TRUE BLOOD #10:Fresh Blood/Season III/2010

Truth Seeker

Fresh Blood

Bill wants to earn back Sookie's trust but once again brings her close to danger. Eric tempts Russell with the "ultimate vampire dream". Jason tries to comprehend what he's learned about Crystal. Sam alienates everyone but Tara. Jessica and Hoyt take their romance up a notch. Lafayette struggles with new demons.

Ah Damn...things get hoppy!!!

Season Finale, 2 weeks from now!

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Fast Learner

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Plenty of interesting events, but again at a surprisingly slow pace. My girlfriend turned to me about 2/3 of the way through and said, "This is even slower than last week," and I had to agree.

Man, I'd hate to lose Eric. Definitely one of my favorites.

I mean no disrespect but I just got season one and I'm about 1/2 way throiugh it. I don't understand the appeal. Does the plot pick up in the second half?


Plenty of interesting events, but again at a surprisingly slow pace. My girlfriend turned to me about 2/3 of the way through and said, "This is even slower than last week," and I had to agree.

Man, I'd hate to lose Eric. Definitely one of my favorites.
I'm flabbergasted. Seriously. How can you possibly think this was slow? Maybe there's another term for what you're thinking because how anyone could possibly think the last few episodes have been slow is just... stupefying.

More has happened in the last few episodes than in the entire first series.


I mean no disrespect but I just got season one and I'm about 1/2 way throiugh it. I don't understand the appeal. Does the plot pick up in the second half?

Honestly, I was where you are at now and didn't really see the appeal. I only kept watching because I was getting the episodes for a friend's daughter and figured I may as well watch them if I'm burning the bandwidth.

By about 4/5 through the first season, though, I was... not hooked, so much as I was curious and felt that it was entertaining enough to keep watching. The second season is where it truly explodes, though, and is when I became a fan.

I think the first season was very much about the producers, writers and actors trying to find their feet. The episodes had a very disjointed feel in terms of theme. They were jumping all over the place between horror, mystery, drama, thriller and comedy. But in the second season, they hit the ground running, successfully marrying all of the above into a seamless blend.

So... I'd recommend giving it a chance until at least about the third or fourth episode of the second season. If it hasn't grabbed you by the short and curlies by that point, then it won't ever grab you at all.

Fast Learner

First Post
I'm flabbergasted. Seriously. How can you possibly think this was slow? Maybe there's another term for what you're thinking because how anyone could possibly think the last few episodes have been slow is just... stupefying.

More has happened in the last few episodes than in the entire first series.

Yes, more has happened, but all of that happening occurred in about 5 minutes out of the 60. There were long, slow, mostly-pointless conversations again and again, making the whole thing drag. Not even conversations where interesting things were happening (I love it when the actor playing Russell chews the scenery, for example). I really do mean that the pacing of the episode was extremely slow: that doesn't mean nothing happened.

I'm flabbergasted. Seriously. How can you possibly think this was slow? Maybe there's another term for what you're thinking because how anyone could possibly think the last few episodes have been slow is just... stupefying.

More has happened in the last few episodes than in the entire first series.
I am not sure slow is the right word, but I think the problem is there are several parallel storylines, and the show tends to be filled with setup of these parallel lines and then rapidly reaching a conclusion (or cliffhanger) towards the end.


Look what I found on eBay... I am soooo tempted!! Talbot

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