells that she once had met Gale at a party and got the feeling that the Eladrin's only troubles were with Danor (and therefore with technology).(Auryn just assumes that all Eladrin follow the vekeshi philosophy. Probably she grew up too well guarded. *not so evil grin*)

The next day we are called back to Delft's office. He tells us that a half sunken cargo boat was found in Parity Lake in the morning which now blocks the channel. He suspects that Gale might have something to do with it, and that her actions now angered some really powerful people. We also learn that people accuse her to have sabotaged several factories and that this sabotage might have resulted in fires. (there where some newspapers destroying Gales reputation later this day and we all know who paid for the bad press.) We decide to examine the crime scene.

In Parity Lake, the local police forces are busy controlling the curious onlookers and protesters. People accuse us of destroying evidence which might point to the fact that the factory owners might have faked the "accident" themselves to prevent them from striking. We calm the people down and assure that we are only here to find out the truth behind this presumed sabotage. The investigation of the cargo boat (which causes Mr. Carlyle to slip and fall into the water. He later insists that he wanted to dive anyways) reveals that the ship was indeed sabotaged and sunk. In addition, we find a small box containing a mimic of unknown (alchemical) origin. This could be an indication that the perpetrator works with an alchemist or even be one. Carlyle decides to take the "thing" to his lab to analyze it later (and then to give it as a present to Delft they almost gave Delft a heartattack ). We then ask old Tom, a day-laborer at the pier if he saw anything suspicious and after a small payment he explains that he saw a flying woman carrying an axe on the boat. As his description of a flying woman is a direct reference to Gale (not too many flying people in Flint...), we're convinced that she is really the culprit. We offer Tom to pay him to keep an eye on the lake.

Back at the RHC, we give Delft an update on Gale. We speculate what sentence gale might be facing for her crimes and conclude that she could end up in prison for a very long time. Auryn hints that there are other people who are probably hurting Risur much more than Gale and are still not persecuted by RHC agents. Delft kind of agrees but explains that these "others" didn't carelessly annoy and financially damage too many influential people. On our request, he tells us that the former team 3's funeral would take place the next morning, and that would be given leisure time for the rest of the day.

After their conversation with Delft, Carlyle asks Auryn why she would feel so much sympathy for those who practiced vigilante justice. She tells him that she herself does not know exactly what to do with people who do evil deeds but cannot be persecuted by traditional law enforcement. Carlyle seems to reject this thought, but Auryn gets the impression that he is distancing himself far less from vigilantism than he wants it to seem.

The next morning, the burial for our comrades takes place. Carlyle seems a bit astonished at the sight of Auryn's white-red mourning garb and her traditional paintings. (I wonder if she looked like a japanese kabuki player playing a miko?). He realises that the funeral does shake her to the bones, but does not want to impose himself on her (probably due to Morris Dawkins' presence) . The rear admiral offers to take us to Stray River and we gratefully accept the offer. After leaving Carlyle at his home, Dawkins asks Auryn about her colleague because he feels an unprecedented connection of the Deva with the old spirits of the Eladrin and Fey. She tells her old friend of Carlyle's magic and his desire to understand what's happening to him. Dawkins tells her to find out if whether he's going to be a powerful friend or foe of the Fey. He also asks her to contact Gale and gives her a wooden framed mirror as a gift for the apparently hiding Eladrin.

