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Undead Origins

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The Horror out of Hagsjaw (5e)
Karnley Hag Skull, Malevolent Spirit, Evil Hag-Spirit, Evil Spirit, Evil Hag Spirit: In time, the townspeople, led by the prominent (for Hagsjaw anyways) Tatterly family, hunted down and brought these bloodthirsty witches to justice. The gallows where they were hung still stand in the town square. When the hags were finally killed, their remains were scattered about in different locations (local tradition when dealing with witches), and their old religion seemingly disappeared from the region with their deaths.
Before they died however, the witches remained defiant, cursing the town and vowing that they would one day “return to bleed all ye folk dry,” promising nothing less than misery and doom for the folk of Hagsjaw.
When the Karnley witches were hung from the gallows in the town square, they cursed the town of Hagsjaw and vowed that they would one day return. They were summarily beheaded, their bodies burned, and then their skulls were separated and hidden to prevent their spirits from ever finding each other in the afterlife. The hags’ hatred lingered, eventually coalescing in the mortal world as malevolent spirits attached to what was left of their mortal remains: the skulls.
When the witches were eventually overthrown and hanged in the town square, they muttered a unified curse with their last breaths, promising nothing less than misery and doom for all who remained in Hagsjaw.
Belknap, Ghost, Unquiet Spirit: [T]he unquiet spirit of the enterprising miner Belknap who slipped and fell to his death, inadvertently giving the cave its name. He is imprisoned here by his regret and folly, unable to move on to the afterlife.
Will-o'-Wisp: ?
Undead: ?


The Howling Caverns (5e)
Goblin Zombie: ?
Undead: ?
Lesser Undead, Lower Undead: ?
Whitby, Old Gravel Arse, Ghast, Intelligent Undead: ?
Ghoul: ?
Skeleton: ?
Skeleton, Lesser Undead, Lower Undead: ?
Duergar Skeleton: ?
Vampire: ?
Baroness Sylva Havel, Sam Volk, Vampire, Ancient Vampire, Vampire Lord: ?
Zombie: ?
Zombie, Lesser Undead, Lower Undead: ?
Zombie, Goblin Corpse: ?


The Invisible Hand
Vampire: ?
Baron Rucel, Ghost: Yet the County of Boskerry was not as idyllic as modern people believe. Some of its nobles and rich merchants worshiped in secret Mammon, the archdevil of greed. The largest gatherings of diabolists occurred at the underground Temple of the Grasping Hand. The cult was eventually broken up by agents of several good gods, but the cult’s leader, Baron Rucel, was defiant to the end. Rather than be arrested, he fled to the temple’s treasure room, collapsing the passage behind him.
Baron Rucel died surrounded by riches, but his ghost continued to wander the abandoned halls of the temple.
The Red Vampire: ?
Wight, Undead Cultist: ?
Undead: ?
Zombie: A humanoid slain by [a wight's life drain] attack rises 24 hours later as a zombie under the wight’s control, unless the humanoid is restored to life or its body is destroyed.


The Kingdom of Grimsby Bremen Town-Musician
Specter, Undead Specter: Priest (Modified)'s Raise Undead power.
Undead: ?

Raise Undead (recharges at midnight): As an action, the priest can raise up to 1d4 dead humanoid corpses within 120’ to fight as their ally as long as they have only been dead for less than a moon-cycle. The undead have stats of a specter appearing as ghostly images of their living form. They will do whatever the priest wants and if there are no immediate orders they will roam until killed or someone performs Raise Undead on the same corpse. This is not a spell, so it does not require concentration and is not affected by magical effects like counterspell or dispel magic.


