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D&D 5E UA Ranger in STK - play report


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Wanted to post weekly about my UA Ranger in SKT so people have a balance idea. Please also check out [MENTION=97077]iserith[/MENTION] 's excellent post http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?490858-UA-Ranger-Actual-Play-Report

We just started STK, with the DM starting us at 5th with an uncommon magic item. He's also heavily customizing encounters so hopefully they won't be too spoilery, and I'll try to be minimally spoilery about what I talk about. But if you what to know knowing then skip this.

We're playing at a FLGS after work so the sessions aren't going to be too long. This session was character building, getting introduced to Goldenfields, and one fight.

I'm running a Human (variant) UA Ranger (Hunter) 5. I know everyone is dripping about the beastmaster, but the changes to the class framework effect hunter even if the hunter specific features are mostly the same. Just for a minimal introduction to the build in combat, I'm going for a hand crossbow archer. 18 Dex, Crossbow expertise, Archery style and Horde Breaker plus a +1 crossbow for my item give me +10 to Hit (highest in the group) with a base damage of d6 + 5 (+4 dex, +1 magic) with a possible +2 more from favored enemy: humanoids. AC 16 which is not a lot.

The other players are running: A goliath barbarian (totem), a human paladin (not sure which oath) with a 19 base AC, a half elven storm sorcerer, and a halfling satire bard. We're low on healing but have a lot of punch.

First combat was with the party not really knowing each other, so there wasn't a lot of planned synergy. 30 goblins, broken into groups of 5, were stealing corn, while a group of 5 bugbears guarded ropes over the wide wall. The halfling discovered them and called for help, and started cut off from everyone else.

Easily won init with the highest modifier and advantage from Natural Explorer.

First round was spent getting to the combat, at which point I had cast darkvision on myself using a 2nd level slot. Note this stopped from getting the Nature Explorer bonus of attacking with advantage if they haven't acted yet because I literally could not see them. Storm sorc thunderwaved a group, barbarian engaged another, paladin galloped up and engaged the bugbears. At the end of the round, a really buff (heavily modified) high giant showed up on top of the wall. Because of favored enemy I spoke goblin, so I was able to overhear them shouting and get some interesting intel. (Which I'll leave out to minimize spoilers, no idea if it was base SKT or our DM.)

Second round was spike growth at the base of the ropes, which also trapped two of the bugbears about to go after the paladin. And because most of the goblins were in the (taller-than-them) corn fields they didn't see it cast and would need to make a perception check vs DC 13 to notice. More fighting and stuff from the rest of the party, including the paladin attacking then backing off a bit, causing some bugbears to take spike growth damage to run up and engage.

Brief aside, yes, most of this so far would be same for PHB ranger except for init and knowing goblin. That'll change 3rd round.

Third round I ran towards the bugbears but couldn't get within short range except for one that was helping some goblins, so I fired at that one part way through my move. Let's jst say that attack & extra attack hit and killed the (already damaged?) bugbear, hordebreaker killed a neighboring goblin, and my bonus action attack killed another goblin. This was because my damage was juiced by an extra +2 with favored enemy. That's the same as the barbarian was getting from her rage and it's going to go up to +4 and add a group next level.

Fourth round was similar. Four attacks, four hits, two more bugbears killed. Oh, the high corn fields was difficult terrain I would have been able to ignore with Natural Explorer but it didn't come up.

Somewhere in there goblins made a run for ropes and met spike growth. Not pretty. (Though I had blown all my 2nd level slots for the day between darkvision and spike growth.)

Fifth round was against the buff hill giant, whom the satire bard and the paladin had been keeping busy and wearing down. Three shots (no hordebreaker) all hit, but without favored enemy damage was much lower. I could have cast hunter's mark first instead of a bonus action attack, but the spike growth was still serving a tactical purpose and both are concentration spells.

Everyone ganged up on the giant with the barbarian being wonderful and then the paladin getting a crit and using a 3d8 smite with it and dropped it.

At this point I had blown though a lot of spells but they served well. I couldn't use hunter's mark because I had up another concentration. And hordebreaker against hordes of low CR creatures that are also my favored enemy just rocked their world. I was getting four attacks and doing 1 hit kills on goblins, 2 hit kills on bugbears. Also I didn't miss even once.

Except for the happy not missing once, this absolutely hit my build sweet spot - lots of favored enemy who are close together. That is exactly where my character would shine the most in combat.

On the other hand, while I was helpful against the hill giant, the single-target characters were more successful against it. And I didn't have the AC if I had to tank.