After changing clothes, Auryn appears at Carlyle's house to practice with him - again -, which seems just like an obvious distraction maneuver to the Deva. He asks her openly whether working as a constable was truly the right job for her if this incident puts her off track this much. Auryn tells him that because of her seeming inability to deal with death and because she seems to adhere much less to the rules of her people, she fears that she might have lost her way. Caryle tries to comfort her and tells her that while one can always suppress grief for the moment, truly coping with it takes a lot of time. Also, simply following the rules because they are given rules without ever questioning them doesn't seem like a wise idea. (Well i guess he means the rules Auryn learned in Elfaivar because he is pretty stubbornly following his own rules which are a mix of traditional beliefs in aristocracy and written risuri laws. He has not told Auryn yet about him being secretly Zorro the masked avenger for the Vantrys family.)
And while Auryn thinks that not wanting to put the lives of others at risk or even sacrifice them for her own survival are signs of an inherent weakness, Mr. Carlyle tells her that in his opinion her "flaws" are signs of her courage and compassion. After thanking her colleague for his encouragement, Auryn suggests Carlyle could visit his "friend, Lord Vantrys", who is pretty obviously looking for his support. He considers this a good idea.
On the next day, Delft is assigning us to a new case: a young Half-elf had been caught trying to break into the Danoran embassy, tried to escape and then crashed into an iron fence. What's intriguing about this case is that she was trying to "fly" out of the window of the fourth floor before crashing down and getting impaled by the fence. As this accident is a bilateral incident, the RHC is responsible to investigate a the "foreign embassy". So we head straight to the embassy, only to find a blank fence next to a police barrier plus some indignant Danorans.

Julien LeBrix, the security chief of the Danoran Embassy tells us that they took the dead woman to the ground floor and we decide to let him explain the incident from his point of view. He tells us that the dead woman, Nilasa Hume, was a friend of one of the guards and had brought them sweets as usual. When no one paid any attention to her, she disappeared to the upper floors, took some gold and a valuable art egg, and fled upstairs. He had pursued her, fearing she could jump out the window and shot her in the leg. She then jumped out of the window, he accidentally shot her in the back, and then she landed on the fence and bled to death. The story sounds extremely unbelievable to us, so we investigate the crime scene and the dead woman's body. It turns out that Nilasa was shot after "landing" on the fence (not before!) and that she had a slightly necrotic wound in her face which had been recently healed by magic. She also carries a empty potion bottle and has a certificate of bail issued by an Alfred Bellastair. Under a carpet on the fourth floor, we discover (despite or thanks to the seemingly uncooperative LeBrix Lebrix was obviously helping them but never admitting that he did) traces of blood, which have to be the result of some sharp weapon and which would be perfectly fitting to Nilasa's wound on her head. We persuade LeBrix to visit us unofficially in a cafe within a day or two, and he seems to agree. We also express our condolences to Nilasa's friend, a certain Brendan, and note that the Danoran guards seem to be under the influence of Fey Pepper. Since Nilasa had brought them sweets, and one of the boxes has the imprint of the shovelnose ray tavern, we decide to question Brendan and the guards. We learn from Brendan that Nilasa had previouslyworked for a certain Heward Sechim, the very alchemist who had been called a humanist by Vantrys back on the Coaltongue.

(the players investigate the fence in the courtyard and come to the right conclusions that the fence is too far away to be reached by someone that fell out of the windows. They think that Nilasa tried to use some flying magic but was blind from the wound in her face and did not see the fence on which she got impaled.)

We order Nilasas corpse to be taken to the RHC for autopsy and Carlyle tells Auryn that because of his connection to the spirits, he is able to contact the deceased. When asked by Gabriel why she has "broken into" the embassy, Nilasa answered that she wanted to prove that the Danorans work on something that might harm Risur (Carlyle assured her that he only wants the best for Risur and also wants to bring those to justice who caused her death). When asked who she is working for, she says "for Gale".

Since we have not found any stolen evidence for suspicious Danoran activity with her, we suspect that she must either have an accomplice or that LeBrix has already taken it from her corpse. The next place for inquiries seems to be the shovelnose ray tavern where Brendan and Nilasa have met, so we head there. (The police apparently also has found no further clues… They will report later. The shovelnose ray tavern (the players never found the reference to the german kampfschwimmer emblem. I even gave hints and promised a reward if they looked it up but they never bothered.) is the Dockers tavern where the hip Docker artists meet their wealthy patrons and Auryn is very familiar with it. I changed the name of the tavern which Nilasa was supposed to frequent.)

