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Trouble in the Forest Characters

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Isida Kep'Tukari

Quillia Yrtree Alamble
Female Gnome Wizard 12

Alignment: Neutral Good
Patron Deity: Mystra
Region: Lantan
Height: 3' 5''
Weight: 42lbs
Hair: Sandy Brown
Eyes: Dark Blue
Age: 73

Str: 10 (+0) [4 points, -2 racial]
Dex: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Con: 11 (+0) [1 point, +2 racial]
Int: 20 (+5) [10 points, +4 enhancement]
Wis: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Cha: 13 (+1) [5 points]

Class and Racial Abilities:
+2 Con, -2 Str, Small (+1 to AC and attacks, +4 to Hide checks), Low-light vision, Weapon familiarity (gnome hooked hammer), +2 bonus vs. illusions, +1 to DC of illusions, +1 attack bonus vs. kobolds and goblinoids, +4 dodge bonus to AC vs. giants, +2 bonus to Listen and Craft (alchemy) checks, Spell-like abilities (speak with animals (burrowing mammals) 1/day, dancing lights, ghost sound, and prestidigitation 1/day, DC: 11, 12 for ghost sound).

Hit Dice: 12d4
HP: 37
AC: 18 (+2 Dex, +1 size, +3 armor [from bracers], +2 deflection [from ring])
Init: +2 (+2 Dex)
Speed: 20ft

Fortitude +6 [+4 base, +0 Con, +2 from cloak]
Reflex +8 [+4 base, +2 Dex, +2 from cloak]
Will +12 [+8 base, +2 Wis, +2 from cloak]

BAB: +6/+1
Melee Atk: +7/+2 (1d4+1+1d6 [all subdual]/x2/B, Headknocker, +1 merciful quarterstaff)
Ranged Atk: +10/+5 (1d8+2+1d6 fire/x3/50 ft./P, Heat, +2 flaming pistol)

Concentration +5 [5 ranks, +0 Con]
Craft (alchemy) +15 [10 ranks, +5 Int]
Decipher Script +10 [5 ranks, +5 Int]
Knowledge (arcana) +21 [15 ranks, +5 Int, +1 Education]
Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +14 [8 ranks, +5 Int, +1 Education]
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +10 [5 ranks, +5 Int]
Knowledge (geography) +10 [5 ranks, +5 Int]
Knowledge (history) +8 [3 ranks, +5 Int]
Knowledge (nature) +15 [10 ranks, +5 Int]
Knowledge (the planes) +15 [10 ranks, +5 Int]
Spellcraft +22 [15 ranks, +5 Int, +2 synergy from Knowledge (arcana)]

Education (Knowledge: arcana, Knowledge: architecture and engineering) (1st level)
Scribe Scroll (wizard bonus 1st level)
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (pistol) (3rd level)
Empower Spell (wizard bonus 5th level)
Point Blank Shot (6th level)
Improved Familiar (9th level)
Energy Substitution (sonic) (wizard bonus 10th level)
Precise Shot (12th level)

Languages: Common, Gnome, Lantanese, Draconic, Sylvan, Alzedo

Spells Prepared
Save DC +5
0th - detect magic, flare, read magic, prestidigitation.
1st - comprehend languages, expeditious retreat, mount, true strike x2, unseen servant.
2nd - darkvision, Gedlee's electric loop, Melf's acid arrow, rope trick, see invisibility.
3rd - blindsight, dispel magic, sonic fireball x2 (from Energy Substitution), haste.
4th - Empowered Melf's acid arrow, greater invisibility, stone shape, stone skin.
5th - major creation, overland flight, prying eyes, teleport.
6th - analyze dweomer, chain lightning.