We saw some ogres on the other side and plan to follow. Between the ranger's skill selection and natural explorer's last bullet point I expect to be able to track well, and if there are more goblins or bugbears with them then primeval awareness ability to attune senses for favored enemy will also be able to detect them if within 5 miles - I plan to rely on the first and then use the second as early warning system or if I lose the trail, since there seems to be no limit on doing it except time spent.

So far off to a good start. One question I have is how it will continue if the barbarian and paladin are the targets of a twinned haste from the sorcerer, since their base damage is much higher than mine. On the other hand, my ranged attacks vs. their melee in a light healing party will also be a factor.

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Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Character sheet

Garreck Houndsman
NG Human (v) UA Ranger (Hunter) 5

Str 8 (-1) Dex 18 (+4) Con 14 (+2)
Int 10 (+0) Wis 14 (+2) Chr 12 (+1)
(Starting 8, 15, 14, 10, 13, 12. Racial +1 Dex & Wis; 4th +2 Dex)

HP 44 HD 5d10 AC 16 Move 30' Prof: +3
Saves: Str, Dex S +2 D +7 C +2 I +0 W +2 Ch +1

Back: Folk Hero [Rustic Hospitality] – rescued kidnapped bride
Prof: Light, medium, shields; simple, martial
Skills: Animal Handling (b), Survival (b), Persuasion (race), Perception (c), Stealth (c), Insight (c)
Tools: Woodworker's tools, Vehicles (land) (b)
Lang: Common, Orc (racial), Goblin (ranger)
Vision: Normal, Passive Perception 15

Crossbow Expert – no need to load crossbows, 5' range doesn't impose disadvantage (all ranged), attack action with 1H, bonus action attack crossbow

Favored Enemy: Humanoids – +2 damage with weapons; advantage on survival and int checks
Natural Explorer

  • Ignore difficult terrain
  • Advantage on init
  • Advantage attack on those who haven't acted yet
  • Traveling hour+: difficult terrain doesn't slow group; can't become lost; alert while traveling even when doing something else; travel alone = stealth at normal pace; forage for twice as much; tracking tells exact #, sizes, and how long ago they passed through
Fighting Style: Archery - +2 to hit with ranged weapon attacks
Primeval Awareness

  • Communicate with beasts; read mood & intent, emotional state; if affected by magic; short term needs; actions to take to make it not attack
  • Attune senses to favored enemies – 1 min concentration: any in 5 miles, numbers, general direction and distance. If multiple groups, learn for each group.
Horde Breaker – once/turn when make weapon attack, can make another for free against another foe within 5 of original target.
Extra Attack

Spells (DC 13)
1st [][][][] Hunter's Mark, Absorb Elements
2nd [][] Spike Growth, Darkvision

Magic item: +1 Hand Crossbow

Studded Leather, spare Hand Crossbow, Dagger, Longbow, Net, TBD
Mastiff [Kip] – for RP, can run away every combat

Atk 2 attack action + 1 hordebreaker (if target available); 1 bonus action if Attack action used
Hit +3 prof +4 dex +1 magic +2 fight style = +10
Dmg d6 + 4 dex + 1 magic (+2 favored enemy) (+1d6 hunter's mark)


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Had another session this week. High RP session and no combat, but much of the mechanical aspects focused aroudn the ranger powers, specifically Tracking and how they get more out of it as well as some minor Primeval Awareness.

As a side note, the six ogres we were tracking have joined up with a larger force that - thanks to ranger tracking extras, we know has 60 goblins, 12 bugbears, 6 ogres (plus the 6 we tracked) and 6 hill giants. They are starving and headed to Goldenfields, but we've traced there head of them.

And as a not-quite mechanical aspect, part of what I've done since then is lead a bunch of farmers to dig pits, sharpen stakes, and basically set up snares and other things to take care of goblins from the area we expect them to attack from. While I'm a hordebreaker and good at taking care of smaller foes, our sorcerer isn't an area-of-effect sort of guy and may not be there next session, and everyone else is better against a few big tough opponents instead of goblins they get overkill on, so I'm focusing trap building on taking out the hordes rather then weakening the really buff.

Next week should have a huge combat coming up.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Session #3

Big battle time! We were able to draw the giants to one portion of the walls and concentrate forces. Unfortunately the giants can in under the cover of tree branches to provide some cover from our archers.

They had:
  • 6 Hill Giants
  • 12 Ogres, 6 with goblin-flinger backpac catapults
  • 12 bugbears
  • 60 goblins

We were down two players this week so there were only three of us! We had:
  • 5th UA Ranger (Hunter) [me]
  • 5th Barbarian (Totem)
  • 5th Paladin (Oath)
  • Several NPCs who helped
  • A whole bunch of archers, behind the wall

Basically the other PCs were melee-only. The barbarian got Fly cast of her early on by an NPC, but didn't go out by herself to engage because it would have been a slaughter.

