
First Post
We can wait :p I am sure Todd is pretty busy, since he is one of the major WOTC art people and he does art for third party companies too.

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Darth Shoju

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Hoody hoo! It's an honour to have made it this far. There a tons of awesome characters entered in.

Thanks Kai Lord, you're the best!


p.s. Go Haldiir!


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Awesome indeed. Reading through them all, I got a lot of inspiration for future games. Angcuru's always going to be my Iconic Character though.:D Will be starting a campaign involving his son soon. ;) Though I DO wish I would have been a bit more, well, descriptive with him, physically(thank god for my story hour!). When you're writing at top speed, thinking that the deadline is closing in on you, you tend to forget a few things.:rolleyes: Ah well.:p May the best char win.:D

When the heck are you going to choose a custom Community Supportor Title, Kai Lord? It's been what....four months?:cool:

EDIT: *just noticed Angcuru in the top 30* WOWSERS!:D GO, Alter Ego, GO!:D
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nifty. Wish I knew about this whenever it was going. I few neat characters from my pages of DnD history with unique histories and appearances. Such is life.

Congrats to those that saw and entered and further wishes of luck to those in the top 30.


Ah well...

Yeah, wish I had found out about this earlier than, oh, 2 hours before the deadline. Maybe then I could have actually posted a character history and more complete description. Oh well. Best of luck to those who did make it.


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Re: Ah well...

Stormrunner said:
Yeah, wish I had found out about this earlier than, oh, 2 hours before the deadline. Maybe then I could have actually posted a character history and more complete description. Oh well. Best of luck to those who did make it.

Well, next time. (We do have more good artists than Todd Lockwood. Maybe they're also willing to do something like that).


First Post
Greetings one and all.

I'm a born again gamer who was turned onto this contest by my DM; oh what a rebirth it is. It's great to be in contention for this prize with a last minute submission for a character that has actually had a short campaigning career. You really have to fill in a lot of the blanks when you are thrust into the heart of high level campaign.
May Qayath-Otuph ibn Phyk's Ki be restored and the Red Wizards be damned.

Good Luck everyone.

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