The Last Barrow
Undead: ?
Ghost of Calla: After her own death, her spirit lingered, still tied to the world even as her body was prepared for the grave, delaying her journey on the Path of the Dead despite the guides that awaited her. As her body was interred she sensed the presence nearby of her husband. Deyr had not left the Material World; somehow, he was still manifest there. She turned her back on the Path of the Dead then, and has lingered ever since, watching and waiting to find some sign of her husband, whose dark presence she still feels nearby, even long centuries later, and whom she warns the characters against.
Ghost: After they built the hidden Chamber of the King’s Rest for Erl Deyr, several workmen were then murdered by his son, Deyrrin, who then buried their bodies in another part of the barrow mound if they are ghosts (characters using divination could perhaps later find the location after much digging, and give the skeletons their proper burial), or else sealed them into the chamber if they are to be found as less powerful wights.
Spirit: ?
Hathaz-Ghul, Ghul: ?
Ghoul: ?
Ghast: ?
Erl Deyr, Old Prince Deyr, The Old King of the Barrow, Dangerous Creature of the Grave, Death Knight, Undead Corpse: ?
Erl Deyr, Old Prince Deyr, The Old King of the Barrow, Dangerous Creature of the Grave, Sword Wraith Commander, Undead Corpse: ?
Erl Deyr, Old Prince Deyr The Old King of the Barrow, Dangerous Creature of the Grave, Sword Wraith, Undead Corpse: ?
Erl Deyr, Old Prince Deyr, The Old King of the Barrow, Dangerous Creature of the Grave, Wight, Undead Corpse: ?
Regular Barrow-Wight: ?
Wight: After they built the hidden Chamber of the King’s Rest for Erl Deyr, several workmen were then murdered by his son, Deyrrin, who then buried their bodies in another part of the barrow mound if they are ghosts (characters using divination could perhaps later find the location after much digging, and give the skeletons their proper burial), or else sealed them into the chamber if they are to be found as less powerful wights.
Mummy: ?
Ghost of the Line of Deyr, Prince of Ivost, of the Lineage of Eldyr: Deyrrin, Caldyr, and Caldyss were interred within the barrow, and one or more of their ghosts could be held in the orbit of their ancestor’s power and madness.
Banshee: ?
Deyrrin, Ghost of the Line of Deyr, Prince of Ivost, of the Lineage of Eldyr: Deyrrin, Caldyr, and Caldyss were interred within the barrow, and one or more of their ghosts could be held in the orbit of their ancestor’s power and madness.
Caldeyr, Ghost of the Line of Deyr, Prince of Ivost, of the Lineage of Eldyr: Deyrrin, Caldyr, and Caldyss were interred within the barrow, and one or more of their ghosts could be held in the orbit of their ancestor’s power and madness.
Caldyss, Ghost of the Line of Deyr, Prince of Ivost, of the Lineage of Eldyr: Deyrrin, Caldyr, and Caldyss were interred within the barrow, and one or more of their ghosts could be held in the orbit of their ancestor’s power and madness.
Sword Wraith: ?
Ghostly Skeleton: ?
Flesh-Eating Ghoul: ?
Sacred Dead: ?
Spirit of the Dead: ?
Unquiet Dead: ?
Shade: ?
Shadow of the Dead: ?

Spirit: ?
Barrow-Wight: ?
Hathaz-Ghul, Ghul: ?
Undead: ?
Erl Deyr, Old Prince Deyr, The Old King of the Barrow, Dangerous Creature of the Grave, Powerful Version of a Barrow-Wight, Undead Corpse: ?
Ghost: After they built the hidden Chamber of the King’s Rest for Erl Deyr, several workmen were then murdered by his son, Deyrrin, who then buried their bodies in another part of the barrow mound if they are ghosts (characters using divination could perhaps later find the location after much digging, and give the skeletons their proper burial), or else sealed them into the chamber if they are to be found as less powerful wights.
Ghost of Calla: After her own death, her spirit lingered, still tied to the world even as her body was prepared for the grave, delaying her journey on the Path of the Dead despite the guides that awaited her. As her body was interred she sensed the presence nearby of her husband. Deyr had not left the Material World; somehow, he was still manifest there. She turned her back on the Path of the Dead then, and has lingered ever since, watching and waiting to find some sign of her husband, whose dark presence she still feels nearby, even long centuries later, and whom she warns the characters against.
Long-Slumbering Ghul: ?
Hungry Ghul: ?
Active Ghul: ?
Recently-Fed Ghul: ?
Fully-Sated Ghul: ?
Ghost of the Line of Deyr, Prince of Ivost, of the Lineage of Eldyr: Deyrrin, Caldyr, and Caldyss were interred within the barrow, and one or more of their ghosts could be held in the orbit of their ancestor’s power and madness.
Deyrrin, Ghost of the Line of Deyr, Prince of Ivost, of the Lineage of Eldyr: Deyrrin, Caldyr, and Caldyss were interred within the barrow, and one or more of their ghosts could be held in the orbit of their ancestor’s power and madness.
Caldeyr, Ghost of the Line of Deyr, Prince of Ivost, of the Lineage of Eldyr: Deyrrin, Caldyr, and Caldyss were interred within the barrow, and one or more of their ghosts could be held in the orbit of their ancestor’s power and madness.
Caldyss, Ghost of the Line of Deyr, Prince of Ivost, of the Lineage of Eldyr: Deyrrin, Caldyr, and Caldyss were interred within the barrow, and one or more of their ghosts could be held in the orbit of their ancestor’s power and madness.
Normal Wight: ?
Barrow-Wight, Regular Barrow-Wight: ?
Ghostly Skeleton: ?
Flesh-Eating Ghoul: ?
Sacred Dead: ?
Spirit of the Dead: ?
Unquiet Dead: ?
Shade: ?
Shadow of the Dead: ?
Wight: After they built the hidden Chamber of the King’s Rest for Erl Deyr, several workmen were then murdered by his son, Deyrrin, who then buried their bodies in another part of the barrow mound if they are ghosts (characters using divination could perhaps later find the location after much digging, and give the skeletons their proper burial), or else sealed them into the chamber if they are to be found as less powerful wights.

