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To Con the Con-man


Thy wounds are healed!
The ghost cat poised over Alex turns to watch Alden running up the road. It gives out a screech while the pulled back skin on it's head flares a bit.

OCC: Will save or become scared. DC 13

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Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=Alex]"Stay your weapon Halnaior." the feminine voice barks out laying a hand on the spear wielders arm.

She steps closer and as Alex's eyes adjust he sees now she is clothed in a shimmering silk robe, tied up the sides in dark ribbon and lace. Her fur is a light brown tat looks to be as soft as dow. Her face is like a long nosed fox, but with longer ears and softer eyes. She wears jewelry in abundance but it seems to make no noise as she moves about.

"I am sorry for The Guardian's outburst... um... warrior. But your presence here is... unnatural to us. How is it you have come to be on The Bridge to Jefron?" she asks curiously.

The guardian puts up his weapon and lays the butt of it on the ground as if to bar the way. He is dressed only in an odd kilt with a belt of fur. His only jewelry is two golden bracers about his forearms. His face and coloring is that of a wolf, the savage grey black one accustoms to a hunter or killer.

The third form is lost in the shadows and the light. It is shaped like a gnoll but details are hard to see on it. But the form is shorter but not due to it's height it looks like this large gnoll is hunched over.[/sblock]


Thy wounds are healed!
Meanwhile in Rem...

Tio was bored.

It wasn't the kind of boredom one associates with doing something repeatedly. Or the kind one gets when they have nothing to do (V.P. knows he had plenty to do before the others returned to their rooms at the inn). It had more to do with... Rem. He couldn't put his finger on it yet but something was off in this town and he wondered about it constantly.

Today he took the main road (the only road) through town north. He hadn't been this way before and maybe he could find something to help him understand what was up with this little place. Maybe there would be some...


Suddenly a loud fierce cry, like that of a wild beast or unholy monster, echoed off the mountain walls. Tio froze in his tracks for a moment. He listened hard and when he was just about to start walking once more...


Well that was deftly not something friendly, but it was hard to tell where it came from with all the echoing going on. But then again it was probably something more exciting than Rem. Checking his weapons he headed out of the north end of town hoping the Velvet Protector had answered a prayer he hadn't uttered yet.
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First Post
"Is that the best you've got you ugly piece of :):):):)?!," Alden shouted at the demon-cat standing over the prone form of Alex. "I've seen that trick before. Don't you know anything else?"

The adrenaline rush of a combat was quite something. Alden certainly knew why soldiers do what they do over and over again now.

With a roar and a lunge, Alden threw his sword arm forwards as he raced up to the creature. It was more agile than he thought, with the thrust passing harmlessly down the side of the creature.

Full round action: Chaaarge!

At least I rolled well enough on the Will save. :|

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Though the talks are necessary, they take up too much time. Time that could be better spent preparing for war.

Tio broke into a jog, pausing only to scan the area and strain his hearing for any sign of the odd noise.

I mean, yes, the merchants are going to lose manpower to the war, but war is always good for long-term business. There's no one to defend Rem from attack should it be discovered, which means they'll lose the mine, which means they'll lose money.

Tio shook his head.

Come on, man, focus!


First Post
Alexander puzzled for a moment Jefron was a familiar name, but he momentarily could not put a finger on it; then he recalled Scarface’s prophecy and it clicked together. He then knew it was either a delusion brought on by his imminent death, or he was actually before Heaven, the heaven of Gnolls; he was worried, because if it was just a delusion then the ordeal would have been much more savage and the goddess before him as egotistical as he assumed a god would be nor as dim as he assumed any given Gnoll would be, God or not.

After his brief pondering Alexander answered her. “I had a run in with what was called a ‘Ghost-cat’, and I assume thee can gatherer how I came to this plane from there.” He barked flatly before continuing I shall Volunteer to thee my name, Alexander; as I assume thee know, its meaning is ‘Protector of Mankind’ as I assume thy name is Sepritia and that thee has referred to me as a Hairless Pup to an aged Gnoll.” After speaking he stared to gaze about to take in his suroundings, it was not every day he steped up to the threshold of a goddess ream.