0th - acid splash, arcane mark, dancing lights, daze, detect magic, detect poison, disrupt undead, flare, ghost sound, light, mage hand, mending, message, open/close, prestidigitation, ray of frost, read magic, resistance, touch of fatigue
1st - alarm, comprehend languages, expeditious retreat, identify, magic missile, mount, speed swim, true strike, unseen servant
2nd - darkvision, Gedlee's electric loop, Melf's acid arrow, rope trick, see invisibility
3rd - blindsight, daylight, dispel magic, greater magic weapon, fireball, haste
4th - greater invisibility, polymorph, stone shape, stoneskin
5th - major creation, overland flight, permanency, prying eyes, teleport
6th - analyze dweomer, chain lightning, disintegrate, greater dispel magic, true seeing


Heat (+2 flaming pistol, 18,000gp)
Headknocker (+1 merciful Small quarterstaff, 8,000)
Hairpin of the Uncanny Wit (as headband of intellect +4, 16,000gp),(acquired at 10th level)
Bracelets of Ironheart (as bracers of armor +3, 9,000gp)
Warding Word (ring of protection +2, 8,000gp)
Heward's Handy Haversack (2,000gp)
wand of magic missile (5th level, 3,750gp)
wand of detect secret doors (750gp)
scroll of detect undead (25gp)
scroll of animate rope (25gp)
Tymora's Favor (cloak of resistance +2, 4,000gp)
Spellbook (400 pages of vellum, wooden cover, waterproof, levitating, pungent, major elemental resistance, glammered [to resemble a poetry book]) (10,240gp)
Spell component pouch - Small sapphire in a gold loop (1,500gp, focus for analyze dweomer), small bell and length of silver wire (focus for alarm), small ball of wool (about 20 castings' worth, for daze), tiny pouch of earth from a grave (about 20 castings' worth, for disrupt undead), a small block of wax in waxed paper (about 10 castings worth, for ghost-sound), a small pouch of phosphorescent moss and a little jar of fireflies (about 10 castings' worth, for light, small pouch of powdered lime and carbon (20 castings' worth, for greater magic weapon), a short piece of copper wire (focus for message), a brass key (focus for open/close), a crystal prism (focus for read magic), 5 miniature cloaks (material component for resistance), small pouch of soot and salt (20 castings' worth, for comprehend languages), 4 100gp white pearls and 4 snowy owl feathers (material components for identify), a braid of horse hair (20 castings' worth, for mount), a miniature wooden paddle (focus for speed swim), several bunches of string and slivers of wood (20 castings' worth, for unseen servant), 20 small agates (material components for darkvision), 20 small loops of copper wire and 20 small magnetic stones (material components for Gedlee's electric loop), a dart and a pouch of powdered rhubarb leaves and 20 adder's stomachs (focus and material components for 20 castings of Melf's acid arrow), powdered corn and twisted loops of parchment (20 castings' worth, for rope trick), a small pouch of talc and powdered silver (20 castings' worth, for see invisibility), a small pouch of wax paper-wrapped balls of bat guano and sulfur (20 castings' worth, for fireball), a small pouch of licorice root shavings (20 castings' worth, for haste), 10 empty cocoons (material component for polymorph), small pouch full of granite and diamond dust (2,500 worth, 10 castings of stoneskin), a pot full of soft clay (10 castings' worth, for stone shape), 10 handfuls of crystal marbles (10 castings' worth of prying eyes), small jar of ointment (made from mushroom powder, saffron, and fat, 2,500gp, 10 castings' worth, for true seeing), a small pouch with several loadstones and dust (20 castings' worth, for disintegrate), a small pouch containing a bit of ferret fur, a piece of amber, and 12 silver pins (focus for chain lightning). 6,500gp
Powderkeg of smokepowder 400gp
4 bags of bullets (40) 12gp
Alchemist's lab 500gp
Bedroll 5sp
Everburning torch 110gp
Acid (5 flasks) 50gp
Alchemist's fire (3 flasks) 60gp
Sunrods (5) 10gp
Waterskin 1gp
Wine (3 bottles) 30gp
50 ft. silk rope 10gp
Silver dagger 10gp
Paper (10 sheets) 4gp
Ink (two vials) 16gp
Inkpen 1gp
Trail rations (20 days worth) 10gp
Belt pouch 1gp
Scholar's outfit 5gp
Cold weather outfit 8gp
Courtier's outfit with jewelry 80gp
Bag of raspberry candies (5 lbs) 2gp

