(non-judge here) I think Rystil is right about the system: balancing issues aside, it's entirely new and DMs and players that don't have the book will have a tough time keeping with the new rules in the book. Psionics, at least, are SRd and can be read online for whoever wants to check a character's ability, and spells and feats from other books follow existant rules. The Crusader's rules are particulary awful.
Also, the books uses heavily Immediate actions, which I believe don't mix well with pbp.
However I don't think it's a matter of dismissing the book out of hand; I've seen many rules that look very powerful on paper but that have unexpected limitations and balancing issues in real play. Maybe a couple judges could play a very short adventure, creating two charactrs each, and test how the new classes and abilities behave with a DM that doesn't own the book. I don't have it, just skimmed over the book once, so I could be the guinea pig if the idea goes through.