WotBS Tolamaker's Burning Sky


Session 32: After the Storm

In Simeon's office, the group tells him all that happened, Simeon sighs, and nods along as they speak, only occasionally asking a clarifying question. When they're done, he thanks them for their service to Seaquen, and offers them help. "We may be in disarray, but we are a mage's college, are we not? We'll see what we can craft that might be of aid."

The party then went to find Torrent, to tell her of Lee's fate. She has already spoken with Shayam, and seems angry, but as the group talks with her, she reveals that Le had been odd, always busy, and their first day in Seaquen was the only time she was able to talk with him at any length. She angry, angry at him, and corrupting her good memories of time spent learning under him. After a day and a half caring for wounded during and after the hurricane, she's too exhausted to cry as Mishka and Aripos hug her.

Over the next two weeks, the party helps rebuild Seaquen, as the weather begins to return to its natural state, and the temperature drops. It is winter, after all. They also hear news from Gate Pass. Word is that the Ragesians have taken several of the gates, though the number is disputed. The Shahalesti and Gate Pass Resistance are apparently on more even terms now, and even if they aren't officially allied, they aren't getting in each other's way at the moment. The Shahalest in Seaquen however, slowly begin to disappear. Criers go about applauding Mayor Votberd for negotiating their leave with the Princess Shalosha. Land-locked sailors suddenly find themselves free to move, and the Auyang family spurs them on, seeking to regain lost profits.

Mishka continues learning to embroider with the Ragesian women, trying to make a satchel for Torrent. Aripos begins learning to brew alcohol for real, and learn more Infernal from Orwin. Eluriah finishes her lessons with Tiljann, and can now speak Sylvan without the aid of the necklace found in Innenotdar. Then, she spends the rest of her time meditating to produce primal essence for a magical staff she wishes to create. Orwin finishes his apprenticeship under Tenga, learning all that she has to know about tattooing magical inks, and his thesis is to tattoo a spider climb spell tattoo on Aripos. Aripos asks for a small spider, to go along with his dancing Fern tattoo.

During their break, the party goes out for a night on the town. They get drunk arm wrestle Mishka when none of the other patrons will. Orwin convinces Eluriah to make a salad from the petals of the dream poppy they have, and they all eat it. Mishka is the only one able to withstand the effects, and everyone else has a strange effect where they are seeing double. They aren't cross-eyed; the petals are making them see about three seconds into the future. Overlayed with what they are actually seeing, they have a grand old confusing time. As they unleash themselves on Seaquen, Eluriah starts shouting about elves and dowries.

In the morning, they are woken by a student who requests them to come and speak with Simeon. They all awake nursing headaches, but Eluriah wakes to find that she has married an orcish refugee named Lurog. They don't remember the ceremony at all, which Mishka gleefully fills them in on.

Post-Session thoughts
So, this was mostly an inbetweener session to get on to the next module, and it was fun. Not outlined above was the time spent tallying up loot, and discovering how powerful the ring of the pyromancer is (Ring of Fire Elemental Command). Also, rolling to see what was in Madame Xendros' brokerage this month now that ships are free to sail again. The whole session was pretty laid back.

After the first try, I am heavily in favor of this new downtime strategy. It didn't really speed things along, but it was far more natural in how the roleplay came about, and it lead to every DMs dream: sitting back and letting the players do all the talking.

Changes to the module

I made the wait two weeks, instead of one. Controversial, but I felt like it was worth it. I don't know why, but I stand by it.

For the Future
I mentioned in my last post trying to cut things down, and I haven't quite done that, but here's a rough guideline for myself in my goal to finish Module 4 in a reasonable amount of time (and slightly avoiding spoilers).

1. In Between Session, and receive mission from Simeon (already behind, but I'll try to catch up.)
2. Travel
3. Court
5. The Pass
6. The Lesser Court
7. Prepare
8. Conflict
9. Probably more Conflict
10. Travel and Fair
11. Finish Module

I already know I'm being optimistic. If I was going to cut anything, I would cut either the Pass or the Lesser Court, letting a group of NPCs do the other job.

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Session 33: Northward Travels

The party collects themselves, and goes to the Lyceum to meet with Simeon. There, they find Kiernan, Katrina, Simeon, and a halfling man that is introduced as Balan Bastrom, a diplomat. Simeon explains that Balan helped negotiate Seaquen’s independence from Dassen decades ago, and will hopefully be of some help with a new trouble: The Ragesians are entreating King Steppengard of Dassen for permission to march through Dassen in order to crush Seaquen. Simeon and Balan hope to be able to convince Steppengard that Ragesia can’t be trusted. Simeon also hopes they may be able to find an ally in Steppengard.

