Two New Settings For D&D This Year

if it comes out this year i would agree with you. Possibly published by a third party company that has a good reputation (Green Ronin etc) However if it’s coming next year I would stake all the money in my pockets that it will be a Curse of Strahd style book. Campaign with background and new monsters etc. Curse of Strahd was too successful not to repeat!

if it comes out this year i would agree with you. Possibly published by a third party company that has a good reputation (Green Ronin etc)

However if it’s coming next year I would stake all the money in my pockets that it will be a Curse of Strahd style book. Campaign with background and new monsters etc. Curse of Strahd was too successful not to repeat!


It feels like their newer books are like this and I love it. OotA 1/2 Underdark Setting , CoS 1/2 Barovia, SKT 1/2 Savage Frontier Guide, ToA 1/2 chult guide. I think its all we will get as far as full fledged settings go. I don't see them doing a full size Underdark book for example when they can combine it with a pre-made story/module and sell 1 book to various audiences.

And Waterdeep Books 1 and 2, 1/2 Waterdeep/Skullport Urban adventure guide and half Megadungeon. This is really the first WotC adventure I've been excited about.

And I'm excited about the new Setting whatever it is (I too am betting its Planescape/Spelljammer).

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I'm leaning towards a planar travel guide which folds in basics of planescape and spelljammer as the method of transportation for planar travels. Maybe the location will be sigil as a crossover point from Faerun to a port city.


My money is on either Dark Sun or Planescape. As being the two most unique and different to Forgotten Realms. I will be disappointed if it’s Greyhawk or Mystara. I can live with Eberron.

If it’s Birthright, I will fall off my chair, do a little cartwheel, sing a hosanna and then sacrifice my first born child to the gods of Olympus for the joy of it!


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
Me too. Eberron is an awesome setting.
While I would love that too, I think they'll go for settings that are more thematically different than Eberron is from FR. Eberron is obviously different from FR, but it's still a large, relatively generic fantasy world.

My guess would be Dark Sun and either Planescape or Spelljammer (or maybe something that ties them together into an overarching world-transit setting).


Thought maybe its Dragonlance first, they did just playtest Minotaurs. If we see Kinder as the next UA we will know.



Personally I would love an Omnibus-type book, ~600pp, that includes several different settings. It would be expensive, but I think it would be the best way to put all the most wanted sections in DMs' hands.


Hmm, either a single hardcover covering several settings in light detail (with a few races and such to round them out) or a series of Planeshift like Pdfs that do the same thing.

Dire Bare

Personally I would love an Omnibus-type book, ~600pp, that includes several different settings. It would be expensive, but I think it would be the best way to put all the most wanted sections in DMs' hands.

I think they could do the idea justice in 256 pages, if they skip less popular settings like Birthright and Mystara. Focus on Dark Sun, Spelljammer, and Eberron, it would fit. We're definitely not getting a 600 page monster.

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