True Blood #10:I Don't Wanna Know/Nov2008

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I like the Vampire Court. It was harsh, but seemed just...basically Lawful Evil.

I'm wondering what role the new childe of Bill is going to play and that punishment was a most excellent way to torture him.


First Post
I like the Vampire Court. It was harsh, but seemed just...basically Lawful Evil.

I'm wondering what role the new child of Bill is going to play and that punishment was a most excellent way to torture him.

Court itself was fine. Having it in a parking lot, attended by biker gang vampires? Not so much.

Relique du Madde

The completeness of Jason's stupidity is starting to really annoy me.

Jason isn't thinking with the right head. His character would be smarter if he wasn't continually having sex with his girlfriend while high on the vampire blood equivalent of ecstasy.

Although you have to admit, evil sociopathic hippie chicks are hot.
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Kheti sa-Menik

First Post
I agree she's pretty and looks good naked and all, but for all that is holy I wish she would just SHUT UP. Seriously, if I hear her go on and on and on one more about how taking V is like life and it's everything, and connectedness and nature, and Gaia, and blood, and reality...I will just start cheering for her to get eaten.

Okay, sorry had to get that out of my system.
The actress is very very good.


First Post
I agree she's pretty and looks good naked and all, but for all that is holy I wish she would just SHUT UP. Seriously, if I hear her go on and on and on one more about how taking V is like life and it's everything, and connectedness and nature, and Gaia, and blood, and reality...I will just start cheering for her to get eaten.

Okay, sorry had to get that out of my system.
The actress is very very good.

Come on! Her speech about not being evil, just because she helped poor people in Guatemala (or wherever). That was great.

Voidrunner's Codex

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