389gp, 5sp

Preena, pseudodragon familiar: Tiny dragon; HD 7: hp 25; Init +0; Spd 15 ft., fly 60 ft. (good); AC 22, touch 14, flat-footed 20; Base Atk +2; Grp -8; Atk +7 melee (1d3+1 plus poison, sting); full Atk +7 melee (1d3+1 plus poison, sting) and +0 melee (1, bite); Space/Reach 2-1/2 ft./0 ft. (5 ft. with tail); SA poison; SQ blindsense 60 ft., deliver touch spells, dragon type, improved evasion, speak with master, telepathy, alertness, share spells, empathic link, speak with master; AL NG; SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +6; Str 11, Dex 11, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10.

Skills and Feats: Hide +16/+24 in forest or overgrown areas, Survival +3, Listen +5, Search +2, Spot +5; Alertness.
Blindsense (Ex): Can locate creatures within 60 ft. by nonvisual means.
Dragon Type: Darvision 60 ft., low-light vision, immunity to sleep are paralysis effects.
Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude CD 12, initial damage sleep for 1 minute, secondary damage sleep for 1d3 days.
Telepathy (Su): Communicate telepathically with creature within 60 ft that speak Common or Sylvan.

Permanent Spells: greater magic fang (12th level caster) on Preena, familiar pocket on Quillia's inner vest pocket.

Appearance: Quillia is gnome who has seen a great deal in her travels. Her skin is nut-brown from the sun, and her voice carries the faint echo of many accents. Her sandy brown hair falls to the middle of her back and is usually in a bun on her head, held in place with an elaborate hairpin. Her eyes are deep blue. She favors deep jewel tones of ruby red, emerald green, golden topaz, and indigo blue. She wears a tunic of emerald green, with indigo trews and shirt, and a golden topaz vest with many pockets. All have some ruby red embroidery, and she wears some red stone earrings and a necklace of the same.

When traveling, she has Heat, her pistol, on her belt next to her potions. She carries Headknocker (her quarterstaff) in one hand, and keeps the other hand free. She wears elaborately made iron bracelets, and a cloak that shimmers with a faint steel color. Occasionally Preena will poke her head out of her large pocket in Quillia's vest, which has startled more than one person.

Personality: Quillia is generally a happy person, willing to help others, particularly when it comes to something magical or alchemical. There's nothing Quillia likes more than conversing with another that finds magic and alchemy as fascinating as she does.

Though she owes her allegiance to Mystra, Quillia prays to the gnome pantheon often, often invoking various names of those gods in many expressions.

Quillia also loves getting letters from her family, and writes them all a newsy letter every couple of weeks. If she's within range, she'll teleport back for an afternoon with her family every couple of weeks instead. If not, she pays a premium to make certain her letters get to the Alamble family home.

She hopes sometime soon to find a suitable husband so she can settle down. There have been several men, one of whom was (and still is) serious, in her life, but her wanderlust has broken up most of these relationships. Her one serious love, a bard called Yilltre Garlondo, was close to working out, but both weren't quite ready to settle down. She also writes him letters, often paying a wizard to scry out his current location so she can be sure where to send them. The two have been exchanging love letters for years, and Quillia has kept them all. Perhaps one day soon they will both be ready...

In lieu of a husband and children of her own, Quillia lavishes her love on Preena. She adores the little pseudodragon and lavishes attention on her. She considers her more like a little daughter rather than a familiar. Preena has her own special pocket in Quillia's vest to allow her to travel in complete comfort, in addition to a fine assortment of shiny gems to play with. Quillia always keeps a small bag of tidbits for the pseudodragon to eat.

