WotBS Tolamaker's Burning Sky


Session 35: Dasseni Diplomacy

The next morning, Balan gathers the party in the common room, and lays out what he knows. “I’ve found where the proxies for each of the duchies are staying, but time is even shorter than I anticipated. Apparently, King Steppengard intends to open court tomorrow, and we only have a short while to meet with him while his forces gather information regarding the assassination. He’s already not held court for a week, so we should meet with him as soon as possible. That means, we need to decide which proxies to meet with, and which matter to prioritize.”

The party agrees that while it would be nice to gain allies, the most important thing is to ensure Seauen’s survival, and halt the Ragesian’s attempt to march through Dassen. As they’re deciding who each person will meet, Balan sends Jineer down to gather some food. When Jineer’s footsteps have disappeared, he turns to the others. “There is one other thing. None of us will be meeting with Duke Gallo’s proxy, as I have learned that Jinis is one of the supposed assassins. He was riding with the Queen when she died, and he has been placed in the dungeon. I have not told Jineer yet, as I do not want to worry the boy. But something must be done.”

Eluriah muses that she could sneak into the dungeon to speak with the proxy, but Balan begs her to not jeopardize the diplomatic mission. Jineer returns, and the party goes out to get dressed for diplomatic duty. While they’re out, they discuss strategy with Jineer, and plan for their meetings. Balan also explains that while in Bresk, proxies are referred to as their lords’ name, without honorifics. They set up their meetings, leaving out Namin as a lost cause, especially after Balan metnions that Namin arrived here as soon as news of Queen Izabella’s death was known.

Eluriah purchases a flowing robe and laurel wreath for her head. She meats with Magda, the proxy immediately dissuades her of the notion, and insists on being called Uzala. Uzala is a tattooed dwarf woman, with a short stubbly beard. Eluriah wanted to meet somewhere the proxy would be comfortable, so they meet in a bar. During their talk, Eluriah emphasizes the work she’s done to build up Seaquens agriculture, and mentions that it will lessen their reliance on the fishing grounds of Gradis Reef. Uzala is very brusque, and the evening ends with no headway.

Mishka purchases a military uniform in the style of Gate Pass, and meets with Dashgoban in a museum. Mishka strikes upa conversation in dwarvish, and butters up the proxy with talk of the Pyromancer’s tomb. She is able to gain favor in the Ragesian pact, but Dashgoban says that it is not an opportune time to announce an alliance.

Aripose wears a sleek gown, and meets Iztorun in a bar. The proxy appears to be ex-military, clean cut, but comfortable in a bar. Aripose plies him with alcohol all night, and soon the two are fast friends. “Ragesia’s naughty word,” the dwarf shouts as he pledges to stop their advance, as well as fight for an alliance with Seaquen. He cuts his hand on a broken glass, and offers to become blood brothers with Aripose, who gladly accepts.

Gruz dresses in a Dasseni cavalry uniform, and meets with Rego. He invites Rego’s proxy to the old quarters of the Moonlit Blades. There, he stonewalls Rego, ignoring his forays for some time, and then begins to intimidate him with stories of Ragesia’s crimes, and attempts to explain that Seaquen is Churnett’s only hope. He successfully convinces Rego of the foolishness of a pact with Ragesia, but is unable to secure an alliance.

Orwin wears a mage’s scholar’s robes, and sews a patch from Gabal’s school into it. He meets with Timor in a restaurant, and they hold a ver reserved conversation as Orwin carefully lays out his case for why Ragesia’s entry into Dassen would be a disaster. Timor agrees, but once again, does not find it prudent at this time to ally with Seaquen.

The party meets back at the Golden Griffon to tell how the meetings went. Aripose enters with Dashgoban, who immediately falls asleep on a couch. Balan relays his meeting with Dene’s proxy, where he also was able to convince them to not let Ragesia enter. “With the support we’ve gathered today, we should be able to present a strong case to the king.”

