• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

To all Wizards Patrons



Wizards Anonymous. (WA).


WA is to be held for all suffering patrons who have not been able to get their usual fix of quality Role Playing entertainment due to any site problems, scheduling issues, computer connections (or lack there of), the basic human need for sleep and/or food, babysitting duties, school testing, work and other equally irritating things that seem to pop up.

The first official meeting of WAis to be held,.now. Feel free to chime in with your own personal feelings and forms of self expressions on the matter. Don’t bottle it all up people. It’s bad for you and can only result in further bad karma in the world.

Breathe. Reflect. Share. If it gets too rough just think 'WA'. Even say it out loud. 'WA' I know it helps me to think there are others out there who are going through the same thing as myself.

Here, I’ll start. When I decided to sit down at the computer and found the site denied to me I felt,…upset. Although it was a pretty day out I was….frustrated with my inability to get the proper response when I tried to log in. At first frightened and confused, I only served to upset myself further by attempting various methods of logging in. Slowly, I’m getting better though. The initial shock and disappointment has worn off and I’m no longer making family members cry when they say hello. The sweating and accidental swearing has died down quite a lot and I find I’m gaining comfort in…..well…lots and lots of ice cream. Anyone have any ideas on different flavors I can try? :bigeyes:

With all my best wishes,

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When I couldn't get on the site, I started shaking a little bit. I was trying to control it, but I couldn't handle the fact that on my Chat window, it showed "Connection Rejected." Why would it reject me..? There was nothing wrong with me.. nothing! I.. I started getting angry..

...You don't want to see me angry...



Feel the support....

::Nods understandingly::

Yes, good good. Let it all out people. We are all going to be alright. These feelings should pass. Be strong. :twitch: Be v-very strong.



Hello, my boards name is Ssussunriyh (although I have several screen names), and I'm a Chatoholic...

I found myself unable to sleep, since I hadn't gotten my daily chat fix. On a rational level, I knew it would be at least Monday morning (Pacific time) until the chat server was back up and running, and yet I kept going back again and again, futilely trying the login page... :nonono: :twitch:


First Post
Oh, pooh. If everyone's so antsy that they're reading the message boards this often, then maybe they should go start a thread in the Emporium or CRT here.



First Post
I wept.. I cried.. and threatened my ISP bodily..

Okies.. so I only threatened my ISP, but I started to wonder.. is it just me..

If it is just me, why is it doing this to me..

Are they playing more april fool's jokes..

So then a novel idea hit me.. I IMed another.. and asked " is wizzies dead"

Later, when HE finally came back to keyboard after leaving me no away message, he confirmed I was not going mad.. and that the site had indeed crashed..

I wandered off to a new server, and opened my own bar..

I attracted the masses .. or even.. those I happened to get ahold of..

And I felt so much better for it all.



I think the techs are out reading the new Harry Potter or summat, because no one's said a word to us on the issue. :bored:

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