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Turmoil in the Golden Ring--A Slavic-themed game in the cold (IC Thread)


Cholodny, Human Fighter/Barbarian

"Plenty of room to go around. Come, sit!" says Cholodny, as he muscles open some room for the newcomer. Cholodny grins, then turns back to Misha. "Not really from anywhere. Good, safe town, though." He then looks away from the table with an appraising eye.

I think we've got the toughest table. Huh. Good.

[OOC: I'm putting in a little extra physical descrioption here, to give an idea what Cholodny looks like. If you wouldn't mind, I'd love to see some from you other guys.]

Cholodny is tall and broad, even for a Varangian, and projects a physicalness that extends to everything he does. He's the kind of guy you'd expect to have an 18 Strength; a strong, musclebound frame, long arms, and large strong hands that look like they've seen a lot of work. Cholodny has a long, thick, tangled mane of dark, dark, dark brown hair, and his voice tends to be a little louder than necessary. Overall, if you had only one adjective to describe Cholodny, it would be probably be "Big."

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First Post
Brata has come to Vladamir on the tail of news of disease. The omens and portents had led him to the Golden Ring, and now he finds himself outside the Beli Kon. Having left his companioons at the gates and beyond, he finds his stomach rumbling, and in need of a stiff drink.

The small man steps up to the bar and orders a meager meal of fish stew, and a couple of cabbage pies. With a mug of Kvass in his hand, he scans the room for an open seat, only to see one next to the towering man with the glaive. Never being one to let his size concern him, Brata steps up and says with a thick Southern accent, "Is this seat taken?" Hoping that none of these men take offense to his rough exterior, he takes a seat and waits for his food. "I am Brata," he says, "I have come a long way. What news in the Golden Ring?"
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Nac Mac Feegle

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Ivan Coldrunner, Slavic Ranger 3

"Not at all." says Ivan to the newcomer. "Can't claim to know much news myself, I just came in off the steppes, but I've been hearing strange rumors."

OOC: Okay, Ivan is a little shorter than average, standing about 5'8", but he is broad shouldered and barrel chested. His hair looks like it was once black, but has now started greying slightly, and his face is heavily wrinkled both from age and a lifetime in the cold winds of the steppes. However, despite his age, Ivan still looks as tough as boiled leather, and strong too. If you had to pick an adjective to describe Ivan it would probably be "thick."
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Misha Yaroslav, Human (Slav) Paladin 3

"It seems we are all strangers to this place. I have not come here seeking rumors, but I have heared a few, and bring some bad news myself. It is for answers that I came to Vladimir."

OOC: Misha looks somewhat like a paragon slav. A bit taller then the average, a bit stronger in build, his hair a bit blacker, his eyes a bit deeper, his posture a bit straighter, he is at once both the epitome of the commoner and slightly more. He is young, perhaps 15 years old, but already his peasant's hands are ragged, and his face scorched by the winter's touch.
But above all Misha exudes an air of quiet confidence about him, like a man certain of his way. It isn't vanity, or the expectations of a spoiled noble - it is more like the immovability of the earth, an inner-calm, a spiritual peace of mind. If you would choose one thing to describe about Misha, it would be this unabashed certainity.
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Micar Sin

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Burian Slavochka fighter/druid

"I've passed this way before, but it has been some few years. Not since I was a child in fact. I've heard rumors of turmoil and odd happenings. " He shrugs his shoulders and drowns a bite of pelmini with a swig of his drink "I had nothing left for me back home, so coming to see what is happening seemed as good a reason as any to begin roaming again!" He grins and winks at Misha. "Besides, where else could I meet folks with the luxury of day dreaming except in the city eh?" He laughs. Good to meet you all. My name's Burian, and you?

OOC: Burian is a lanky man of slightly above average height. His sandy hair is close cropped in a soldiers cut, and his calloused hands and weathered features testify to a life of travelling and hard work..or battle. He wears an easy grin, but is obviously alert to the goings ona round him, a fact which is obvious to those who have spent time at war/
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First Post

A man in a colorful red outfit carrying a wooden stringed instrument (known as a 'Gusli, pictured here) enters the room. Other guests seem to call him a skomorokhi. He begins to play, and sing a song of St. Demetrius, and his battles in the past with centaur hoards, and the invading 'Kam', who are described as a race that appear nearly impossible to kill.

Several guests begin to clap along with the singer, and throw a few coins his way.

(Sound sample of a Gusli here)
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Cholodny, Viking Fighter/Barbarian

Cholodny taps his breastplate, saying: "Cholodny."

Now I'm _sure_ we're the toughest table.

Then he grins again, turns towards the music and begins to clap his big hands together with the others.
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Misha Yaroslav, Human (Slav) Paladin 3

Misha turns to the skomorokhi along with the others. "I'm Misha." he says.


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Beli Kon

Stanislava hears the a familiar tune being badly sung as she strolls into the Beli Kon. The riff-raff in hear would make her mother squirm. Ah, yes the ever familiar stench of uncleanly humans. She strolls to the bar. 'Da vai Vodka, Pazhalsta(please).". She looks around for familiar faces or a friendly face.


First Post
Vodka Nyet?

Stanislava notices that there is no vody on sale. " a pint will do barkeep". She feels a bit tired after her recent journey in the FAR EAST. This place is lively tonite. "Many a yarn since she passed this way" she ponders to herself. Her clothes are a bit tattered from the journey. Her Pony tail is a bit loose. She tightens it up and waits for her beer. The smell of dirty humans is refreshing in a strange way. She even senses that some in the crowd might have more than half a pint of conversation. She looks for a seat but to no avail.

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