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To RP Game Players/Gamemasters -- What is Fun? What is Unfun?

1. Being able to be anything in the game world even if it isnt optimizing.
2. Lots and Lots of history and lore to a game. I love game metaplot. See the old world of darkness for a good example of what I like in that regard.
3. Tons of rules. I like that unless im playing in a heavily houseruled game I can join just about any game and know whats going on.
4. Real consequnces. . .Like dead, negative levels, loss of Items whatever.

1. Everyone is balanced and equal. Sorry a Wizard cant fight as well as a fighter right off the bat. He has spells for that. . .thats why he's a Wizard.
2. Limited options
3. Over simplified rules that allow for the DM to make up on the fly one where all kinds of crazyness can ensue.
4. Rail-Roading
5. Change for changes sake.

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La Bete

First Post

I like how after 21 perfectly civil posts that were obviously people stating their likes and dislikes about certain elements of the game, you felt compelled to shriek "ZOMG EDITION WAR!"

It's probably a better idea to report a post you believe is inappropriate than be rude.
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Mod Squad
Staff member
You can do that? I don't see a report button on the post, which is what I'm used to.

It is the little black and white exclamation point in a triangle at the bottom left of every post.

And, yes, it is better to report posts than than get into people's faces.

Allow me to repeat that - it is better to report posts than to get in people's faces.

This thread is apt to show edition-specific divisions, because our modes of thought about what makes good or bad gaming have been framed by the edition differences. If people cannot refrain from engaging in argument over those differences, or otherwise cannot remain polite, then some folks will get banned and/or the thread will be closed.

Please take it as given that the thread, as a whole, has been warned.

Silvercat Moonpaw

Settings that are dark and/or grim. It's just nearly impossible for me to want to give a damn about a world that can't solve its own crushing neuroses.

Settings that removing or severely limit the fantastic. It's called fantasy because it contains weird stuff you can't find in real life.

Settings that focus on telling me a lot of mundane stuff. I find knowing minute geographic details, population size, economics, or anything else like that useless because I know I'm going to be ignoring it for the sake of the story and would rather make it up myself if I really need it.

A game that bills itself as allowing me to build any character I want but doesn't deliver. Now maybe I misread something, but too many times in D&D it fell short of giving me the "any" build I wanted while not being clear that its system was actually limited.

People who wait for the GM to respond to their roll before mentioning the effect of that roll when it's not going to matter whether they say it now or after. This is an online thing.

Tactical combat. I'm not a person who thinks like that.

Resource management. Ditto.

Predictive gameplay. (i.e. Having to figure out which wizard spells you're going to need that day. Does not mean I need to know enemy tactics ahead of time or anything.) Again ditto.

Almost dying because I can't think tactically. See above.

Almost dying because I made a choice I knew was bad but decided to go with anyway for the sake of fun. My first D&D character ever I played as rather naïve, and during one session he almost died twice because I deliberately made stupid choices for the sake of character. Perhaps if he had died it wouldn't have been as much fun, but since I'd deliberately chosen to get into those situations I was more okay with them than I would have otherwise been.

Settings that read like they came out of myths and stories. I actually don't think I've ever encountered this one, but it's a dream of mine.

Game systems that allow me to build any very odd character I wish.


First Post
At the risk of sounding mean, if you're expecting to be a hero, you're playing Dark Heresy wrong - in fact, in the most opposite way that Dark Heresy is meant to be played.

True :) Maybe competent would have been a better choice of word.

I've not actually played the game but noticing the 30% was one of the reasons why I'm disinclined to try it. Then again I've just come back from the UK GW Games Day and it was a discussion on the coach - if the Space Marines played like they are described in the novels then you'd only be allowed one model in a thousand point army! GW always have a minor disconnect between the rules and what happens in the novels.



True :) Maybe competent would have been a better choice of word.

I've not actually played the game but noticing the 30% was one of the reasons why I'm disinclined to try it. Then again I've just come back from the UK GW Games Day and it was a discussion on the coach - if the Space Marines played like they are described in the novels then you'd only be allowed one model in a thousand point army! GW always have a minor disconnect between the rules and what happens in the novels.


Well, someone mentioned a dislike for "grim and dark" games, which could easily be why people don't like DH. But the thing is, DH really isn't meant to be taken seriously. I mean, have you read through the critical effects lists? It's rediculousness taken to the next level. DH follows the much older model of 40k, because Games Workshop forgot what made them successful was that it was a joke. GRIM AND DARK wasn't supposed to take itself seriously, it's supposed to be so over the top that it becomes laughable. Granted, it's not Paranoia levels of ultra-violent slapstick. but DH is about VERY carefully planning everything you do, and then when that evil xenos busts open your head, having a good laugh at how horrible it is. Or, in the words of Dwarf Fortress, losing is fun!

...Actually, I've been seeing a lot of cross over between fans of Dwarf Fortress and fans of DH. Hmmm...

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