There was several rounds of them running up, during which I switched to a longbow for range (no feat), and the NPCs & melee people dealt with flung goblins. But as they got closer there was word of attacking on another part of the wall, and the archers withdrew to deal with that.

To condense, my favored enemy bonus helped against goblins and bugbears. With losing an attack due to longbow, I focused on the bugbears. With that bonus tt took about 3 hits to kill one, and I was able to eliminate all of them completely by myself before they got up the wall. I usually had three attacks a round - base + extra attack, and if either hit and there was another within 5' hordebreaker. That was a lot harder for most of the time they were closing since it was long range for the bow and disadvantage hurts even when I only needed a 7 to hit. Once they got to the wall and started climbing (top to base was 60', so still out of the 30 short range of the hand crossbow), I was able to eliminate all 12 by myself before any crested the wall.

Between the snares and traps I had set up the previous session and the archers+NPCs, the 60 goblins really weren't a factor in this battle. Also the giants had some damage from the run in (33 points each?) under the archers.

The other two PCs and the NPCs dealt with tossed goblins, and then as the heavy forces got to the wall they started dumping boiling oil we had prepared. (DM: 2d6 damage, no roll to hit, single target because of the foe size) One NPC stood out throwing suggestions that they retreat else they get killed to a wounded giant and an ogre.

However, we were joined by a bronze dragon, whom had ridiculous luck with recharge rolls on it's breath (made int he middle of the table) and that sent the remaining heavies into a rout. They didn't even make the top of the wall, which was very surprising.

The flying barbarian pursued and the paladin did a 60' leap from the top to attack a prone giant. With the exception of a few who left early due to the suggestion we were able to kill (and in one case capture) all of the foes.

All in all, I don't feel like the UA Ranger was a star. I was the only ranged character for a fight that started at 600' with us not wanting to advance, but disadvantage plus limited target selection fairly far down the monster food-chain because it was mixed favored and non-favored enemies means that I was taking sometimes 2-3 turns just to kill off one of twelve CR 1 creature. Once the giants were close I still didn't want to switch because d8+4 (longbow+dex) just isn't a lot against a giant, and hordebreaker gives me a 3rd attack but not focus fire. And the once climbing up weren't close enough to trigger it anyhow. Hunter's Mark is my go-to for cases like this, but with the large amount of combatants on each side I would have been changing it every round, using my bonus action for that instead of an extra attack with my crossbow.

This was particular to my build - I went for a 18 Dex + feat build which is pretty powerful, but going for the hand crossbow made me better for indoor ranges. I am counting on favored enemy to give me enough bonus damage that an extra attack proves more valuable than Sharpshooter's -5/+10. In earlier combats that was true, in this one it worked against me. Which is fair, my choice has times is excels and times it doesn't.

Now, with only 3 PCs we got enough XP to hit 6th, and I now have Giant as my Advanced Favored Enemy, and my favored enemy bonus doubles from +2 to +4. We'll see how that works out moving forward, it should make a big difference.
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Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
We hit 6th at the end of the 3rd session after a massive giant battle. Here's the changes:

HPs increased to 52.

Advanced Favored Enemy: Giant gave me the Giant language, advantage on saves from Giants, and moved my damage bonus to +4 for Giants and my previous choice, Humanoids.

(No new spells or changes to proficiency.)


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Session #4

First, a bit of logistics. Our Ice-themed Sorcerer has started a new job (yea!) that has him up very early (boo) and doesn't look like he's making weeknight games anymore. We added two new players, a half-elf monk and a dragonborn cleric (life). Last session the player of our goliath barbarian couldn't attend, but she'll be back next week, just RL came up.

I'm finding a slight problem but it isn't specific to the UA Ranger. I'm playing at my FLGS*, which has multiple dedicated games, and we have a fairly stable cast, not a random group-up. Basically Garreck is well-tuned, and playing Storm Kings Thunder my favored enemies have been coming up pretty exclusively. When we started all of the character with the exception of the Goliath Barbarian were fairly well optimized, and the Barb was good enough that there wasn't a big gap.

But with the optimized sorcerer gone, and the two new player also not all that optimized, with a combat against my favored enemies my character was a lot more effective. I have +10 to Hit (+4 dex, +2 archery, +1 magic crossbow, +3 proficiency) against 18 AC opponents and they are around +6/+7 (+3 ability +3 proficiency, +1 weapon for some). And with favored enemy my damage was a lot greater, though it would be in-line against other opponents.

