Tomb of Horrors 3.5


I'm back and trying to get caught up. I didn't see any problems during the brief once over I gave the posted characters, but I'll try go over them more carefully tonight and post some comments if needed.

Scott DeWar--still room for more. Fighters are always good or a support type like a bard might be nice. I guess I shouldn't advise since it seems likely the players will have the final say on who is in.

Mista Collins--Take your time. I'm sure your fellows will welcome a Cleric.

Glad to have some more familiar players taking an interest.

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Walking Dad

First Post
Should we post replacement characters? ToH has a deadly reputation.

If yes:

Human Cleric of Trithereon

H: Spell Focus (Conjuration)
1: Augment Summoning
3: Domain Spontanity (Summoner) (CD)
6: Rapid Spell (CD)
9: Summon Elemental (CM)


Walking Dad said:
Should we post replacement characters? ToH has a deadly reputation.

If yes:

Human Cleric of Trithereon

H: Spell Focus (Conjuration)
1: Augment Summoning
3: Domain Spontanity (Summoner) (CD)
6: Rapid Spell (CD)
9: Summon Elemental (CM)

I think the 3.5 version has gotten rid of most of the instant kill stuff, but I won't object if you want to have back ups in place. :cool:


OnlytheStrong, I figured Tagret's amulet at 16,000 gp rather than 9,000 gp. Read the side bar at the bottom of page 282 of the dmg where the formula you used comes from. The dex, str and wis amulet falls under the heading of 'Multiple Different Abilities' because those items take up body slots. Ability boosting items are specifically given as an example. So the cost should be 4000 for the first ability and a 50% increase in price for each added ability so 6000 for each extra ability score to a total cost of 16k.

I'll try to finish going over the characters tomorrow. I'm just too tired tonight.


Added scrolls, potions, etc. for Zorn. Also added in max load and a couple more items. he also has an assortment of mundane equipment I did not list such as torches, silk rope, mirror, etc.


See......... that is why I don't make my own magic stuff. I took it as 50% increase meaning that since each one individually cost 4k, that it would be 4k then 75% would be 3k, etc..... I used the similar abilities thing. Guess I shoulda read down farther huh? lol I'll take it out and figure out what I can do about re-arranging things. Thanks for the heads up.


wandering_8i said:
Thanks OnlytheStrong.

Stats [sblock]

Equipment: Cost Weight
Adamantine Full Plate (+3 from adam) 11,500 50
Mythril Tower Shield 1,030 45
Holy Mace +1 18,312 8

Total Weight: 103 Money: gp 0sp 0cp [used: 30,842]

Lgt Med Hvy Lift Push
Max Weight: 50 100 150 300 750


I ran into a couple of problems with your gear. Most likely these are related to your use of the older book. Adamantine heavy armor costs 15,000 gp plus the cost of the armor which is 1500, so a total of 16500 gp for the Adamantine full plate. Adamantine no longer increases the armor bonus, instead it gives a damage reduction of 3/- for heavy armor. Thus, the armor bonus is only 8 rather than 11 but each time you are hit you can subtract 3 from the damage total. Not a bad deal really. Being masterwork cuts the armor check by one down to -5.

Next up the tower shield. Towershields are wooden and thus can't be Mithral. However, Darkwood is an option for 450 gp (10 gp times weight) plus the 30 gp cost of the shield. Darkwood cuts the weight in half (down to 22.5) and the armor check down two to -8. Note that the feat descriptions in the PH2 do not include tower shield as an option for sheild specialization. I'm going to overlook that because I can't see that either of these feats (shield ward has a prerequisite of shield specialization) will be unbalanced with a tower shield. Note that a tower shield causes you to have a -2 on all attack rolls, which does not appear to be included in the +11 you listed for heavy mace on your sheet. Should be only +9 by my calculation.

You'll have a medium load and an armor check penalty of -13 if you have to balance, jump or climb among others. It will double to -26 if you need to swim. If Jason falls in the water you might as well start rolling up a new character.

I only saw three feats of the five you have coming as a 9th level human listed. You might want to consider Shieldmate from Miniatures Handbook:

[General, Fighter] (Mini p28)
Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +1
Adjacent allies receive a +1 Shield bonus to AC when you are using a Shield with which you are proficient
and can take actions. The bonus increases to +2 if you are using a Tower Shield.

And weapon focus in heavy mace from the PH (to partially mitigate the -2 from using a tower shield) or

Heavy Armor
[General, Fighter] (Races of Stone p141)
Armor Proficiency
Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +4
When wearing Heavy Armor, increase the AC by 1 and reduce the Armor Check penalty by 1.

You can find the magic items and special materials from the DMG, along with a lot of other useful information in the srd here:

It is basically the d20 rules with all the fluff taken out and an invaluable resource when you don't have the main books handy.

Still waiting for spells and mundane equipment.

Voidrunner's Codex

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