Mishka, unsure of the intricacies of Dasseni politics, asks if Steppengard is a wise ruler. Balan says that Steppengard won his throne through military might, so he is a fine leader, but he also has a head for politics, as he married the sister of one of his greatest rivals. However, Queen Izabella recently died. Details are fuzzy, but the royals seemed to truly love one another, so Balan isn’t sure that Steppengard will in be in the best state of mind. Gruz is saddened at the news of the loss of his queen, and also immediately suspicious. “With all of the subterfuge that has been going on, I don’t think we can rule out assassination,” he says.

When Mishka asks about the route the Ragesians would take, Balan believes they would come through the Alydi Gap, through Duke Gallo’s land. Gruz remembers the Alydi Gap as the naughty word detail every grunt in the Nasham military had to take.

Mishka asks, “What role are we supposed to play in this expedition?”

“You have had the most first-hand knowledge of Ragesia’s willness to deal with devils and the like to conduct their… foreign policy,” Simeon says. “Even if Steppengard will not take up the cause with us, it might at least give him pause to allow an army through his lands.”

Balan nods. “The best time to leave was yesterday. However, I know you may all have preparations to make, so let’s leave at first light tomorrow. We’ll meet at the gate of the Lyceum.”

As they begin to leave, Simeon reveals that the Lyceum’s gift is ready for them. Kiernan reveals an intricately woven bag, depicting the skyline of Seaquen, with a hurricane swirling above. When he lifts the cover, it reveals a clear sky. It is a bag of holding. “I remember what it was like to be an adventurer,” Simeon says, smiling. “I’m sure you’ll make use of it.”

That day, everyone makes ready for travel. Eluriah meets with her new spouse, and they agree to stay together for now. Eluriah promises to write, and lets Lurog stay in the tree house she has been shaping. Gruz goes to make sure they’ll have warm clothing, as he knows how cold Dasseni winters can get. Mishka hocks the treasure that they’ve won over the past few weeks, and stocks up on health potions. Aripos pickpockets a few passersby. Orwin visits his parents, and says goodbye.

The next morning, they make their way to the gate. There, they meet Balan, a silent hobgoblin warrior named Touka, and Jineer, Balan’s apprentice. Crystin is talking with him, and Jineer looks distressed. Crystin comes up to the group, and says “I had a dream, and in it, Jineer’s dad was caged by madness.” She shakes her head. “I wish I could explain more, but that’s all I know.”

Balan waves of the warning, and they set off. With the help of Mishka’s pathfinding skills, they are able to leave the marshes and reach Vidor in a single day. There, they purchase a sleigh, pulled by Clydesdales, and begin sledding up alongside the Nasham River. Balan marvels at the speed, as the horses are spurred on by Mishka’s Elk totem.

While they pass several groups of refugees, Gruz notices one that is beginning to cross the river in haste. They are chased by a Bukavac, a large woody looking frog. Leaping out, the party unleashes spells and weapons, blasting into the creature as it slashes and bites into refugees. Gruz commands the beast through spells, first frightening it into submission with visions of creatures eating tadpoles, and then by polymorphing it into a true frog. The party surrounds the poor amphibian, and attack the creature with a fervor, killing it in a shared blow. As it dies, the body reverts back to its original size, and knocks them back. They search within, but unfortunately, those caught in the stomach have already been chewed and killed.

Post Session Thoughts
This session went well! We got through what I wanted to, so we're still only half a session behind. Good job me! This session was fun, I really enjoy the chances players get to interrogate the NPCs and have actual answers for them. It really is a strength of the module and campaign as a whole. Even if I change things, there's so much stuff to work off of. I made up the Bag of Holding design on the spot, and I still feel really good about that one.

The fight was a bit of a pushover for two reasons, but I was fine with it. The first was no legendary resistances (which I'm conflicted about), and two, I remembered that as I got farther in my Curse of Strahd game, I had to bump HP up if I wanted fights to last any amount of time. I'll feel it out, but my CoS memories say I should always give solo enemies their max possible HP. I was wanting to wrap up the session, and it let the new level 7s stretch their legs out. It was also the first fight where I didn't jump in to answer every little question! I definitely had to stop myself several times, but overall, I liked it, and it kept combat moving. We'll see how it goes with more complicated fights.

