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To Con the Con-man


Thy wounds are healed!
Character      AC  HP  InHand/Condition
Alex           [COLOR=RoyalBlue]16[/COLOR][COLOR=Orange]   2[/COLOR]  rapier/[I][COLOR=RoyalBlue]mage armor[/COLOR][/I]
Alden          14   6  c.bow/none
gnolls(2)      13  11  spears/none
gnoll          13   [COLOR=Orange]1[/COLOR]  spears/none
Wet Nose       17  [COLOR=Yellow]-2[/COLOR]  b.axe/[COLOR=Yellow][I]damage taken not current HP[/I][/COLOR]
Poo Breath     ??  ??  l.spear/[COLOR=Cyan][I]scared[/I][/COLOR]
krensharA      15   [COLOR=Orange]6[/COLOR]  none/none
krenshars(2)   15  11  none/none
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First Post
Alden watched on in astonishment as the creatures he had ridiculed and teased for so many weeks ripped into the fearsome looking demon-cats...and came out well on top!! "Alright then", he muttered to himself. "I'll get out YOUR way shall I?"

No more jokes about balls and barking...

Bending down and bracing his crossbow to reload it, Alden caught sight of Wet Nose ripping into a demon-cat out the corner of his eye. "NICE ONE WET NOSE" he yelled, watching a cloud of what could only be described as nose spray streaming from the animals nose as he breathed heavily in combat.

With the situation seeming well under control, and his crossbow ready for action again Alden risked a glance back up the road to where he had last seen Alex and Poo Breath. Catching sight of Alex locked in combat with one of the demon cats he wondered to himself I thought he was a wizard? What's he doing fighting it with a sword?? Doesn't look like he's any good with it...

Returning his attention to immediate surroundings, he stepped a little to the right and fired on the most visible demon-cat - the one Wet Nose was ripping a new :):):):):):):):).

Clearly Alden's focus was elsewhere for the moment. The crossbow hadn't been reset properly, causing the firing mechanism to snap the string when Alden pulled the trigger. Hearing a CRUNCH, closely followed by a SNAP! is never a good thing when using any weapon... Alden glanced at the now useless crossbow in disgust, before flinging it to the ground.

[sblock=OOC & Combat]
Woohoo! Go Redshirts Go!!

Hahaha!! I rolled a 1...does that mean I hit Wet Nose by accident? :) Will re-write if you think it should.

Move action: Reload crossbow
5' step to east
Std action: Fire on krenshar fighting Wet Nose.

Free action drop crossbow
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First Post
[sblock=OoC]The rolls are against me… >_<[/sblock]
Alexander was worried, nay, panicked and frightful after his initial wound but was soon overcame by furious anger; and the animal further mauling his dominate arm only deepened his growing rage to the point he could no longer think with his unseal discipline, but his body was amazingly light, he could hardly feel anything but his heart beating wildly; he knew he was hurt, and that his arm was likely ruined but oddly it still felt all right despite it being used as a chew toy, and neither he nor his arm was a chew toy and he, adamantly refused to be treated as such.

While he animal was still taking a chunk out of his forearm, he wrathfully griped its skull with his free hand and began a familiar invocation as the misting veil of his armor again began twirling about his hand and thus the creatures’ vile head.
round and round the mist span, fast, quicker, swifter churning ever fiercer ever faster; He had completely forgotten that every time he had attempted the spell with anything in hand it had failed miserably.

Where he expected to feel a muffled impact he instead saw the spell disperse harmlessly and then creature release his arm and shake free from his weaken grasp effortlessly, Why?

While the spell strained against his fingers, and he could only assume the animals very mind, he could have sworn he could feel its skull about going to buckle. Even if he knew that would not happen he could have sworn it.
while the spell strained to reach its zenith he grind dementedly, knowing that the victory he was just cheated of was walling back into his hands were it belonged, and then he would end the wretched thing brutally. He grinned, cackled and divined what a good throw rug its pelt would make.

He was very, very pleased.

then victory seemed to just slip and fall between his figures yet again; why did fate mock him so?
His grin turned into a snarled as he then attempted to recover before its next onslaught.