Thy wounds are healed!
The ghost cat jumped nimbly aside as Alden came rushing in. It could be said his blade missed by a mile but at least he got the thing away from Alex.

Growling low in it's throat the creature attacks the young rogue in earnest. Claws and fangs filling Alden's vision.

The gnolls reach the mad melee but instead of attacking the circle the two combatants. It looks like they are content to let Alden fight the thing one on one.

Character      AC  HP  InHand/Condition
Alex           ??[COLOR=Orange]  [COLOR=Red]-2[/COLOR][/COLOR]  rapier/[I][COLOR=Red]dying[/COLOR][/I]
Alden          14   [COLOR=Orange]3[/COLOR]  c.bow/none
gnolls(2)      13  11  spears/none
gnoll          13   [COLOR=Orange]1[/COLOR]  spears/none
Wet Nose       17  [COLOR=Yellow]-2[/COLOR]  b.axe/[COLOR=Yellow][I]damage taken not current HP[/I][/COLOR]
Poo Breath     ??  ??  l.spear/[COLOR=Cyan][I]scared[/I][/COLOR]
krensharA      15   [COLOR=Orange]6[/COLOR]  none/none
krenshars(2)   15  11  none/none
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Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=Alex] Please sblock your responses should another player not wish to know what is going on. And RP learning.

"The Protector of Mankind before the Gates of Jefron," the female gnoll says with what looks to be a grin. "A day many have awaited but none, not even we, could perceive. I am Sepritia. And you are welcom..."

"NO it can not be allowed to enter Jefron. Cast it into The Bore!"
the spear wielding gnoll Halnaior exclaims.

"No," the shadowy figure says quietly. It's voice like that of one who is very very old. "If the Protector is not allowed to enter Jefron, he can not be cast into The Bore for the same reason. I say we judge him as we have judged all who have come before."

"But it is a MAN! No man has stepped before us for judgement."

"But we knew he would be here. It has been told and retold that The Protector of Mankind will stand before the Gates of Jefron and this will mark the time of great change for The People. Telimir are you sure we are to judge him?" Sepritia asks hesitantly.

"It is what we do to all who stand before us."
Telimir says rasping softly. "Judge the warrior fit for Jefron or cast him into The Bore. We knew he would come but not what to do once he was here. We should do as we have always done and trust to the Fates."

Sepritia nods and turns to Alex. She stands in the center flanked by Halnaaior and Telimir. "Welcome warrior to the Judgement of The Three. Seek you the right to pass through The Gates? To enter Jefron?"


Thy wounds are healed!
Tio follows the road north out of the city. He quickly realizes it hasn't been used in a long time. Due to nothing of note being north of Rem probably.

The road curves around and Tio realizes that this is some type of back way into Rem. The only people who could want to come into Rem from this direction are those who don't wish to be seen coming into town.

The screeching stops but he starts to pick up the sound of faint yipping and barking coming from somewhere ahead and around the next bend.


First Post
As the demon-cat's claw raked his sword arm, Alden felt a huge burst of pain. "Aaaaarrrgh! That hurt!" With his arm bleeding and making his sword grip less sure, plus the pain of his rash over-confidence taking centre stage in his mind, Alden adopted a more defensive and cautious stance.

Feinting to the left with a swing he hoped to line up the demon-cat for a fatal thrust... The creature was smarter than it looked too, seeing through his intended maneuver like it was written in big letters on his face. Sweating and gasping from his exertions, Alden casts a glance to the left and right...searching for a way out. Spying the gnolls standing around, he calls out "What's wrong with you lot? Get stuck in!"

Std action: Fighting defensively, standard attack
Move action: None.

Meep....was really really hoping for a 20 on that one...

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Voidrunner's Codex

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