Changes to the module
I changed the rhemorhaz to a Bukavac from Tome of Foes, because I had jokingly promised my players that their first fight wouldn't have fire resistance or immunity. Later, I checked, and oops! Rhemorhaz have fire resistance. I had been wanting to use this book since I bought it in 2019, and this was the first time I got to really break it out. I added the swallow ability from the Rhemorhaz statblock, and it looked like a really fun creature! I also changed its Croak ability, because Kobold Press really likes creatures giving permanent conditions (deafened in this case). And then it got beat down so fast, it didn't matter. Ah well.

I made Balan a halfling because I've made Ostalin more of a halfling country than a half-elf country. Then I made him from Dassen on a whim, so I don't even know anymore. Sometimes I spend days going back and forth on changes I make, and others happen just because it feels right at the time. I gave him a silent hobgoblin bodyguard, because that seemed cool. Then I realized I hadn't introduced Jineer and the Jinis plot, so I made him an apprentice, and he'll be around. I think I like this, because it will make Jinis' fate more personal when his young kid is freaking out about it.

Changes to the recaps
I'm trying to make the recap a little more novelly, novel-like, you know? It's hard to get out of the very report-like voice I've been giving, but I think it will make it more readable. It also takes longer to write. We'll see if it sticks.

Next week, Police Brutality!
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Session 34: The End of the Steppengard Line

The party helps the refugees on their way, with Mishka giving them 10 rations to continue their journey. Travel remains swift, and Balan gives them a crash course on Dasseni politics.

“We’re on good terms with Lady Timor, because we train her mages. Lord Dashgoban has an eye for artifacts, and Simeon has maintained a healthy trading program revolving around such items.

Things are complicated with Iztorun, as he has voiced sentiments for Seaquen before, but he is Steppengard’s brother-in-law. Lady Dene used to be friendly, but the refugees moving through her land have stressed that somewhat. We have had next to no dealings with Duke Gallo, so I can’t say one way or another our relationship.

Finally, there is Lord Rego, who currently blames Seaquen for his many troubles, Lady Magda wants us out of what she claims as her fishing territory, and Lady Namin wishes to redirect the magical trade to her ports.”

He also explains the Book of the Eight Lands, a magical artifact that protects Dassen's nobility, as well as providing a clear line of succession for the throne. "Though," Balan notes, "Steppengard was still able to take it by force. It is not a perfect thing."

The day they are to arrive in Bresk, they come across a contingent of soldiers in Steppengard’s livery ransacking a caravan of halflings, searching for something. As they near, a woman is pulled out of a secret compartment, and the soldiers move to execute her. The party intervenes, asking her crime, and the leader, Commander Falk, says that she was seen in the company of an accused assassin.

The woman pleads her innocence, but Capain Falk spits. “The innocent do not run.” Mishka steps in and says, “Wouldn’t it be best to return her to Bresk, and question her? She may be able to provide information.”

Falk looks as if he has no desire to bring the woman back alive, but one of the soldiers clears his throat, and reminds the commander that “the king’s advisor said she would question the suspects.” With a sour face, Commander Falk chops off the woman’s hand, and leads her back to Bresk.

On their way back, Falk asks after Gruz’s old unit. “I served with Brenhanna during the wars. She was tough.” Gruz says he’s the only one who survived, as far as he knows.

“You said she was seen with an assassin? So Queen Izabella was assassinated then?” Gruz asks.

Falk frowns, a dark shadow crosses over his face. “I’m afraid your information is a bit late. In the days since the Queen’s death, the five eldest were killed in a gathering after her funeral, and the young were poisoned, along with their caretakers. The king was emptying his coffers for the priests to bring them back, but all of their hearts were burned. The same with her majesty.”

When Mishka pries for more information, Falk doesn’t offer any. Balan looks like he could throw up.

The walled city of Bresk rises above the hills around it, with the castle perched on a rocky protrusion called the Great Hill. It overlooks the wide river and the Toraest Steppes to the east. The twin statues of Snorri and Rollo, the founders of Dassen, stand guard over the main gates. Guards walk up and down the entrance, checking bags and eyeing foreigners with distrust. Papers from Balan allow the party through with ease however.

Separating from the soldiers, Balan leads them to the Golden Griffon, a very fine establishment, where he drops a bag of gold and leads them to a grand suite, with its own common room, and six bedrooms adjoining. There, he immediately begins pacing, thinking out loud to himself how terrible this is. “There’s no saying how this will affect our standing. I must speak go about and learn information.” He leaves with his bodyguard Touka, and tells the party to eat to their fill, “with moderation.”

