D&D 5E Tyranny of Dragons re-released without fanfare?

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Yeah my poor nephew is hyped for the movie, and he really wants to run his first D&D game based on Stranger Things. I had the boxed set on order with my FLGS for him, but then this whole storm of events happened, and I had to cancel my order. Can't in good conscience support WotC/Hasbro with their current behavior. Might look on Etsy for anyone who has sculpted or done .stl files of Stranger Things monsters and try printing them at the Public Library.
Pathfinder Pawns and either Pathfinder Beginner Box 2e if they want crunchy high fantasy or Cairn if they want something more lite and roguelike. Very cheap either way you go.


Yeah my poor nephew is hyped for the movie, and he really wants to run his first D&D game based on Stranger Things. I had the boxed set on order with my FLGS for him, but then this whole storm of events happened, and I had to cancel my order. Can't in good conscience support WotC/Hasbro with their current behavior. Might look on Etsy for anyone who has sculpted or done .stl files of Stranger Things monsters and try printing them at the Public Library.
You might be able to find some third-party OGL starter adventures for 5E that could be used in place of the Wizards product. Some might even be free!


Get a copy of free Basic Rules for Old School Essentials, then play that with your nephew. It’s a clean, simple retroclone of B/X D&D, so you can plausibly tell him that this is the same D&D that the kids on Stranger Things were actually playing.

Pathfinder Pawns and either Pathfinder Beginner Box 2e if they want crunchy high fantasy or Cairn if they want something more lite and roguelike. Very cheap either way you go.

You might be able to find some third-party OGL starter adventures for 5E that could be used in place of the Wizards product. Some might even be free!
Thank for the outpouring of suggestions! Actually, I gifted my nephew the 5e Essentials Kits last year. He's specifically on a Stranger Things kick, and is hunting for resources for a Stranger Things inspired game to GM as his first adventure for his friends. I should have mentioned that! Which is why I was turning to Etsy, because there are "demogorgon" and "demodog" minis there emulating the art from the TV series.

I've played OSE and have the introductory pdf -it's great! Just played Cairn - loved it and got the pdf! I also have the Pathfinder Pawns box. When I introduced him and his friends to 5e it was clear they were only interested in handling the bare minimum of rules to get playing, and let their imaginations take over.


Interesting, it is ranked #7 in D&D and #1075 in all books on Amazon right now. That is pretty good for an 8 year old adventure. I can't really tell if this OGL mess is having a financial affect or not!



Book-Friend, he/him
Interesting, it is ranked #7 in D&D and #1075 in all books on Amazon right now. That is pretty good for an 8 year old adventure. I can't really tell if this OGL mess is having a financial affect or not!

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It hasn't had no effect: the reportedly ~40,000 Beyond cancelations gave WotC a bloody nose which has led to a rapid change of course. But it's a bloody nose, not a broken limb. The PHB is at #181 in all books still.

Kind of weird thst there hasn't been any marketing for this, but also it is a reprint.

Interesting, it is ranked #7 in D&D and #1075 in all books on Amazon right now. That is pretty good for an 8 year old adventure. I can't really tell if this OGL mess is having a financial affect or not!
As much as I dislike what WotC is doing right now, I would expect significant effects on sales only mid- to long-term (and a product like the ToD re-release that's also targeting players who joined 5e late is probably even less affected).


Book-Friend, he/him
As much as I dislike what WotC is doing right now, I would expect significant effects on sales only mid- to long-term (and a product like the ToD re-release that's also targeting players who joined 5e late is probably even less affected).
I mean, even to kid to long term is probably not that bad if they get ahead of it...and based on today's post, I think they have good odds to do so as far as the market us concerned.


For those of you still on DDB, Tyranny of Dragons is up ... and it looks like if you already owned Hoard and Rise, you get the combined Tyranny for free. I did not purchase Tyranny but I can access the whole thing, including the concept art ... speaking of which, this section is a lot chunkier than the corresponding sections in other books has been. Lots of cool concept art for the various dragon cultist robes and regalia. Even some of the minor characters like Remi Haventree get art in there. Also some cool comic book-looking pieces showing dragons and cultists attacking various places like Luskan and Neverwinter.

The cover art is interesting. It appears to depict Tiamat turning people into gold statues via a magic orb she is clutching in her claws -- not something that actually happens in the adventure, but it's a very cool visual!


Voidrunner's Codex

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