In response to the trust and affection, Preena is fiercely loyal and protective of Quillia. The pseudodragon prevailed on the gnome to have greater magic fang permanently cast on her so she would be better able to protect her, should the need arise. Rendered invisible, there's almost nothing Preena wouldn't do for the wizard. They both have a great love for practical jokes and keep a small book of their greatest accomplishments of humor.

Quillia makes friends easily, and once her trust is gained, her loyalty is unshakeable. Though she likes to say she fears nothing, she would be devastated if her family or friends were taken from her. That is probably her one deepest fear.

Background: Quillia grew up in Lantan, where the wonders that most would give their teeth to see once was the stuff of common life. Her father, Beldebarble, was a fine gunsmith, while her mother, Narilly, both decorated the gunstocks with carvings and fine metals as well as making the smokepowder. As a young girl, Quillia spent a lot of time with her mother in her alchemy lab, and learned to love the mixing and experimentation. She also helped her father in demonstrating his firearms, as it was apparent she was a crack shot. Her younger brother, Gilbaril, helped her mother do the fancy work on the guns, while both older sisters learned their father's craft. The Alamble family was prosperous and lived a comfortable life.

When it became apparent that Quillia was an incredibly bright young woman, her parents suggested that she might find wizardry worthy of her talents. She had a much more mystical bent than anyone else in the family, and engineering, while interesting, didn't capture her attention as much as sporadic mentions of magic in books she read. They look her to a wizard academy in Myratma in Tethyr, where she was tested and found worthy. Quillia found the mysteries of magic to hold even more of her attention that alchemy, though she kept at it.

The great wealth of information that could be found at the academy whetted her appetite to see the rest of the world. After leaving the academy, she traveled widely, eager to see magic in many parts of Toril. She experimented with different types of magic, learning to make her spells more powerful, as well as bringing the potent power of sound to her more destructive spells. She credits her development of her sonic magic to Yilltre, her boyfriend, as his bard's appreciation for the power of sound was something she hadn't considered before.

Several years ago, Quillia rescued a trapped and frightened pseudodragon from an encampment of poachers she had stopped with the help of some followers of Chauntea. Though she let her go the minute she was well, the little beast continued to follow Quillia around for the next few days. Finally the pseudodragon said she wanted to be Quillia's friend and companion. Touched, Quillia cared for Preena (as that was her name) for several months. Preena brought a great deal of love and happiness into her life, and on the one-year anniversary of their meeting, both decided to make their association even closer. Preena underwent the ceremony of becoming Quillia's familiar, and the two have become a force to be reckoned with.
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First Post
Piotyr Mendolsohn - Male Human Cleric 12

Piotyr Mendelsohn
Male Human Cleric 12

Alignment: Lawful Good
Patron Deity: Ilmater
Height: 5' 9''
Weight: 159lbs
Hair: Bald
Eyes: Pale Green
Age: 31

Str: 10 (+0) [2 points]
Dex: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Con: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Int: 12 (+2) [4 points]
Wis: 22 (+6) [8 points+3 Levels+4 Magic]
Cha: 14 (+1) [6 points]

Class and Racial Abilties:
Human Bonus feat, +4 Skill points at lvl 1, +1 Skill point per level afterwards

Hit Dice: 12d8 + 24
HP: 98
AC: 21 (+2 Dex, +6 Wis, +1 Insight, +2 Deflection)
Init: +2 (+2 Dex)
Speed: 30ft

Fortitude +13 [+8 base, +2 Con, +3 Cloak]
Reflex +9 [+4 base, +2 Dex, +3 Cloak]
Will +17 [+8 base, +6 Wis, +3 Cloak]