The party descends downstairs, and eats from a wide variety of meats, cheeses, breads, and greens. Orwin grills Jineer about his intentions with Crystin. The inn is somber, and the innkeeper asks the bard to play something upbeat. The bard says the best he can do is bittersweet, and sings a song of the heroes who saved Barovia. Mishka tips him a gold.

They go out onto the streets, where there seem to be guards everywhere. Gruz introduces them to wurstbrats, a Dasseni sausage that is quite hearty. Walking the streets, they attempt to learn more of the assassinations, but only learn that while the Queen’s funeral was a great procession, the children’s funerals have been held in the castle, privately. As they walk back to the inn, they discover a shop that looks suspiciously like Madame Xendros’, and when they step inside, they discover that the tiefling is here as well. They are unable to determine how she got to Dassen before them, but buy a few items anyway: a Periapt of Health, and a Broom of Flying.

They return to the inn, and fall asleep, waiting for Balan to return with news.

Post-Session Thoughts
Another fun session, with lots of questions and learning about the world. Gruz as a PC is one of the more grounded ones, so it's fun to feed the player info that isn't in the Player's Handbook, and let him explain his homeland. Mishka's player, once again asked a lot of good questions. At one point, in the meandering politics conversation, she asked about the line of succession. Balan assured her that Steppengard had too many children for that to be an issue. The suprise in the player's voices when I revealed their deaths 20 minutes later was great.

Another fun roleplay in the inn and in Bresk as well. I can already tell the players are getting more comfortable getting into the storyteller chair and taking over for a bit to flesh out the world. The wurstbrats were about 10 minutes of everyone just having fun.

Changes to the module
The book seems to treat the police brutality situation as though the players should obviously fight. With Gruz, a former Dasseni soldier, in the group, I wanted to play it more as a RP situation, and it worked out well. The group was actually torn on whether or not to stick their necks out for the woman, with Gruz and Orwin wanting to stay out of it ("She was hiding in a secret compartment," Gruz said), and Eluriah and Mishka wanting to help. In the end, she lived, but lost a hand, and will be in the dungeons for who knows how long.

With the Elk Totem from Mishka speeding them along, I wondered how I could "reward" that, and I think it's going to be that they have time to meet with a lot of the proxies before going to the court. Technically, this is reverting a change I made in my notes to be more like the module, but it still is a change. They'll have a couple of days to schmooze around, make connections, and then when Steppengard is "done grieving," he will hold court. I foresee this taking all of next session. I'll be surprised if we even finish up in court at this rate.

It's looking more and more likely that I will cut down the various quests later on, to try and keep up a decent pace. I think I can be a little too focused on the timeline of the campaign. I can't help but extrapolate how long its taken to get here, and think "We'll probably be playing this same campaign two years from now." I think this would be less of an issue if I had another game going on, or another system after being in 5e for five solid years now. I love the group, I'm really enjoying the modules, but I'm a bit restless. One of our players just

Next week, wining and dining!


Sort of off topic but I figure asking here is easier than making a whole separate thread. What was the purpose of cutting out the hearts of the Steppengard kids? Is this a remnant from a previous version as 5e doesn't care how much of the body is left for resurrection?

Resurrection requires a 13th level cleric. There aren't any in Dassen. Even Ragesia only has a few, and they've risen to that power level by a lot of violence on behalf of Leska.


Resurrection (7th level) restores missing body parts, but Raise Dead (5th level) does not. The way I see it, Dassen is a fairly low magic agricultural and trading power, with most of its magic being concentrated on the nobility, with the military and the Book of the Eight Lands being the main areas of power. Clerics are around, but not necessarily powerful. Even Kelkin Thravanvost, Steppengard's "chief wizard of war" can only cast up to 5th level spells. Pristina Whitehair, one of the professors at Seaquen the same. I don't know about Simeon, but he's not a cleric. I think it's fair to say that 5th-level spells are about the peak of the Dassen-area power level.

Technically, Reincarnation is also 5th level, but we haven't really seen any druids around. If a druid player wanted to do it (I have one in my group, but she doesn't tend to choose healing spells), honestly, I would either make up a reason why it didn't work (Madness is trapping the souls).

Edit: Realized that players won't be high enough level for 5th level spells.


I completely forgot Raise Dead was a thing. My mind goes from Revivify to Resurrection. It still thinks Raise Dead is create zombie for some reason. Thanks both of you!

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