D&D 5E Trying to figure out what to play here


I would very much like to round out this already balanced party with a character that is both mechanically strong and fun.

We are starting at level 1, and here is the party we have so far:

-dwarf fighter (sword n board)
-halfling rogue (melee and ranger)
-human tempest cleric (two handed sword)
-gnome wizard

I’ve flirted with paladin and ranger. You can always use more muscle types, and any team could also use a bit more healing. The paladin has the extra bonus of being able to be the party face.

Of importance: we’re playing with gritty realism rules, there are no variant humans, and nothing from Tasha’s Cauldron.

I look forward to your advice.

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Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
I would very much like to round out this already balanced party with a character that is both mechanically strong and fun.

We are starting at level 1, and here is the party we have so far:

-dwarf fighter (sword n board)
-halfling rogue (melee and ranger)
-human tempest cleric (two handed sword)
-gnome wizard

I’ve flirted with paladin and ranger. You can always use more muscle types, and any team could also use a bit more healing. The paladin has the extra bonus of being able to be the party face.

Of importance: we’re playing with gritty realism rules, there are no variant humans, and nothing from Tasha’s Cauldron.

I look forward to your advice.

1. Paladin.
Pros- Charisma (you don't have one), muscle, some healing.

2. Monk.
Pros- You've got solid melee; this is the fun one. Change of pace.
Cons- Not a lot added, no charisma, not a lot of healing without Tasha's (Mercy).

3. Warlock.
Pros- CHARISMA. Oodles. Plus, you can make a melee build (hexblade) if that's what you are into. Not judging...
Cons- "I wanted to make a cool and unique Warlock, but I couldn't resist spamming EB! Pew pew pew!"

4. Sorcerer.
Pros- Charisma, I guess? You could use another spellcasters. Maybe.
Cons- It's a sorcerer.

5-11. Most of the other classes.

12. Going to the dentist and getting all of your teeth removed without anesthia, and then the dentist saying, "Oh, wait, you're just here for your wisdom teeth? I'll get those NEXT TIME."


14. Bard.

Voidrunner's Codex

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