Around noon, owner Tad Hilly, a waitress called Barb, "the band" and a group of students are present, the latter exchanging their thoughts loudly in the "Riot Room" upstairs. We explain to a very horrified Barb that Nilasa is dead and ask her whether she had bought sweets today. Since the grim news seems to take its toll on the old woman, we wait politely, while Tad treats us to a wine for the bad news and the prospect that we will investigate the case of their dead friend. Both the band and the students are attracted by the turmoil. At first, Hennet, a geologist (himself loudly arguing), complains that there is too much noise downstairs, which in turn alarms the band. When we want to ignore the two groups and ask the two tavern workers to tell us more about Nilasa, Hennet intervenes and asks us why we would have any authority to question people here. We declare that we are from the RHC and investigate the case of Nilasa, which apparently does not get us any sympathies. Hennet demand a discourse about authority with us (and apparently does not recognizes the deficiencies in his own claim). Auryn is piqued about his reasoning and behavior and tries to silence him with statements about Miller and the history of the kings Risur (without whom no human community in Risur could have ever been founded), and after a while he tells them that Nilasa asked for a letter in Crisillyiri highspeech, but he did not know exactly what she wanted. Carlyle concludes that this could be either a letter to an entrepreneur (La Familia? again a paranoid player who is astonishingly right) or to a Crisillyiri noble.
(Auryn did eventually return to Hennet to hand him a short, written essay on the nature of authority and why having laws and those who enforce them offers more protection to those who are weak than living in anarchy. She just didn't want to feel forced to act to some nosey boy's demands)

Both Tad and Barb sincerely tell us that Nilasa was a nice woman and we decide to ask the named bailiff about the bail that was paid for her. In the corresponding office the officers tell us that Nilasa's bail was paid by a certain Heward Sechim. Getting her out of jail was not that hard for him, as Nilasa only had a juvenile crime record. He would also have tried to free her alleged accomplices, Ford Sivghum and Travis Starter, who could not be released because of they had infringed the conditions of their probation. They had caught Nilasa in a tavern literally sitting on a box with valuable stolen property but could not prove that she knew of the box' contents. We thank the officers and head to the industrial district of Partiy Lake to visit Mr. Sechim.

On the way to Sechim's factory we see a number of protesters standing in front of groups of guards who are guarding some of the factories. Sechim's chemical factory is apparently not subject to strikes and the "doorman" leads us right to his boss, the young Heward Sechim. We learn that he is the grandson of the famous missing Skyseer, Nevard. Sechim expresses his dismay at Nilasa's death and tells us that he finally understands what his grandfather's vision meant: That an adopted daughter would fly to her death. As he leads us to Nilasa's old room, he tells us that the half-elf has been working for him for two years, and he hoped that she had finally ended her criminal career. He seems to be a humane employer, who appreciates his workers and teaches them properly before letting them do dangerous work. Since we are extremely sympathetic to him, and realize that he is facing financial troubles, we discuss spontaneous ideas about how he could exploit his quasi-monopolistic position in order to promote ethical entrepreneurs and to demand more from those who exploit or abuse their workers. He also tells us that his new "super acid" Alkahest had caused great interest and he had already been threatened by shadowy characters who were stinking like burnt oil. Moreover, even Stanfield wants to buy the stuff for a dumping price, which makes him seem suspicious. (I always wondered why the players reacted so strongly to Stanfield wanting to buy cheaper? He was instantly suspected to be involved in any conspiracy because of this.)

On the way from Sechim to the Lord of Law's office, we once again try to analyze what all the protesting is about. When we ask them, the protesters tell us that their family members are locked up in the factories to prevent them from striking. The police would not help them, on the contrary, some of the guards are actually police officers who are working a second job in their off time. We are indignant at these revelations, and decide to closely examine the guards and memorize their figures in order to raise appeals against them (we are sure that the officials of Risur have to swear an oath to protect its citizens just like we had to...). As the protesters do not seem to have enough money for an attorney, we are discuss the possible plan to direct the political activity of the students in the "riot room" to a more "productive" way. In addition, we are planning to go a similar way as prosecutor Starke could be more sympathetic to the worker's case if we do him a favor by giving him his ancestor's lost notebook.