BAB: +9/+4
Melee Atk: +9/+4
Ranged Atk: +11/+6

Concentration: +17 [+15 Ranks +2 Constitution]
Diplomacy: +17 [+15 Ranks, +2 Charisma]
Heal: +21 [+15 Ranks, +6 Wisdom]
Knowledge: Religion +16 [+15 Ranks, +1 Intelligence]

Improved Turning (1st Level)
Extra Turning (Human Bonus)
Spell Focus: Conjuration (3rd Level)
Augmented Summoning (6th Level)
Endurance (9th Level)
Diehard (12th Level)

Save DC +6
0th - 6
1st - 7+1
2nd - 6+1
3rd - 5+1
4th - 4+1
5th - 4+1
6th - 3+1

Domains: Good, Healing

Commonly Prepared
0th - Create Water, Detect Magic(x2), Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink
1st - Domain: Cure Light Wounds; Bless, Comprehend Languages, Hide From Undead, Protection from Evil x2, Sanctuary, Summon Monster 1,
2nd - Domain: Cure Moderate Wounds; Align Weapon, Eagle's Splendor, Hold Person, Make Whole, Restoration, Status
3rd - Domain: Magic Circle vs Evil; Create Food and Water, Daylight, Dispel Magic, Prayer, Summon Monster 3
4th - Domain: Holy Smite, Death Ward, Greater Magic Weapon, Restoration, Summon Monster 4
5th - Domain: Cure Light Wounds-Mass, Break Enchantment, Flame Strike, Persistant Divine Favor, Raise Dead, Summon Monster 5
6th - Domain: Heal, Cure Moderate Wounds-Mass, Heroes' Feast, Summon Monster 6

Periapt of Wisdom +4 (16,000gp)
Phylactery of Undead Turning (11,000gp)
Cloak of Resistance +3 (9000gp)
Monk's Belt (13,000gp)
Ring of Protection +2 (8,000gp)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (750gp)
Wand of Bear's Endurance (4500gp)
Wand of Bull's Strength (4500gp)
Wand of Remove Disease (11,250gp)
Decanter of Endless Water (9000gp)
Scroll of Invisibility Purge (375gp)
Scroll of Neutralize Poison (375gp)
Scroll of Remove Paralysis (150gp)

100gp Remaining

Piotyr is a smallish human male of average build. His head is shaved bald and his eyes are a soft, pale green. His skin is dark and leathery, toughened from years spent under the sun and elements. He dresses in simple tunics and peasant robes, although wears a bright crimson sash about his waist to cinch closed his clothing. A heavy woolen cloak of superior crafting protects him from harsher weather.

Despite his rough and weary appearance, Piotyr is a pleasant conversationalist and story teller who enjoys little more than chatting with people he meets during his pilgrimage. Despite being a cleric, he's not an evangelist and rarely discusses religion with those who are not suffering. He does, however, tender aid whenever he can and without being asked. He's seen much evil in his travels and is wise enough to know that he'll never be able to ease all the burdens faced in this world, but he's good enough to do what he can.
Piotyr Mendelsohn is a Cormyrian noble who felt the calling of Ilmater early in his life. Piotyr inherited a weakness in his blood that stole his breath whenever he would engage in the harsh physical activities of his peers. A simple foxhunt would leave him choking for air and feverish. Priests, Alchemists, and Wizards were approached for solutions, but none could find more than a temporary solution to strengthen the boy. One advisor went so far as to blame the weakness on the body, calling the weakness in his body a symptom of his callow soul.
Piotyr's father took that statement to heart, always believing that Piotyr was weak in his heart, not his body. The older man searched for somewhere he could send his son, somewhere far away. While bright, Piotyr showed no arcane aptitude, and little grace for craft. Finally, Piotyr's weakness grew to the point that his father sent him to a Sanitorium ran by monks of Ilmater. Somewhere the boy could rest...and hopefully die quietly.
The monks of Ilmater had other plans. They sense the mark of thier suffering lord upon the boy, and began including him in thier meditations. Over the years, Piotyr grew to accept his illness as just a burden to bear. More importantly, he realized that the trials and tribulations of this life are just beginning steps. Life is just preparation for death and the changes thereafter. No matter how horrible one's suffering, no matter how hard the path seems, it will all end with time. Piotyr found that his faith in a higher power, his faith in what was right, his faith in himself and in Ilmater allowed him to sustain while others faltered. His limbs still shake with fatigue and his breath is still shallowed and labored...but there's work to be done, and while the work persists, so will Piotyr.
For years now, Piotyr has wandered the lands of Faerun as a wandering mendicant. He helps all he can and asks nothing in return. Some people recognize the wandering priest as a servant of good and offer him room and board, but Piotyr neither askes nor expects such forbearance. He helps because he can, not because of any reward. And although a peaceful man, Piotyr realizes that some creatures lie outside the nature order and exist only to destroy. The mendicant is dedicated to twarting those foul abominations whereever they may hide.
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First Post
Kor Blueflame
Male Fire Genesai Fighter 11
Height: 5'11
Weight: 132 LB
Skin: Red
Hair: Red
Eyes: Flickering Blue
Region: Waterdeep
Patron Diety: Tymora