Post-Session Thoughts:
This session was a lot of fun, with a kind of half-baked plan for how it would work. The way I ran it, basically the players had free rein to lay out the meeting with their proxy as they saw fit. They each got to pick the meeting place, and the different tacks they would take. Besides the basic information I had given to Gruz's player about each land, they didn't get the full scoop on what each land wanted. That meant I let the players really just talk about whatever they wanted, with whatever strategy they wanted, with a final persuasion check to decide how it went. And it worked really well? It was a solid 40 some minutes of each player essentially just playing DM, with me popping in to describe the proxy's responses and reactions to the rolls. The shopping was also fun, and our Discord is now full of fashion inspiration. Its funny, I would say the vibe of this session was similar to the lore-heavy sessions before, but it was with pretty minimal input from me, and instead the players were building things up.

Changes to the Module:
The book lays out the DCs for speaking with proxies to gain favor, but I'll admit I was a little confused as to if it meant convincing people completely to be helpful, or if it just moved them up one level (neutral to friendly, hostile to neutral). So I kind of changed things up. I didn't want to spend the entire session having the players talk to Balan to get the inside scoop on the absolutely best avenue to take with each proxy, so I let each of them make a single skill check of their choice to give themselves an edge (a -2 to the persuasion DCs). As long as they could explain how the skill applied to the diplomacy, it would work. Mishka rolled Survival to explain the ecological devastation of trespassing army. Aripose used Deception to get Iztorun drunker than planned. Gruz Intimidated his proxy, Eluriah used perception to learn about Magda, and Orwin used History to build up his case of closeness between Seaquen and Timor.

Then, they each got to make two Persuasion checks, one for the Ragesian pact, and another for an alliance with Seaquen. Whichever they made second was at disadvantage, to represent which deal was more important. Everyone chose stopping Ragesia, and almost everyone succeeded at that. The most surprising was Aripose rolling 20+ even at disadvantage.

I think the way this will work out involves spoilers for later
Because Steppengard is completely unreasonable due to the death of his family, "Stopping the Ragesians" instead will apply to how soon he can leave, and the alliance will give a bonus at Gallo's Fend. I haven't decided how. Honestly, this session here might replace one of the later ones in terms of shoring up defenses, or one of the Tipping the Scales scenarios. We'll see how it plays out.

Next session: an Audience with the king!
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Also, in the aftermath of the session, while chatting, I came up with this abomination.



I meant to mention when I saw your AP post. I noticed our "Balan" and also Mishka's player is using the Half-Orc woman portrait as well!
Amazing. Well, we just got drawings done, so we're in the process of changing them for the new videos. They are really nice pictures!

E: The previous pictures.


Session 36: To Speak with a King

The party awakes the next day, and make their way to the castle. The castle is filled with a jumble of diplomats, farmers, and merchants, all here to have audience with the king after his time grieving. Balan goes off to get their petition in, and the party explores the castle to see what there is to see. Gruz is interested in seeing the Book of the Eight Lands, as he has never seen it in person. Eluriah stays behind to listen in on the scuttlebutt.

In the library, there are copies of the bok out on display. A variety of clerks help Dasseni citizens find their family’s place in the line of succession. First, Gruz goes to see who is now next in line after King Steppengard. The first name after the queen and children who have been marked off, is Duke Gallo. Gruz is put off by this, but doesn’t believe Duke Gallo would assassinate the family of the man who gave him his lordship. Gruz then goes off to find his own family, and finds that he is 523,561st in line for the throne. Aripose also finds that there are Sisgetedes in Dassen, who are very far down the line.

While waiting in the halls, Eluriah overhears two Talon guardsman speaking quietly about “meeting the Inquisitor’s needs,” and the noise he has been making in the dungeon. She goes off to find the others and tell them, but Jineer finds them at the same time, and says the court is opening.

They are ushered into the throne room, where a trial of sorts is taking place. King Steppengard looks haggard, but alert, as Nina Glemmer, his advisor, draws a Zone of Truth around a man in chains. “That’s my father’s scribe, Relder!” Jineer says, a bit too loudly.

Nina Glemmer pulls forth a scroll and begins to read from it. “Relder of Nasham, you have been brought before your king to answer for your actions, and that of your master. Tell us what you and your associates were doing the day of Queen Izabella’s death.