[sblock=OoC]and I'm also rolling duds on what to write; I seem to be having a rather off month...[/sblock]

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Thy wounds are healed!
Wet Nose and the gnolls send the last two ghost cats packing.

Soon Alden watches as they disappear into the brush of the forest.


Alex's swordsmanship could use some work. As he swings defensively he leaves an opening the hungry cat beast attacks.
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Thy wounds are healed!
Alden yells out in celebration as the cat things retreat. He turns to look down the road and make a comment that Alex should come and see, but his words die on his lips.

The man watches in chagrin as Alex falls and the beast moves over top of him as if defending it's kill.

Character      AC  HP  InHand/Condition
Alex           [COLOR=RoyalBlue]16[/COLOR][COLOR=Orange]  [COLOR=Red]-1[/COLOR][/COLOR]  rapier/[I][COLOR=Red]dying[/COLOR][/I]
Alden          14   6  c.bow/none
gnolls(2)      13  11  spears/none
gnoll          13   [COLOR=Orange]1[/COLOR]  spears/none
Wet Nose       17  [COLOR=Yellow]-2[/COLOR]  b.axe/[COLOR=Yellow][I]damage taken not current HP[/I][/COLOR]
Poo Breath     ??  ??  l.spear/[COLOR=Cyan][I]scared[/I][/COLOR]
krensharA      15   [COLOR=Orange]6[/COLOR]  none/none
krenshars(2)   15  11  none/none

OCC: Distance to target 150' +


First Post
Alex looked dead from Alden's vantage point. Still, Alden knew what had to be done. Marty would never let him forget any nobleman being eaten by demon cats. Or demonic cats dragging off a dead body to do....unnatural things to it.

Fumbling at his belt for his sword he grasped the unfamiliar object and pulled it out. It felt heavy in his hand, and not reassuring at all.

"Wet Nose! Come! Now!" he shouted, before racing off up the road towards where Alex's body lay. He aimed a sly kick at the broken crossbow lying on the road as .

"Stupid bloody thing. Could've used you now..." he muttered to himself as he left it behind.

[sblock=OOC & Combat]

Move action: draw short sword. Stupid BAB+0 rules...no running for me this round. Why-oh-why did I write about breaking my crossbow last round?!
Move action: move 20' north-east (4 squares) to road. Move east 10' (2 squares)



Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=Alex]Not truly aware of what happen Alex finds himself suddenly standing on a stone bridge. "Did I teleport? Planar travel? I wonder how much power I truly have?" are the thoughts that go through his mind as he looks around.

The sky above seems to be covered in purplish clouds. The sun must be behind them and setting to give them such color. The bridge arches away from him in one direction towards what looks like a dark cave in the side of a mountain that stretches for miles. In the other direction it leads to a set of golden gates that are surrounded by the purplish clouds. To these he decides to walk.

As he does so he finally hears a strange noise coming from below the bridge, almost like massive moving water. He goes to the rail-less edge and looks over. Below him is not water but what looks like more clouds, these thick and red and black, moving as if they were a huge whirlpool. They dark hole at the center looks miles wide. The black and red swirling clouds go as far as he can see. Lightning lashes across the clouds constantly and the noise Alex heard is the muffled thunder they cause.

As he nears the gates he notices they stand over seventy feet high. They start to swing slowly open as he stand sbefore them. Beyond them the young noble can see nothing but a bright light coming forth. Shielding his eyes with his arm he sees three forms moving towards him, they too are over seventy feet tall.

"Be unafraid warrior of..." a feminine gnoll voice starts to say but is immediately interrupted.

"Look it is a man!" a harsh male gnoll voice barks.

Suddenly a spear the size of a pine tree is leveled at Alex's breast.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=OoC] the Giant male Gnoll is going to get verbally mauled! By what amounts to a perverbeal mouse! XD
Also I was asking if he had it in hand and I’ll just assume he is no longer wounded[/sblock]

The last thing he could recall was being mauled, to death, by the cat and then reparing else were, this gave him a few options: he was about to die and was simple having a dream of no consequence, he had been summoned and healed to some strange land, his mind was yanked away to who knew were, or he was already dead and his cropes was brought back to the Gholl camp and the Gholl shaman was calling on its ancestors and or gods to revive him. But that hardly mattered at the moment.

