Turn Thread Previews On or Off

Michael Morris

First Post
Hello all. I've added a small modification which allows you to choose whether or not you'll see a thread preview when you move your mouse over a thread title. The default is "yes" of course, so if you like things the way they are do nothing.

Those of you that want to get rid of the previews, click on my account, and then options. Its about halfway down the list of features.
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Spoony, you rock.

Seems like you tweak something on an almost daily basis. It is not always an added function that I will use, but oftentimes it is, and I know that others will use the ones I don't need.



On some browsers I've noticed that the thread preview just stays up a few seconds (Secure IE, for instance). On others they stay up indefinitely.

Do you know why this is? I would love it if my Secure IE would leave the preview up long enough for me to read it.

Regarding turning this off, does it actually reduce the amount of data the computer needs to load for each page? When I'm on DSL at my college, I like the pop-over previews, but at home I'm on dial-up, so I'm wondering if it'd be better for me to turn them off to speed browsing.

Michael Morris

First Post
RangerWickett said:
Regarding turning this off, does it actually reduce the amount of data the computer needs to load for each page? When I'm on DSL at my college, I like the pop-over previews, but at home I'm on dial-up, so I'm wondering if it'd be better for me to turn them off to speed browsing.

Yes it does reduce the amount of transmitted data / page - though by how much I'm not sure - I'd guess around 1-3 K / page.


First Post
I agree, Spoony -- it's very cool that you're always working on tweaks like this. :)

This feature, however, I won't be changing: I like it so much that I find myself mousing over links on other websites and being disappointed that they don't have previews...


First Post
haiiro said:
This feature, however, I won't be changing: I like it so much that I find myself mousing over links on other websites and being disappointed that they don't have previews...
Me too. After consuming the boards here, I move on and always look for mouseover info several times before I finally get it though my head that there is no preview. Nice to know I'm not the only one doing this...



Spoony, this is a great change. We had some complaints about thread previews earlier, so you adding this feature will be appreciated by all those folks.


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