Str: 14..... 4 Pts, +2 Enhancement
Dex: 20 .... 10 Pts, +2 Levels, +2 Enhancement
Con: 8 .... 0 Pts
Int: 16 ... 6 Pts
Wis: 8 ...0 Pts
Cha: 8 .... 2 Pts

Hit Dice:11d10-11
HP: 74 [/size]
AC:23 [10 Base + 5 Dex + 7 Armor +1 Deflection], Touch 17, Flatfooted 19
BAB: +11/+6


+2 Flaming Spiked Chain : +20/+15,5/10ft reach, 2d4+7+1d6 Fire, 20/x2 Critical
+1 Mighty [+1] Composite Longbow : +17/+12, 1d8+2, 20/x3, 110' FT

Feats: Iron Will [1st], EWP (Spiked Chain) [1st],Weapon Focus (Spiked Chain) [2nd] Weapon Fineese [3rd], Expertise [4th], Improved Trip [6th], Improved Disarm [6th], Weapon Spec (Spiked Chain) [8th], Combat Reflexes [9th], Greater Weapon Focus (Spiked Chain) [10th]

Skills: (Fighter 70)
Bluff +6 [7cc Ranks]
Diplomacy +6 [7cc Ranks]
Hide +17 [7cc Ranks, +5 Cloak]
Move Silently +17 [7cc Ranks, +5 Boots]
Intimidate +7 [8 Ranks]
Knowledge [Tactics] +6 [3cc Ranks]

+2 Flaming Spiked Chain [18,325]
+4 Studded Leather [16,175]
+1 Composite Longbow [2,400]
Bracers of Dexterity +2 [4,000]
Gauntlets of Ogre Strength [4,000]
Ring of Protection +1 [2,000]
Hewards Handy Harvestsack [2,000]
40 Arrows [2 GP]
Boots of Elvenkind [2,500]
Clothes of Elvenkind [2,500]
Amulet of Restiance +2 [4,000]
Rune of Cure Moderate Wounds (As 3rd level caster, 6 charges) [1,800]
Rune of Divine Favor (As 3rd Level Caster, 3/ Day) [3,600]
Rune of Restoration, Lesser (As 3rd Level Caster, 5 Charges) [1,500]
Rune of Waterbreathing (As 5th Level Caster) [750]
Rune of Invisibilty (As 3rd Level Caster, 1/ Day) [2,400]
Rune of Fly (As 5th Level Caster, 3 Charges) [2,250]
Rune of Weildskill (As 1st Level Caster, 2/day) [800 GP]
Rune of Protection From Evil (As 3rd Level Caster, 2/Day) [2,400]
Rune of Faith Healing (Tymora) (As 1st Level Caster, 4/Day) [1,500]
Rune of Protection From Fire (As 5th Level Caster, 2 Charges) [500]
Rune of Cure Serious Wounds (As 5th Level Caster, 2 Charges) [500]
Rune of Entropic Sheild (As 3rd Level Caster, 3 Charges) [150]
Rune of Cats Grace (As 3rd Level Caster, 5 Charges) [1,500]

