D&D 5E Tyranny of Dragons re-released without fanfare?

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I had bought Hoard some time ago to continue my Phandelver campaign, but never ended up using it. I had been strongly considering buying the new book until recent events (that I had already picked up Shadow of the Dragon Queen before the recent blow-up was also a factor against it, to be honest). So, Wizards has lost at least one sale of this book.

For those of you still on DDB, Tyranny of Dragons is up ... and it looks like if you already owned Hoard and Rise, you get the combined Tyranny for free. I did not purchase Tyranny but I can access the whole thing, including the concept art ... speaking of which, this section is a lot chunkier than the corresponding sections in other books has been. Lots of cool concept art for the various dragon cultist robes and regalia. Even some of the minor characters like Remi Haventree get art in there. Also some cool comic book-looking pieces showing dragons and cultists attacking various places like Luskan and Neverwinter.

The cover art is interesting. It appears to depict Tiamat turning people into gold statues via a magic orb she is clutching in her claws -- not something that actually happens in the adventure, but it's a very cool visual!

I own hoard and rise, and would still have to purchase it. Not sure how you got it?

My Facebook feed started to pop up ads for the movie today. Noticeably the ads came from Paramount and not WoTC.
Yes, I was asked yesterday by one of my players:
Q to me: Are people really boycotting the movie? That seems bad for D&D in general.
Me: Apparently they are. I think that’s the point: to hit WotC in the revenue and brand.
Q: But is WotC really making money off the movie?
Me: I dunno. I assume so. The trailer said “Hasbro eOne”. I guess they own it somehow, or get a big share?

So ads saying “Paramount” instead is a good idea. Paramount may be pissed at WotC if this OGL crisis hurts Paramount.


I had it on pre-ordered on amazon for $34.99, but cancelled it when the whole OGL drama was happening. I still plan on getting it later, just not right now.

The cover art is interesting. It appears to depict Tiamat turning people into gold statues via a magic orb she is clutching in her claws -- not something that actually happens in the adventure, but it's a very cool visual!
Very cool self-portrait of WOTC! 🐲
Clutching at her “orb of golden monetization.” 🔮
Depicting what that Dragon aims to do to ‘Her’ customers. ⚱️
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Very cool self-portrait of WOTC! 🐲
Clutching at her “orb of golden monetization.” 🔮
Depicting what that Dragon aims to do to ‘Her’ customers. ⚱️
I am so tired of this type of hyperbole. It is making me want to jump on the D&D bandwagon even more. The fans are starting to make me feel like WotC is the safe haven! Never thought I would say that 2 weeks ago!
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