Tomb of Horrors 3.5


Zorn can certainly own a wand of cure light wounds, but I don't believe he can use it unless I missed something. A belt of healing from Magic Item Compendium might be a better choice.

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re: Cure Light Wounds wand

Under the description for the Use Magic Device skill, the Use Wand ability states:

Normally to use a wand, you must have the wand's spell on your class spell list. This use of the skill allows you to use a wand as if you had a particular spell on your class spell list.

To use a wand, if you know what spell it has on it and the activation word, it is a DC20.
To use a scroll, it is a DC20+min. caster level for the spell.



Had I paid more attention to the +20 on use magic device and your request for a skill change this would have been obvious. :\

Use it in good health!


Yes, Jason is coming along nicely. I believe that Masterwork quality is included in the price of the special material for the darkwood shield, so you can save a 150 gp there. Might be nice to have a couple of master work crossbow bolts in your quiver.

Voidrunner's Codex

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