I bring this up because part of evaluating a class is the range of it. Are their traps that can make it sub-optimal? Are there things that can be abused?

UA Ranger at this level doesn't feel abusive. But because of the focus so far on limited foe types, favored enemy has been active fairly consistently. As a design choice I like that characters aren't very niche, but at the same time the +4 is powerful at the levels we're looking at. Maybe keeping the Advanced Favored Enemy at 6th for an additional choice is good, but push off changing the damage bonus from +2 to +4 until a later level. (And maybe grant another choice as well at that later level as your range of foes keeps increasing.)

Anyway, onward to the session.

After some good RP to meet the new characters, we decided to ..., well, to keep spoilers at a minimum I'll just say go after a side quest that we expect will take about two days.

We set out and later in the day we hear someone shouting orders in Giant. Luckily that's my brand-spanking new language from Advanced Favored Enemy: Giant I picked up when we just leveled. (Our goliath also speaks Giant, but she had to miss the session for RL.)

The sneaky ones (myself, the monk, and the halfling bard (satire)) crested the ridge to see a Fire Giant with two Ogres pulling something out of the ground. 12 hobgoblins were on guard and a bunch of exhausted goblins were about. We gestured toward the paladin and cleric who stayed behind then attacked.

The DM gave those of use who had snuck up another stealth roll to see if we got a surprise round. That's on skill list and I have +5, and I got a nat 20. Myself and the monk succeeded. This is really nice with the Natural Explorer that gives advantage on attack rolls against creates who have not acted yet. We also rolled init, something that Natural Explorer also lets me do with advantage. I rolled a 1 and a 19, quite happy for that, with a 23 final. So I went in the surprise round with the monk and then again as the first to act in the first full round of combat.

I started by one-shot-ing a bunch of hobgoblin guards. Yes, they are CR 1/2, but with an AC of 18 and some poor luck to hit and damage it took three PCs over a round to kill one, while I had six attacks (surprise + first round, 2 attacks and if either hit a bonus action from my feat. None were close enough to use Hordebreaker).

First round brought minor damage from hobgoblin arrows to several PCs, and both goblins moved to engage me as the most obvious threat. Some bad rolls protected me from damage that round. Oh, and the fire giant hit the halfling bard with a rock and knocked off over half his HPs in one hit.

The bard hypnotic patterned the two ogres, thankfully. The paladin rode in and engaged the fire giant, using his Oath of Enmity on it for advantage and attacking with Great Weapon Master, and smiting on hits.

2nd round I finished off more hobgoblins, others finished off a few leaving only 1 left. Paladin smote the Fire Giant doing big damage, but it's a sack of HPs. Fire Giant knocked the Paladin down, attacked (twice?) with advantage, and knocked him from full to negatives. Things were getting real.

We then closed on the Fire Giant, playing some positioning games. The monk engaged it; she spent Ki to dodge every round. I shot it, but I'm better suited to taking out hordes - the paladin (down) and barbarian (not attending this session) were the big bruisers.

Of the people still standing I was hitting the most so i earned a rock, and my AC of 16 was not enough. (Monk dodging probably also saved her from getting attacked.) I went to well under half in one rock.

The life cleric with a bit of help from the bard brought the paladin back to decent HPs while I peppered it with more bolts. I was doing 3 attacks for d6+9, and hitting 65% of the time, so I was wearing away at it. The monk was doing some and the bard was giving it disadvantage on one attack and minor damage. I went down to another rock anyway, at which point the paladin finally gt his initiative, stood and attacked with GWM and divine smite, hitting twice (advantage from Enmity) and doing 50-60 damage killing it.

Final was that I was a glass cannon. I did decent damage and could do so up to 30' range so I rarely wasted an attack due to no target like a melee, but in doing so the close range of the hand crossbow plus the damage output attracted a lot of attention, and the AC of 16 was not particularly daunting to my foes. I do have decent HPs (ranger and 14 CON), but giants hit hard.

We finished off one ogre, took the other prisoner. We did some things that come under spoilers, the hired the ogre for food and gold and interrogated it. Seemed like a good idea to my NG character who doesn't think far ahead, but the paladin is very concerned about where it goes from there.

We traveled on, got to our destination, and ended up splitting the party as some went into the walled town on one side of the river that locks up, some stayed with the ogre, and then those split in half to go get food from the farms on the other side of the river for the ogre who EATS LIKE CRAZY.

Then, of course, in the dark, the attack happened. Ah, cliffhanger.


