To the noble BORN 6/9/08 (finished)


Rogues Gallery

You have been arriving at Count Hathwick's fortress over the last several days, The fortress is a rambling construction built over many years, some of the architecture looks sized for goblins, other larger chambers and halls were built by successive owners.

There are many chances for meeting each other unofficially before the farewell dinner.
The low ceilings (7') in parts of the castle have bothered everyone but Lilly and Rayburn.
As the final evening before you set out, the count is holding a small farewell feast.
Held in a less formal dining room than the great hall, you all sit along the sides of a single long table. At the head of the table is the count, the viscount (Redwold??) to his right, then Reyband Hathwick, and Kerin Rookstone. To the left is Jared Anuvien is the only other elder present, (Jared is Xaros' uncle, as his father had important business matters to attend, and could not be present.) (wysiwyg's PC), then Xaros with poor Lily sitting at the far end of the table, perched uncomfortably on a box, on top of her chair. You were all announced by a herald as you were seated. Everyone is dressed in their finest (or in borrowed clothing if necessary)

It is midspring and light is still coming in through a large (but barred) window. As the evening wears on that fades, until with a few words and a wave of the counts hand, the candles all spring to life. Your meal is roast pig with potatoes and mushrooms, with fine wine although the count urges that you drink modestly, for you will be leaving early the next morning.

Count Hathwick
"Welcome my brave scions, to a time of adventure and glory! We have all heard stories of the peasant and his friends killing the dragon, uncovering vast riches etc, why should the peasants have all the fun? When your parents and I were young we fought against gnolls, each other, or provided the funds for others to do so (1), etc, now thanks to out beloved monarch Funistan the II, (2) there are no wars, etc to be had. Instead we send you brave young men out to war with the creatures of the night. Goblins, gnolls, bloodsucking plants etc, once you are tested by these foes you may be ready for dragons, or to resume your place within your houses. Seek well for fortune and glory. If you should perish untimely your families can pay for a return if your companions can get you back within a week. If this is not possible please see to it that as much gear as possible is returned to the grieving family, along with tales of the vengeance you have extracted.

As you know tomorrow is the day slated for your first journey together into the wilds of South Denumbria, etc. I have obtained a map to the Spring of Good Fortune, a magical springhead that is supposedly running again after being dry for many years. It should take you all about a week to ride to the last civilized area, and perhaps another week into the wilds. Feel free to discuss your plans, ask any questions you may have of me, etc, and enjoy the food!"

With that the meal begins.

Reyburn [sblock] Your father casually wondered how Kerin found out about the venture, and if agents of the crown were involved. The crown is said to keep a close eye on what the nobles are doing, although it is uncertain if it is magical supervision, agents or divine inspiration. (gather info 18+mods)
While at the magical academy several teachers inquired about your fathers progress in his studies of the magical arts. You know that he maintains his own alchemy lab and there are a few stories of him using fireballs in the wars of his youth, but you really don’t know how far he has come since then. [/sblock]

Lily [sblock] you have been here the longest, and mostly ignored during that time. One thing has come to your attention – at the feast the count is carrying a faint magical aura of one or more active spells, which he did not have the first time you met him. You wished you had paid more attention to the lecture on understanding auras, because you know its possible to determine the school of magic in an aura, and his aura has faint pink threads, you just don’t know what that means. [/sblock]

Xaros [sblock] Your uncle mentioned that the count dabbles in alchemy, and has a fair stockpile of magical elixirs. If he is approached properly he may contribute a few. You have heard nothing about a spring of good fortune before. (bard lore roll 10+mods) [/sblock]

Kerin [sblock] although your reception seemed strained at first, everyone treats you very well. The count certainly willing to spend a lot more money on his castle, and its defenses than your father does in these peaceful times. A cursory detect evil finds some among the servants, but the count and the members of your new company are clean. [/sblock]
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Rayburn waits until his father the Count has seated himself, then quietly begins eating. After a few moments staring off into space, apparently lost in thought, he remarks to his comrades (loudly enough for the viscount to hear but not so loud as to distract his father from his animated conversation), "I dearly hope you've enjoyed the hospitality of House Hathwick during your stay. I daresay it might take some getting used to the corridors of this place; our guests seem to get lost as often as they find their rooms."

Pausing, he takes a sip of wine, and begins to say something; then stops, shakes himself minutely, and begins to eat some of the steaming boar meat heaped generously onto his plate, while glancing around at his soon-to-be comrades.
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Although trying her best to fit in with the well-mannered nobles at the table, Lily Fairgold couldn't help but look awkward. She was constantly scratching at the back of her neck and fidgeting to keep from falling off her box-seat.
Ugh, this dress is so ITCHY! I need to tell that maid to burn it or something when I return it... And what's with this box? You'd think these tall folks would have high-chairs to entertain Halflings once in awhile. No, no, I have to focus. Um, but I'm only hired here. Does that mean I should let the others speak first? ... But it's so quiet...

Lily was about to break the ice, when Rayburn did so himself. She responded, trying her best to be humble; not that it took great effort with her present company. "Oh not at all! This is quite the impressive castle. It may have a somewhat... peculiar layout, but I daresay it will be the best accommodations we'll have for some time. Certainly there are no such comforts in the wilderness." She scratched her neck once again, eager to put her own armor back on. "As the herald mentioned, my name is Lily Fairgold. Your families have hired me to serve as your cleric and spiritual advisor on your expedition. I have some talents in curing wounds and blessing others with strength and supernatural defenses, though I pray we'll need neither!"