‘Great more, and even stupider, Gnolls…’ Alexander thought while the foolish one interrupted the friendly one that sounded like she had a functional brain.

Alexander did not partially enjoy the jester; he arched his browns and narrowed his eyes at the thing, before looking up at were, he assumed, the face of the one who dared rise a weapon, or rather point down, a weapon at him before moderately rising his right brow as if questioning the sanity of the one who had just threatened him.
“Cause bloodletting, or put thy glorified stick away; my temperament is not well enough that I will endure foolish posturing for the amusement of others, regardless of who they be or who thee be!” Alexander began unimpressed by something so large acting like he was a threat
“And how observant thee are! Yes, a man! And look at this!” he continued while motioning to the weapon that was, because of its great size, comically unsuited to fighting him “a spear!” he added while feigning horror, very badly, and looking at it again, brows still arched.

Alexander posed briefly before looking back to the rather brutish figure he was about to berate further. “I shall say, I’m very underwhelmed by thee, have thee no pride at all? I dear say I’m not the size of thy hand and yet thee react as if I’m an immediate threat so deadly that the only reasonable action is to aim thy weapon at me simply because I have wandered here; For this I pity thee, thy lake of self-confidence seems to only be bettered by thy lack of intellect and manners.” he yapped onwards while growing a very slight grin, but still very much annoyed by the foolish figure.
“Or do you assume thee the only one here with any eyes at all? Do thee think thy companion blind and only choose fights with things thee can step on without breaking stride? If so I deeply pity thy apparent lack of valor and over abundant cowardice.” He belittled the veiled figure further.

“And in case thee has not noticed, thy girth dos not invoke fear, because thy actions seem to speak of thy fear, meanwhile the maiden’s words, the ones she has been allowed to speak, while meant to reassure have spoken volumes; I should fear Her and not Thee.” he commented further and flatly, with a tingle of enjoyment seeping through his voice. “I should fear her and not thee because while thee see me as a threat she seems me as something so weak next to her that she believes that I will be immediately afraid of her simply because of awe, and thee, thee act like I’m, at least, thy equable in terms of might.”

Alexander raised a brow, as if questioning if the over blow Gnoll, its weapon, weren’t in fact nothing more than a harmless illusion.

“Thus I shall say, Prove my accusations correct and attempt to strike me down, or put that shaft, that thee seem to treat as worthy only enough to hunt rabbits with, and let the lady whom thee have so ruddy interrupted, without cause nor need, speak.” Alexander prattled on before giving a summation “it’s up to thee; destroy thy honor, or act civilized before both your kin and a wanderer who still has no clue what is going on.” He finished while turning towards were he assumed the female voice sounded from, his eyes were still narrowed, do to the brightness, but he allowed his brows to ease.
he really did not care if had just incurred the wrath of a god: if it was a god it obviously was not his and as such it might be choosing a fight with one of its peers by assaulting him, and given how threatened it was by a mere mortal the risk of fighting a god did not seem like something the being before him would do over a loudmouth, and if it was going to smite him for being a loudmouth: it was going to smite him sooner or later any way, and if not, he might have just made a fool of a god and talked down to it like it was a mere child.

How could he resist doing that?

And in any case he did not feel as much threatened by it as annoyed by its foolishness.
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Thy wounds are healed!
OCC: Will let Axel post an action for Alden then we do another round of "conversation" and so on till complete.


First Post
Without even glancing to see if Wet Nose or any of the other Gnolls were following him, Alden continued to barrel up the road as fast as his aching thigh muscles would carry him.

Waving his sword as he ran, and shouting obscenities at the demon cat in his path, he continued towards the fallen nobleman without much thought for his own safety.

Full round action: run till 20-25' short of the krenshar, if it can be reached in a single run.

Have skipped the obscenities I had in mind, given ENWorld's auto-censoring... :(


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