I agree. I don't see the need to start at 1st level.
I feel like Hidden Shrine makes more sense in Maztica than Chult, but I did notice that one of the trickster gods has a Maztican/Aztec-sounding name so ... But yes, it's a possibility.
And there's always the chance that the PCs might get captured by the Red Wizards, in which case running Dead in Thay would make sense as a follow-up.
Keeping the options open is always good.
I imagine all the hotlinks must be quite useful. No book flipping. I'm curious, though: when a customized monster or NPC is presented in the book, do you get a customized statblock, or does the hotlink just send you to the generic statblock, and you still have to take into account the changes yourself? (One of the reasons I have not yet started using any online platform to help with DMing is because I like to have full statblocks for all the customized monsters as well as the generic ones, and I'm not sure if the online platforms do that for you or not.)