D&D General Travel In Medieval Europe


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
So, in this video, my favorite youtube historian talks about travel in the middle ages amongst the peasant class, and how it was much more common than most modern people think it was.

The details of the video are really interesting, and like most of his videos, could be really fun bits to fit into your storytelling in DnD.

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So, in this video, my favorite youtube historian talks about travel in the middle ages amongst the peasant class, and how it was much more common than most modern people think it was.

The details of the video are really interesting, and like most of his videos, could be really fun bits to fit into your storytelling in DnD.
Especially pilgrimages are most of the time ignored in D&D despite being a main reason (at least officially) for travel. And they were not something limited to Christianity or Abrahamic religions (Hajj), but nearly every religion had its holy places and people travelled to visit them like asking for advice from the Oracle of Delphi, bathing in the Ganges or visit several temple complexes.
And as mentioned, there was often an entire industry for pilgrimages with waystations and souveniers.

Does the FR, despite all its lore, have a single pilgrimage route?
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Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Not sure about set routes, but I do recall mentions in the FR to holy sites that Faithful make pilgrimages to. Probably in the 2e god supplements.
The stopovers and itinerary are my favorite thing in the video, but yeah FRhas a ton of good nuggets of of Middle Ages mixed in with it's odd assortment of time periods and places.


It’s a great video. Lots of snippets of knowledge. I love the idea of fake relic sellers at the big pilgrimage sites.

I was lucky enough to live along the route of the pilgrims way running from Winchester to Canterbury 160 miles or so. When I get a couple of week or two off and don’t have any other plans when the weather is nice I’ll walk it one day.

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