Erl Deyr, Old Prince Deyr, The Old King of the Barrow, Dangerous Creature of the Grave, Powerful Version of a Barrow-Wight, Undead Corpse: ?
Ghost of Calla: After her own death, her spirit lingered, still tied to the world even as her body was prepared for the grave, delaying her journey on the Path of the Dead despite the guides that awaited her. As her body was interred she sensed the presence nearby of her husband. Deyr had not left the Material World; somehow, he was still manifest there. She turned her back on the Path of the Dead then, and has lingered ever since, watching and waiting to find some sign of her husband, whose dark presence she still feels nearby, even long centuries later, and whom she warns the characters against.
Spirit: ?
Ghost: The spirits of the dead have Seven Days to successfully reach the Place of Judgement ruled by Seedré, Judge of the Dead; if they do not reach the Place of Judgement in time, they will be lost in Limbo, captured and bound by evil magicians, consumed by dark spirits, or perhaps become a ghost.
After they built the hidden Chamber of the King’s Rest for Erl Deyr, several workmen were then murdered by his son, Deyrrin, who then buried their bodies in another part of the barrow mound if they are ghosts (characters using divination could perhaps later find the location after much digging, and give the skeletons their proper burial), or else sealed them into the chamber if they are to be found as less powerful wights.
Ghost of the Line of Deyr, Prince of Ivost, of the Lineage of Eldyr: Deyrrin, Caldyr, and Caldyss were interred within the barrow, and one or more of their ghosts could be held in the orbit of their ancestor’s power and madness.
Deyrrin, Ghost of the Line of Deyr, Prince of Ivost, of the Lineage of Eldyr: Deyrrin, Caldyr, and Caldyss were interred within the barrow, and one or more of their ghosts could be held in the orbit of their ancestor’s power and madness.
Caldeyr, Ghost of the Line of Deyr, Prince of Ivost, of the Lineage of Eldyr: Deyrrin, Caldyr, and Caldyss were interred within the barrow, and one or more of their ghosts could be held in the orbit of their ancestor’s power and madness.
Caldyss, Ghost of the Line of Deyr, Prince of Ivost, of the Lineage of Eldyr: Deyrrin, Caldyr, and Caldyss were interred within the barrow, and one or more of their ghosts could be held in the orbit of their ancestor’s power and madness.
Spirit of the Sacred Dead: ?
Hathaz Ghul, Ghul: ?
Ghoul: ?
Flesh-Eating Ghoul: ?
Barrow Wight, Regular Barrow-Wight, Typical Barrow-Wight: BARROW-WIGHTS are creatures of the grave, corpses now animated by their own malignant ghosts. They are of a similar vein to zombies, but rather than being the product of a magician's foul necromancy, a Barrow-Wight is caused by the unending desire of the deceased to cling to some element of its earthly life, often as guardians of the grave goods and treasures with which they were buried.
Creature of the Grave: ?
Malignant Ghost: ?
Zombie: BARROW-WIGHTS are creatures of the grave, corpses now animated by their own malignant ghosts. They are of a similar vein to zombies, but rather than being the product of a magician's foul necromancy, a Barrow-Wight is caused by the unending desire of the deceased to cling to some element of its earthly life, often as guardians of the grave goods and treasures with which they were buried.
Guardian: ?
Sample Minion Barrow-Wight: ?
Brangbane, King of Ghouls of the Wood of the Dead: ?
Ghostly Skeleton: ?
Sacred Dead: ?
Spirit of the Dead: ?
Unquiet Dead: ?
Shade: ?
Shadow of the Dead: ?
Wight: After they built the hidden Chamber of the King’s Rest for Erl Deyr, several workmen were then murdered by his son, Deyrrin, who then buried their bodies in another part of the barrow mound if they are ghosts (characters using divination could perhaps later find the location after much digging, and give the skeletons their proper burial), or else sealed them into the chamber if they are to be found as less powerful wights.
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The Legend of the Mist Flowers 5E
Roviann, Ghost Captain, Spirit: Roviann was the captain of a pirate ship, an adventurous and ruthless half-elf. He arrived on the Island looking for treasures, and he came into contact with the local population. Unluckily, a doppelganger fell madly in love with him, and Roviann talked her into revealing much more than she should have. The two became lovers, and the pirate even convinced the doppelganger to change her shape into that of Lorian the Red, Roviann's paramour who had met a tragic death in the sea just a few months before. During the exploration of the island, Roviann's crew casually discovered one of the seals; Roviann, curious, gave order to actively search the others, ignoring the warnings from the Nameless People, and bringing the whole island to the brink of destruction: abominations from The Unknown, conjured by the weakening of the Ritual, launched a massive attack against everyone, killing doppelgangers and sailors alike.
Only once Roviann was cornered did he finally accept to drink the potion and leave the Island along with his crew. His ship, however, was caught in a violent storm a few miles from the shore: the sailors were unable to react properly, still confused by the after-effects of the memory-erasing potion, and they sank to their deaths.
Roviann became a ghost, tied to this world by regret and by the memory of his love; he believes her to be on the Island, and he has a vague feeling that he will never find peace as long as someone still remembers him and waits for his return.
Lorian the Red is a doppelganger who fell in love with the rugged pirate/adventurer Roviann, having met him about 50 years ago on the Island. She has awaited him all this time (unaware of his death), and it is this memory that binds the ghost of Roviann to this world.
Wraith: [T]he sailors of Roviann's crew, forced in the World as Undead bound by the same bond that binds their captain.
Ghost: As for the monsters, ghosts, and spirits, I think it's just superstition: with mists so persistent, however, I can't help but wonder if there's magic at work…
Spirit: As for the monsters, ghosts, and spirits, I think it's just superstition: with mists so persistent, however, I can't help but wonder if there's magic at work…
Lich: ?