Relder looks like he is struggling to answer, leading to more murmurs. When he opens his mouth, he says “We… we were lying in wait. We had hired a… trapper, to upset her horse… NO!” Suddenly he is more erratic, struggling against his chains. “We have done nothing! I am a loyal subject, as is my lord Jinis!”

“And what of Gallo, man?” Glemmer says, cutting him off. “What role does he have to play in this? He has the most to gain from such a rise in station.”

The man’s eyes widen. “Duke Gallo is my king’s most fervent defender, his great shield to the north, he-“ his voice catches, and he laughs wildly. “haha! He made sure to finish them off! 'Even the youngest?' we asked, and he said yes, even the baby! He found a witch who would do such a thing, he promised her their hearts!”

The crowd’s murmurs rise to a roar, and Glemmer returns to the kings side, to whisper to him. He does not take his eyes from the man, who is still raving.

King Steppengard rises slowly, and the people in the court quiet. He is silent for a moment, and then sighs. I would like nothing more than to execute this man for his part in… my family’s murder. However, it can plainly be seen that his mind has been tampered with, and I must serve justice, not my heart.” He turns to the audience, giving notice to the proxies. “Sentencing shall be stayed, until it can be determined if this is a ploy to escape justice, or if this man is merely a pawn in Gallo’s grander scheme. Nina Glemmer shall see to untangling his mind.” He looks to the proxies and waits. None speak, and the man is taken away by guards.

King Steppengard sighs again. “We will now hold audiences.”

Farmers and Merchants begin to make their way to the king, offering condolences before airing their grievances or pleas. As they await their turn, Eluriah and Aripose notice the Ragesian diplomat and his inquisitor, standing to the side. Aripose sneaks by them, and overhears them speaking of Jinis, and the Inquisitor says that he has not “given us any information of value.”

Eventually, Gruz and the rest are called forward. Gruz introduces himself, and pleads the case of Seaquen, begging the king to not allow a foreign army to march through Dassen. The crowd murmurs in assent, seeing the wisdom of his words, but King Steppengard is stone-faced, listening to both Gruz, and Nina Glemmer in his ear. Eluriah can read lips, and can see that Glemmer is reminding him all the great things the Ragesians have promised, and the thorn that Seaquen has been.

When Gruz is done, Steppengard is silent for a while. “I must ask you a question, Gruz Greatsword. Several weeks ago, a merchant by the name of Hedrik came to our court, bearing an writ that guaranteed him a payment no less than 1000 Dasseni gold in return for “Services rendered unto the king.” I, of course, was required to tell him that he had been swindled, and that no money would be forthcoming. However, my wife, hearing his plea, took her earrings off,and gave them to the captain, and begged for his forgiveness.” He chokes, and is unable to speak for a moment. “She was your queen, and she paid your debt.” His eyes are hard. “My question then is why should I not clap you in irons right now?”

As the king speaks, the hearts of the party sinks into their stomachs. Gruz falls to his knees, and bows to the floor, begging forgiveness. When King Steppengard speaks, it is loud and clear. “It is only because of your record that I do not leave you to rot in the dungeon. You shall repay me 1000 gold, alongside a further fine of 500 gold. Your record is also stricken from the annals of Dassen, and you have no right to wear that cape about your shoulders. You will give it to the Talon as you are escorted from my castle.”

Talon guards emerge from the crowd, and begin to move the party off. Commander Falk returns, and carefully counts the money they remove from their bag of holding. They are then further escorted back to the Golden Griffon. But as they arrive, the Talon do not leave. Instead, more and more of them begin to gather. When Orwin goes to grab a wurstbrat, a bard bumps into him, and hisses “You’re in danger! They mean to arrest you all!” Orwin rushes back to warn the others, as a member of the Talon steps forth and shouts up to the suite that they are under arrest “For conspiracy in the assassination of Queen Izabella and the heirs to the throne.”