At the Judiciary Office, we are told that we should head to the port if we want to question the prisoners Starter and Sivghum, since the two are facing their sentence aboard Goodson's prison ships. Shortly afterwards we witness a strange encounter of the Lord of Law with a Crisillyiri businessman, whom seem to have a private meeting. (I interduced Mr. Cippiano and the players later wondered what the not so evil „Don“ had to discuss with the lord judge? As they almost love and definitely respect Cippiano they never bothered to investigate. *grin*) Since it is already too late to get on supply ships to the prison fleet that day (and even Delft has already left his office), we decide to call it a day.

This evening, Carlyle visits Lord Vantrys to have a talk with him. Vantrys still seems to be doing business with Goodson, but he is trying to heed Carlyle's advice to part from him as soon as possible. He seems to have jumped onto the current "fencers" trend and declares that he wants to join other young men in the evening. Carlyle advises him to think about the stories of the Ragman and also about his rank as a nobleman.

(Carlyle knows the fencer movement to be a historical reoccurring homosexual movement and does not approve but denies any knowledge. *grin*)

The next morning until we try to give meeting Lebrix a try and so we wait in the indicated cafe till noon. (i feel that Stray River is where immigrants from Crisillyir live in greater numbers. Its not a "coincidence" that Mr. Cippiano owns the above mentioned cafe)
Unfortunately he doesn't show up. But who we do see again is the Crisillyiri man who met the Lord of Law yesterday. He is frequented by shady people who report their finished orders to him. Because of the overall situation, Carlyle concludes that "Don Cippiano" has to be a higher ranking member of La Familia. We wonder what he could have discussed with the Lord of Law ...

Next we go to the alchemists in Pine Island, who are supposed to have a shop next to a certain "house elf". The gnomish owner Ms. Waryeye (a descendant of Clan Millorn?) is very attentive and tells us that one actually needs a license for buying and selling invisibility potions (which Nilasa certainly did not have) and that a wandering alchemist from Ber had bought her signature herbal mixture recently. Since to us it is obvious that Nilasa wouldn't have gone to a proper alchemist without owning a license, we leave the gnomes uninvestigated for the time being. (the players were shocked that the gnome seemed impervious to their 30+ sense motive checks and complained about a design flaw … a professinal alchemist having a access to potion of glibness seems unfair really … *mildly but friendly sarcastic* ) (it wasn't so much the potion, but the fact that glibness was a level 3 bard spell which would have required a lv 7 bard for creation and was worth a whopping 1000GP which she digested just because she was being "cautious" which raised our brows ;) )

At the harbor's police station, we tell the officials that there might be a corpse in the harbor basin, which does not surprise them at all ("has been happening very often lately" I jumped at the oppurtunity to use the classic line of the mafia member reporting to the Don: „he sleeps with the fish“). We are barely catching the transfer boat to the prison fleet and are a bit surprised that Goodson's son introduces himself as the prison's director. We explain to him that the prisoners maybe should be taught to read first before they are given books and then let him lead us to the moldy cells of Ford and Travis. With the prospect of being allowed visitors (the friends of Ford and the son of Travis), as well as being moved to a brighter cell, we get to learn more about Nilasa's plans: The half-elf got "a lot of money from the Fey" from Gale. She had planned to buy a box full of wands (possibly from the Familia? are all players so paranoid?) with which she wanted to pull off a bigger action. To this end, she wanted to meet up with her contacts and the house elf at the Bayou of Pine Island on the 4th or 5th (the two prisoners have contradicted each other one was reported to have been drinking more heavily). We decide to pass on the negotiated benefits for the two prisoners to the judges concerned and to look for further information.
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Keep it up.

I want to make sure I understand. The green parentheticals are the players' comments, and the blue ones are yours as GM?

Yes, but some of my comments are on the ironical side. Not to be taken really seriously. *friendly grin*

And some meaning could be distorted because of the translation from german. The last post still need some editing to be readable.

PS: The editing is mostly done now.
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