The Lighthouse of Anan Marath (5e)
Aqueous Wight: An aqueous wight is a humanoid who broke their oath to Dagon and was cursed with a twisted form of undeath.
While the aqueous wight was once a follower of Dagon, the aqueous zombie was a sacrifice.
Aqueous Zombie: While the aqueous wight was once a follower of Dagon, the aqueous zombie was a sacrifice. The ritual to create them is quite gruesome and involves stuffing the still-living sacrifice with dried sea salt and blood until their stomach bursts, at which point they are drowned.
A humanoid slain by [an aqueous wight's tentacle] attack rises 24 hours later as an aqueous zombie under the wight’s control, unless the humanoid is restored to life or its body is destroyed.
Sir Keven’s personal bodyguards are an aboleth and a monstrous crayfish; additionally, the clerics animated several aqueous zombies.
Any noise here alerts an aqueous zombie, one of the undead raised by the priests of Dagon.
Commander Bors Davarion, Captain Davarion, Aqueous Wight: Seated in the center of the circle is Commander Bors Davarion, who was cursed into undeath by his following of the Brotherhood of the Sea.
During the battle to remove the Brotherhood of the Sea from the lighthouse, Davarion fled despite his oaths to Dagon and the Brotherhood. He hid in his quarters during the fighting and was cursed and struck down by the vengeful demon god of the sea to rise again as an aqueous wightB. Even as he died, tentacles of the sea burst from his skin, and rage and strength flooded him.
Aqueous Zombie, Vicious Undead: ?
Undead: ?
Undead From the Sea: ?


The Lonely Coast 2020 (5e)
Undead: ?
Ghost of an Elder Age: ?
Morveren, Ghost: Sea caves and tunnels honeycomb the headland of Din Kershal upon which stands Caer Syllan. The witch Morveren once lived in the caves, but was slain by Maban Locher 100 years ago. Some say her ghost still lingers in the dark waiting to wreak revenge on the Lochers.
Lich: ?
Shade of the Ancient Fallen: ?
Wearne, Vampire: ?
Morveren, Powerful Spellcasting Vampire, Vampire: ?
Vampire: ?


The Lost Crypt (5e)
Undead, Undead Creature: ?
Ghoul: ?
Lich: ?
Mummy: High priests of the tombs were laid here upon their death. The richest of them was clearly in the middle. The spirits of the deceased, lesser priests are still enraged at the desecration of their brothers’ tomb and wait to attack the next intruders who disturb this chamber.
Specter, Spectre: ?
Wight: ?
Zombie: A malevolent force animated all of the dead as 35 zombies that climb out of their chambers to attack.

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