Warning the others, the party is split. On the one hand, they are innocent, and have no desire to go to prison. However, some of them believe that perhaps by turning themselves in, they can clear their names. Orwin does say that though the king is sad, he appears to be of sound mind, and honorable.

In the end, the party splits. Gruz, Aripose, Mishka, and Eluriah cause a distraction by turning themselves in, though Gruz and Mishka are beaten senseless as they fight back. Orwin, Balan, Touka, and Jineer escape out the back, racing down the streets of Bresk on their sleigh.

Post-Session Thoughts
Hoo boy, this did not go like I planned. Or rather, it went exactly as I planned up until the guards arrived. I moved up the night raid because the party seemed to be acting like they would have more time to do things in Dassen, and I wanted to dissuade them of the notion. However, the second one of them (Gruz, I think) floated the idea of turning themselves in, things very quickly began to change. I ended up stopping the session about 20 minutes early, and was honest with them that this was in no way what I thought would happen, so I needed to take a week to plan some things out. I know that there is info on the dungeons, but I hadn't really read up on them lately.

Honestly, even with the curveball ending, the session was great. Everything before meeting with Steppengard was fun as they all tried to guess what was going on in the minds of the proxies, and get information from the Ragesians. The reactions over Discord as Steppengard revealed that Hedrik had been there before, was delicious. They were groaning and everything, but I just talked right over them as he handed down his judgement. Tons of fun.

Finally, Orwin's Flaw is a deathly fear of the Inquisitors, so his player decided that Orwin would not turn himself in to the grasp of an Inquisitor. So we'll get a new character in the dungeon! Not sure if he'll stick around or not, but we'll find out!

Changes to the Module:
In the book, King Steppengard throws them out because his mind has been poisoned against Seaquen, and he laments that no one else knows his sorrow. I changed that to make him a little more sympathetic, as well as pay the players back for getting one over on me earlier in the campaign. One fun tidbit: during the mid-session break, I came back to them talking about the captain, and joking that he would be at the court. I had thought about doing that, but couldn't think of a way to do it without it deflating the seriousness of the situation. So, Steppengard got to tell a beautiful but sad story about his wife. I'm afraid I made him a little too sympathetic.

I changed Glibglammer to Glemmer to give her less of a tricksy name, but I feel like it actually meant people paid less attention to her. Maybe she'll come visit the dungeon to gloat.

Next session, it's Prison Time!


(to the tune of Johnny Cash's "Folsom Prison Blues")

We came to Dassen's kingdom, to get help fightin' Lesk';
And now we're in a jail cell, in the lovely town of Bresk.
Now we just have to convince this... political machine,
That we had nothing to do with... the murder of the queen.

We'd spoken to the proxies, and tried our best to sway;
Holding back Ragesia? It seemed the only way,
But it seems our cries for help... wouldn't get too far,
As they fell upon the deaf ears... of King Steppengard.

It seems that Dassen's king, was once a righteous man;
Establishin' his bloodline, in the Book of Eight Lands.
But his heart was cold and hardened... after this tragedy.
And it seems, to sate his anguish... he'll take it out on me.

And now it seems the nation's on the brink of civil war,
Returnin' to the conflicts that rattled it before.
This descent straight into madness... seems like it's just the start,
As the nation we call Dassen... begins to fall apart.
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Session 37: Steppengard Prison Blues

The party is thrown in prison below Castle Steppengard. All of the mages, including Gruz, are shackled with fused gauntlets, and gagged with a bit that disrupts their tongue. Gruz and Mishka were knocked out and thrown in a cell together. Eluriah and Aripose are thrown in a cell with a man who looks like he was handsome once, but is now gaunt and nervous. Aripose strikes up a conversation, and learns that the man is Jinis, Duke Gallo’s proxy, and Jineer’s father. He assures Jinis that his son got away, and tries to learn the diplomat’s story. Jinis tries to explain what happened the day the queen died, but he says it is like trying to remember a dream. He tells several versions, some where she simply falls and dies, one in which he breaks her neck, and one in which she is attacked by a strange shadowy monster.