Hoping she spoke formally enough, Lily now focused her attention on a much more difficult task than public speaking; trying to reach her plate of food across the long table.


To Reyburn's right, Kerin sits at comfortable ease during the dinner. He takes heed of his host's warning and eats and drinks in moderation. At Reyburn's remark, Kerin addresses him, "Indeed the hospitality of your father's house has been excellent. And I think I have only lost my way twice" adds Kerin with a smile.

Kerin continued to eat, bothered not in the least by the tally of dangers the count was rattling off. Kerin enjoyed that sense of calmness and purpose that came with being a paladin. The same sense that would drive him onward into certian death if that was the path laid before him. So beasts and vampiric plants were only a brief thought of a tactical nature to Kerin.

Their goal however was a different thing. Turning to Reyburn, Kerin asks "So what do the waters of this fountain do?"


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Rayburn stops with fork midway to his mouth, sets it back on his plate, and takes a moment to regard Kerin.

"Slake the thirst of those in need, perhaps? To tell the truth, I'm not quite sure. I may have read about it in passing at the Academy, though my father will no doubt shed some light on the subject."

At this, he turns towards the head of the table.

"Father, when you said this was a magical spring, did you mean the waters themselves are magical, or is it merely water with a magical source?"

Almost immediately after posing the question, he turns his attentions back towards his plate. Absentmindedly brushing his hair off his right ear with a trace of fingers, he picks up his fork, resumes he meal, and turns to his father expectantly.
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No Idea - the fountain is said to be responsible for sudden twists of good fortune, wealth, escape from near death etc, much like those legendary Cards, the Deck of Many Things, but with no reported ill effects. Heh! Of course if the effects had been bad enough ....

But what is life without risk yes?

He grins at the Viscount, and empties his wine glass.
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Jason Aurelius

Jason sits quietly fidgeting with his food. How can anyone eat in this claustrophobic dungeon. The outdoor magic of this spring will certainly cure my current ailment. A cynical grin appears on his face as he recalls his last 2 years spent campaigning on the Krovian warfront of Denumbria. This cannot be worse than being trapped for winter in the valley of Lasia for weeks, besieged by Krov's 5th legion until a relief force rescued us. More than half of the army perished due to starvation and freezing blizzards. And here I am complaining about low ceilings. How quick we forget. Still I need to get out, and soon.
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Rayburn turns back to his compatriots.

"And there you have it. It is a magical spring that brings good fortune, named the Spring of Good Fortune. I, for one, would not have assumed something so obvious; in the stories these things are always secretly poisonous."

At this, he stops and takes another small sip of wine, then continues, "There is a curious thing here. We have representatives of both Pelor and, errr.... Yondalla, with us on this journey. I hope there's to be no discomfiture between you both. Indeed, perhaps your deities wished you to be here. It would be a comfort knowing the gods themselves have blessed our little expedition."

At this, he apparently resumes eating, all the while concentrating on something else, and wondering to himself, "where the devil is Agatha, and why does she seem smug?"
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Count Hathwick said:
We have all heard stories of the peasant and his friends killing the dragon, uncovering vast riches etc

Xaros, already starting on his second goblet of wine, says with a smile: "Slain a dragon have they? Vast riches you say? Well then dear sir, i expect they'll be able to pay their taxes on time for a change." Taking annother sip, he exclaims: "An excellent vintage, my lord Hathwick. You sir know your liquids. Ahh yes, and this spring, would you like us to retrieve a sample for you?"

Xaros's eyes wander around the table, taking stock of his future companions. "Hmmm yes, i dear say, my first challenge on the road will be to loosen you up a bit, Sir Kerin, Paladins being so notoriously... ahh... modest, chaste, and whatnot. So drink up! Soon we shall be leaving civilization behind, and it may be a while before we may indulge in such luxuries again. So indulge now, for wine doesn't get any better than this!" That said, he drains his goblet and pours himself annother.
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WarShrike said:
Xaros, already starting on his second goblet of wine, says with a smile: "Slain a dragon have they? Vast riches you say? Well then dear sir, i expect they'll be able to pay their taxes on time for a change." Taking annother sip, he exclaims: "An excellent vintage, my lord Hathwick. You sir know your liquids. Ahh yes, and this spring, would you like us to retrieve a sample for you?"

Xaros's eyes wander around the table, taking stock of his future companions. "Hmmm yes, i dear say, my first challenge on the road will be to loosen you up a bit, Sir Kerin, Paladins being so notoriously... ahh... modest, chaste, and whatnot. So drink up! Soon we shall be leaving civilization behind, and it may be a while before we may indulge in such luxuries again. So indulge now, for wine doesn't get any better than this!" That said, he drains his goblet and pours himself annother.

"Indeed Xaros. I wonder how many paladins you have met then. Being a pillar of righteousness does not necessitate being crafted of stone. As for the wine, it is nice, and I have had a glass."

In response to Reyburn's statement Kerin continues "Pelor and Yondalla both seek to protect their worshipers and truely represent complementary aspects of the life-giving sun. I am honor to be traveling with a servant of Yondalla" says Kerin with a small bow to Lily.

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