In Handy Harvest Sack

150 Feet of Silk Rope [30 GP]
Grappling Hook [1 GP]
20 Pints of Oil [2 GP]
4 Flint and Steel [4 GP]
5 Sunrods [10 GP]
Climbers Kit [80 GP]
Gallon of Ale [2 SP]
6 Mugs [2 SP, 4 CP]

Permanent See Invisibility (10,090 GP)

Coin: 210 GP, 5 SP, 6 CP

Appearance: Kor looks.. odd to the average resident of the plane of Troli. His flame red skin, his hair only a darker shade of that same color, the sailors oiled baggy breeches he wears even when on land, and many other things. However, one thing stands out about Kor Blueflame, and its the thing he derives his name from. His eyes pupils are dancing blue flames, like the heart of a fire. Its quite easy to tell when Kor is angry, because those blue flames expand to consume his entire eyes, burning with rage or passion, as the case may be. The coin of Tymora tattoed on the back of both of his hands, and the blue flame in a circle of red fire tattoed on his shoulders, both ripple with his corded muscles. His studded jerkin, bow, and spiked chain are all relitivley plain. A peice of hemp cord twines around each wrist, each with small rune carved stones carved into it.

Personality: Kor is prone to mood swings, like nearly all of his race. However, hes positive most of the time. Anger is very easily reached for Kor, and he dosn't try to rein it in. He worships Tymora rather devoutly, and invokes her name often. His goals shift often, but he tries to acomplish them to the best of his ability,

Backstory: Born from a Cala:):):):)e merchant and a Cormyrian mercanery, Kor was left on the steps of the temple of Tymora in Waterdeep when neither parent wanted him. Lacking the ability to use divine magic, he took up the path of the fighter. After serving as a Waterdavian guard for a while, he lost all of his money when his apartment was ransacked by theives from Skullport. After a week of tracking theives, Kor found out that they had stolen away on a pirate ship. Deciding that if he killed or captured enough pirates, the ones who ruined his life would be one of them, he joined up with a pirate hunting ship. The Grey Turtle soon had Kor aboard her on her maiden voyage. After nearly two years of anti-piracy aboard The Grey Turtle , he left the ship. He was soon wandering the land with his new found wealth, doing odd-jobs, guarding carvans, and helping Tymoras interests. Kor acquired many of his runes after he and joined up with a group of Paladins and Clerics of Torm and Tymora in a journey to the underdark. After destroying a few Deep Dwarven outposts, they returned to the surface. He discovered that the feeling he got from doing good was quite good, and had a few runes crafted for him. He was soon wandering again, looking for his next good deed.


First Post
Kharas Rockfall
Male Dwarf Rogue 12

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Patron Deity: Dumathoin
Region: Unther
Height: 4'6''
Weight: 42lbs
Hair: Dark Red
Eyes: Brown
Age: 102

Str: 10 (+0) [2 points]
Dex: 20 (+5) [6 points / +2 level / +4 enhancement]
Con: 23 (+5) [10 point / +2 race / +1 level / +4 enhancement]
Int: 16 (+3) [10 points]
Wis: 12 (+1) [4 points]
Cha: 6 (-2) [0 points / -2 race]

