D&D General trying and failing to write a cultural perspective please help?

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
here is what I got so far I have writer's block and me posting things seemed to help me last night so if you have any idea or questions that might help please post below

Duskborn: What would you do to be more than what you are? That is a question that has gone through the mind of ever Duskborn at least once, noted for both lots monastic orders seeking enlightenment but a hundred ways each with different ways gaining funding from charity, hard work to government assassins and. others of course partake of corporeal augmentation or body craft with things like integrated armour or weaponising their bodies as they have a culture of seeking to be more.

Something about why they augment themselves?

Some nations of the Duskborn are known for the mercenary augmented armies that they loan out for profit. mask are popular with the Duskborn no one knows why.

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Seems like you might want a few answers as to why. An official one, the sanctioned one, to be more like their insect gods they augment their squishy mammalian bodies with exoskeletons. And a revolutionary one, ruling elite know the insect gods long ago abandoned them/died/never existed but said elite controls the supply of exoskeletons/raw materials and needs to keep up demand to keep grip on power. And a secret unknown but perhaps questable discoverable one, the true reason they started is lost to time but tantalizing clues may be found in the ruins of….

Just example why’s to augment, suggestion is that if none of what you’re coming up with feels like a perfect fit as to why, keep several and make them factions….or subclasses, or something like that.

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
Seems like you might want a few answers as to why. An official one, the sanctioned one, to be more like their insect gods they augment their squishy mammalian bodies with exoskeletons. And a revolutionary one, ruling elite know the insect gods long ago abandoned them/died/never existed but said elite controls the supply of exoskeletons/raw materials and needs to keep up demand to keep grip on power. And a secret unknown but perhaps questable discoverable one, the true reason they started is lost to time but tantalizing clues may be found in the ruins of….

Just example why’s to augment, suggestion is that if none of what you’re coming up with feels like a perfect fit as to why, keep several and make them factions….or subclasses, or something like that.
any idea for the why?

Voidrunner's Codex

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