* N&N Adventuring Company, it's actually a dedicated RPG playspace where you pay for a seat for the day that runs AL-type games on Wednesday nights and a shared-world game in AL-style called Dark Earth, two sessions each Sunday. They go have a small amount of inventory like dice you might need "right now" and will order things, but moving product isn't their focus, gaming is. Lots of good DMs, and they treat them well. AL did a write-up about them. http://dndadventurersleague.org/spotlight-nn-adventuring-company/


First Post
Maybe keeping the Advanced Favored Enemy at 6th for an additional choice is good, but push off changing the damage bonus from +2 to +4 until a later level. (And maybe grant another choice as well at that later level as your range of foes keeps increasing.)

Agreed with this. Very sensible suggestion


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Agreed with this. Very sensible suggestion

Along the same lines, Natural Explorer gives a lot for 1st level which makes it very easy to grab in a game that allows multiclassing. I'd push back the Adv on Init and Adv of attacks against opponents who haven't acted yet in first round to 3rd or something so you actually need to invest in ranger.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Session #6

Missed Session #5, was on vacation for my 15 year wedding anniversary.

We are making a contact in a town when three Hill Giants, one advanced, come upon us. Lots of interesting terrain that we didn't make good use of because we wanted to stop them hard so they couldn't hurt any townsfolk.

Went first again. I tell you, advantage on initiative for a dex-based class is basically a license to go first all the time. Adding in advantage the first round (on everyone since you're going first) and that's quite nice.

Because I didn't take sharpshooter but do have Archery Fighting style, I need 3s or higher to hit. So every attack hits. Unfortunately the giants weren't adjacent so Hordebreaker didn't kick in and I only took 2 attacks since I used my bonus action to Hunter's Mark, but 2 hits did around 32 damage. Then our sorcerer (he's back) hit me and the GWM paladin with twin spell Haste. OMG, we Cuisinarted through them. The paladin was doing more damage - oath for advantage, GWM for +10 per attack, and then laying smites on it made up for my extra attack, but he had to engage in melee so I'm fine with that.

With the Bard taking out one with Tasha's Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter in round 1, I did the killing blow on giant one at the top of round 2 and started on the 2nd which I think the monk finished off, and then we dealt with the tasha'd one. I think they each got a single Attack action for the entire combat, maybe one got a second.

I won't go through the play by play, just that I was hitting 90% of the time for 2d6+9 with 3 attacks, which is a 43.2 expected damage per round.

Then we started tracking them - trained Survival plus good Wis for spell DCs and it was easy. The Bard is also trained and used the Help action to grant advantage.

At this point I worked out with the DM about regular use of Primeval Awareness, with the basic intent of "if I sense giants I want to intercept". It took several days but we did, and went after them. Each night I used my two 2nd level spell slots to cast Darkvision (8 hrs, no concentration) so we had people who could see in the dark on every watch.

Small crowd of four ogres - they are giant type. I stealthed up with the bard to check on them and listed thanks to Giant language from favored enemy, then we went back to report.

The sorcerer has been trying to impress all of us how cool he was and basically maneuvered himself into "I can take them by myself".

He couldn't.

We stepped in to save them, but this was an easy battle. Star was the bard with hypnotic pattern who took out half of them.

Another day of traveling put us in contact with a sizable patrol. My DM was going with intent of my primeval awareness in looking for giants, so I didn't know about all the bugbears with them. This was again several Hill Giants and Ogres, more spread out, with a sizable bugbear force.

Star of this one was the monk who did a one-turn solo kill on one of the ogres, burning though all of her Ki with Fists of Flame with extra damage and a flurry of blows. That was good to watch - against a favored enemy or with hunter's mark I do a lot more damage then the monk usually, and with spending the feat on Crossbow Expert I'm keeping up with her 3-4 attacks per round. And I hit more often with Archery fighting style and a +1 hand crossbow. So I'm glad she's started pulling out her cool abilities because that's what's going to make her special. And she gets them all back after a short rest.

Again, UA Ranger abilities that came into heavy play: archery fighting style, advantage on init, advantage first round of combat against those who haven't gone, extra attack, favored enemy, ranger skill list, spellcasting (hunter's mark and darkvision), and can't forget primeval awareness. Horde Breaker, very useful in earlier sessions, wasn't big this one, but that's the only ranger feature that hasn't gotten a workout.

End of this session just crested us to 7th. We've been ignoring several side quests that feel on the meta-side designed to get us magic items and XP, so I think the DM has been using my primeval awareness to feed us more "random" encounters to get us to a minimum survivable level for the places we're going. I'm happy to hand him that opportunity.

For completeness I'm going to look around at multiclass options, but I think I'm staying UA Ranger the whole way to get the experience and report on it.

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