Class and Racial Abilities:
Dwarf base land speed is 20 feet. However, dwarves can move at this speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load (unlike other creatures, whose speed is reduced in such situations).
Darkvision: Dwarves can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and dwarves can function just fine with no light at all.
Stonecunning: This ability grants a dwarf a +2 racial bonus on Search checks to notice unusual stonework, such as sliding walls, stonework traps, new construction (even when built to match the old), unsafe stone surfaces, shaky stone ceilings, and the like. Something that isn’t stone but that is disguised as stone also counts as unusual stonework. A dwarf who merely comes within 10 feet of unusual stonework can make a Search check as if he were actively searching, and a dwarf can use the Search skill to find stonework traps as a rogue can. A dwarf can also intuit depth, sensing his approximate depth underground as naturally as a human can sense which way is up.
Weapon Familiarity: Dwarves may treat dwarven waraxes and dwarven urgroshes as martial weapons, rather than exotic weapons.
Stability: A dwarf gains a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground).
+2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison.
+2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like effects.
+1 racial bonus on attack rolls against orcs and goblinoids.
+4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against monsters of the giant type. Any time a creature loses its Dexterity bonus (if any) to Armor Class, such as when it’s caught flat-footed, it loses its dodge bonus, too.
+2 racial bonus on Appraise checks that are related to stone or metal items.
+2 racial bonus on Craft checks that are related to stone or metal.
Trap Sense +4
Sneak Attack: +6d6
Uncanny Dodge
Improved Uncanny Dodge
Improved Evasion

Hit Dice: 12d6 + 48 + 24 (bracers)
HP: 122
AC: 28 (+5 Dex, +7 armor, +4 shield, +1 deflection, +1 natural)
Init: +5 (+5 Dex)
Speed: 30ft (+10ft from boots)

Fortitude +11 [+4 base, +6 Con, +1 from cloak]
Reflex +14 [+8 base, +5 Dex, +1 from cloak]
Will +6 [+4 base, +1 Wis, +1 from cloak]

BAB: +9/+4
Melee Atk: +14/+9
Rapier +3: +17/+12 (1d6+3, 18-20/x2)
Unarmed: +14/+9 (1d3S, 20/x2)
Ranged Atk: +14/+9
Shortbow +1: +15/+10(1d6+1, 20/x3)

Balance 12 [R:5 + D:5 + S:2]
Bluff 10 [R:12 + C:-2]
Climb 10 [R:10 + S:10]
Craft: Trapmaking 19 [R:15 + I:4]
Diplomacy 10 [R:8 + C:-2 + S:4]
Disable Device 19 [R:15 + I:4]
Escape Artist 15 [R:10 + D:5]
Hide 13 [R:8 + D:5]
Jump 15 [R:10 + S:0 +Boots:5]
Listen 11 [R:10 + W:1]
Move Silently 13 [R:8 + D:5]
Open Lock 20 [R:15 + D:5]
Sense Motive 7 [R:6 + W:1]
Spot 11 [R:10 + W:1]
Search 19 [R:15 + I:4]
Tumble 15 [R:10 + D:5]

Weapon Finesse
Spring Attack
Combat Expertise

Common, Dwarven, Unther, Shaaran, Terran, Giant


Mithril Chain Shirt +3 (10,100gp)
Buckler +3 (9,185gp)
Cold Iron Rapier +3 (18,340gp)
Dagger (2gp)
Shortbow +1 (2,330gp)
Arrows, mw x20 (140gp)
Glove of dexterity +4, (16,000gp)
Bracer of Health +4 (as amulet, but use bracer slot, 16,000gp)
Boots of Striding and Springing(5,500gp)
Ring of Protection +1 (2,000gp)
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 (2,000gp)
Cloack of Protection +1 (1,000gp)
Handy Haversack (2,000gp)
Silversheen x2 (500gp)
Potion of Cure serious wounds x2 (1,500gp)
Potion of Cure light wounds x4 (200gp)
Wand of Cure Light Wound lvl1 (750gp)
Bless Oil x2 (200gp)
Survival Kit (25gp)
Clothings (25gp)
Trapmaking tools, mw (50gp)

GP: 153
Last edited:

Voidrunner's Codex

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