After a while, Gruz and Mishka wake up, and realize they share a cell with Hethal, the woman who they met on the road, who had her hand chopped off by a Talon guard. She reveals the man she was sleeping with was Jinis. The party ask her if he was any good, and she laughs harshly. “He’s a diplomat. He knows how to use his tongue.”

Two guards come to Gruz and Mishka’s cell, and drop off an unconscious half-elf who smells of burnt hair and clothes. They then take Hethal with them, and Jinis shouts words of encouragement to her. He tells the others that the guards are taking her to the inquisitor for questioning. “And torture,” he says, shivering. Eventually, the half-elf wakes up, and the others recognize him as Corban, the bard who sang of the Dawnbringers of Barovia. He wonders why they didn’t run when he gave warning, and they explain that they were hoping to clear their names. Jinis laughs, and says that there is no justice in this prison.

Out of curiosity, the party begins to ask Jinis for information on the monster in one of his memories. His description sets off Eluriah’s memory, and she reminds the party of her sighting of a smoky tendril in Innenotdar, and the black tentacles within Indomitability. When Mishka remembers the name “Trillith,” Jinis’ eyes widen, and says that the inquisitor asked him if he had any knowledge of trillith.

As they are talking, a shuffling sound echoes down the hall, and Jinis warns them all to get away form the bars. On the opposite side, Relder is not quick enough, and a decaying man rushes forward and takes a bite out of his shoulder. The undead man turns around, and the party is able to see intestines hanging out of his body. The man shuffles further along, muttering to himself about food. Gruz recognizes the creature as a ghast, turned undead due to cannibalism in life. Jinis says that the man is Jutras, a former prince of Dassen who killed much of his family. “The guards figured out they can use him to keep the prisoners in check, so they don’t keep a night watch.”

Making sure to keep Jutras far away, Aripose is able to squeeze through the bars, and uses a pair of shivs that Jinis made to pick his way out of the dungeon. He makes his way past sleeping guards, and finds the party’s gear in a storage room. After making sure Fern is okay, Aripose gets his real lockpick set, a rope, and a few daggers, and smuggles them back into the cells. Together, the group decides to stay in prison for a little while, to find out what is going on, but to be ready for trouble at any time. After hiding the items in the straw and loose stones, they get a fitful night of sleep. IN the morning, the guards lure Jutras back into his cell, and return Hethal, who is unconscious, but has no wounds. They then pull Gruz out, and begin taking him to the inquisitor.

Post Session Thoughts
This was a fun session, which I felt a little unprepared for. I kept telling myself that I was going to expand the dungeon, but I never did, even with an extra week. But in the end, it turns out, all I had to do was mostly present the book as is, and let the players figure out what they wanted to do. I didn't want to push "escape from the prison" just because it would put them closer on track with the module, but I did make it clear that they weren't about to get a fair trial down here. Honestly, not preparing anything is simultaneously scary and freeing. I want to get better at just freewheeling as a DM, but as I've mentioned before, its very hard for me to let go of the reins.

Corban is Orwin's replacement. The player had really wanted to try out the Cirqueliste bard subclass, but was torn between that and an artificer. We'll see if he sticks around. He's all burnt up because he was teleporting constantly to run away. It also sticks with the player's naming convention of "or-ih" sounds (Orwin, Norwell[ish], Corban, Norrick [previous campaign]).

Changes to the module
I am consolidating the Alydi Gap encounter into the prison, to cut down on time, but we haven't really reached that yet. I figure it will pull double duty for providing evidence to allies later on. For now, all I've really "changed" is set up a dividing line for when guards are out, and when Jutras is out. I also decided the provided map was a little small, and wanted the dungeons to be a bit more sprawling, but that's mostly coming out of description. I'm really only using the map for reference for myself, and running the dungeon as theater of the mind until combat breaks out.

Next time, Tea Time with Torrax.


I was really looking forward to your next reports. Because of us needing to take a few weeks off due to schedule conflicts, you are now reporting the session that we are just about to play! It is really helpful to see someone else's notes to compare against what went well and what didn't!

E: Now that I actually read it, the "he knows how to use his tongue" is absolute gold.

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