TRUE BLOOD #4:Shake And Fingerpop/Season 2/2009


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[ame=]YouTube - True Blood Season 2 Episode 5 Full Preview/Promo[/ame]

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My wife and I came across True Blood by way of a friend's word of mouth recommendation. We... acquired the first season and the first three episodes of the second season....through "alternative means".

Should HBO be upset about that? Well I suppose they could choose to be, but I doubt they are given the results of our watching those first fifteen episodes. We loved it so much, we bought in.

We don't watch much television at all. Almost none at all, really. But we're now hooked on True Blood. We subscribed to HBO Canada only for this series.

Looking forward to Episode #5 tomorrow night!


We... acquired the first season and the first three episodes of the second season....through "alternative means".

If you like the series, speak with your wallet. Buy the first season on DVD or iTunes. Pirated copies will not help HBO gauge interest in the series, nor will they help fund future endeavors.

I find it odd that the only two shows I currently watch on TV, True Blood and Warehouse 13, both air at times when I am otherwise occupied. Thank goodness for the DVR.


If you like the series, speak with your wallet.

I will. It was sold out on Blu-Ray yesterday in the store. I don't buy DVDs anymore.

I do however, think that subscribing to HBO and telling the cable company exactly WHY you have subscribed is voting with your wallet in a very significant way.


First Post
Cable Companies would have a lot less trouble figuring out who was actually watching their shows if they did alacarte pricing instead of packing everything together. In any case, you could always pony up 6$ for HBO on Demand for one month, watch all you want, and then cancel.


First Post
IMHO, buying into something you began watching/listening/whatever with pirating does NOT justify pirating. It is illegal. WHATEVER one's arguments for the supposed benefits pirating does to whomever, does NOT change that.

Sure, it's easy to point out a case where one pirates something and ends up buying into it. But how easy is it to forget the countless other times one pirates something and then buys nothing related to it.

Excuses. Pure and simple.



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