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Ultra Modern Character Builder?


Did anyone ever build a character builder for the Ultramodern game (based on 4E)?
Ideally, I'd love to find something that adds into the main 4e offline character builder.

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I looked at the files for the offline character builder (offcb) and was not able to find any files for the Ultramodern, or Amethyst sourcebooks (both by DEM).

The offcb is very capable and from looking at my Amethyst book it looks like this would be a straight port into the offcb files. I don't have Ultramodern so I can say for that one, but DEM was very good about making stuff that was truly compatible. So I'd suspect it's also a straight port.

Manipulating xml is probably not the easiest thing in the world, but at least it is human readable. I would start small. Maybe add a few pieces of equipment to begin with. Then go to adding a feat or two. Powers are tied to classes so they are a bit more tricky, and classes require a bit more thought. It is all doable, but it is not quick.


The offcb is very capable and from looking at my Amethyst book it looks like this would be a straight port into the offcb files. I don't have Ultramodern so I can say for that one, but DEM was very good about making stuff that was truly compatible. So I'd suspect it's also a straight port.
Yeah, but I have to find out how to do even that.


I've been looking for tutorials, but haven't found anything recent (I guess that's no surprise).
Most annoying thing is when the instructions assume knowledge. "Do _____" OK. How?
Hypothetically, if someone wanted to add classes to the builder, or other custom work, how, hypothetically might they go about it. Is there a hypothetical tutorial that begins with the basics and allows for that sort of hypothetical work?


I think there was an OCB Amethyst set, but not Ultramodern4. Shouldn't be hard to implement, just treat ladders as themes. Or maybe it was Herolab, I could be wrong. It's been a while. For my last two Ultramodern campaigns we just hand-jammed the sheets.

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