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Under A Darksun: PART I SEGMENTS 1-124


The night air was bringing in a comfortable but unfamiliar coolness. The air was so different in the forest compared to the scrublands or desert. Mania and Cosa took turns talking about their childhood and adventures. Mania avoided talking about his “baneful son” incident. In return, the powerful elemental spoke about the sad truth of his world dying.

“What can we do about it?” asked Cosa.

= little = replied the spirit

= We, my kind and myself, can not act out. It is forbidden. We can only hope. Devi to the west says he meant a human whom hopes to reverse things as they stand. He wants to move slowly though. Something about drawing undue attention to himself and his cause =

“Does he have a name?” asks Mania.

= Don’t recall Devi ever saying it. All humans have at least one. I will ask Devi when next I commune with him =

“We should create a shelter Mania. We can stay here in this area for the night then start out in daylight.”


= Allow me please =

Dessassavern’s eyes go black and then the body he had formed hunches over and fills in creating a lean-to of earth and rock. The grasses growing in the ground inside the lean-to thicken and grow creating natural bedding. Both Mania and Cosa are awe struck. So amazed are they that they do not see the spirit reform a new body of earth and stone nearby. The dark recesses that would be the eyes begin to glow as the spirit occupies the form. = Is it to your liking? =

“wow” murmurs Mania. Cosa is beyond words. Her eyes say it all much to the spirit’s happiness.

They talk through to the late of night. Mania even alludes to his search of who his parents are and Cosa at collecting lost pages of a book that depicts the future.

They leave at daylight with fruit, nuts and berries the spirit pointed out to them. They wave and promise to return. The spirit watches as they go, already missing them.

Two days later the spirit communes with his brother spirit, Desverendi.

[OOC- it is customary for each to give the name of the spirit spoken to, then to give an answer to the question asked before asking a new question in effect taking turns]

“Brother Desverendi, how does the earth settle in your valley on this fine day?”

“Brother Dassassavern, I am in good spirits.
A spirit in good spirits.
Human humor is divine.
Have the Nibenese loggers left your valley as of yet?”

“Brother Desverendi, Yes.
They have left my valley after a Behir “happened” by.
Why have you communed with me so soon?”

“Brother Dassassavern, I suspected as much from templars of the Shadow King.
They run easily but with return like the seasons.
Yesternight I meant and spoke with two wonderful and strange young human lovers.
They asked me for a name of your human friend.
May I ask you for it?

“Brother Desverendi, Human lovers…oh my!
They question for the name of Korgunard?
My human friend’s name is Korgunard.
What makes these two human lovers so wonderful and strange?”

“Brother Dassassavern, we both have human friends now!
How wonderful!
They are wonderful since they are so free and talkative.
They are strange since they tunneled from deep in the ground into my valley.

Breaking edict……”Tunneled….?”

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“Too Much of a Grand Thing”

The roar was loud and vibrated in his ears and chest. It was glorious.

“I have never seen so much water in my life! We are rich beyond anyone’s dreams!”

“So cool and clean! It’s like a cleric made it!”

Tearing off their gear they leap into the pool of swirling water below the waterfall. That’s all it took.

Cosa surfaces gasping for breathe. “It’s deep! Too deep! Mania- HELP!”

He has yet to surface. It was so surreal to him. He felt pressure in his ears and chest. His vision was blurred. He could see Cosa’s legs kicking frantically trying to get leverage on the rocks. Bubbles rose in rapid swirls from his open mouth and from the waterfall. Then the panic came as his lungs were beginning to burn. He couldn’t move in the water or breathe in it. Too much of a good thing. He could see swirls of rushing bubbles from the base of the waterfall. They were pushing him away from Cosa. He tried to move to her but could not. He was going to die…..in a king’s ransom of water. Then he felt it…a gentle bump on his shoulder.

He looked at it. A black line came from a whippled bright light. The line poked him…hard this time. This is when he blacked out.


The guard watched carefully any and all things around him. He missed nothing. He was that good. He saw the templar Gringga and noted her shifted her hair from left to right. When on the right, it meant she was free for her lover to visit. When brushed to the left it was not. He saw the Templar Jurrass stealing fruit from the Vender, and the vender’s watchful eye missed it. He was so good that he secretly knew his owner, the High-Templar Veela, was to meet a mysterious person on this night. It was near mid-night and still the person had not arrived. The mistress would be cross…very cross.

Inside however, the High-Templar was indeed currently meeting her newest employee. The person was possibly Tyr Valley’s greatest tracker and slave hunter- Tangier. If she passed a test, she was to receive 240 gold. The test was so simple. Just get past the guard before mid-night. She did it without resorting to magic or psionics.

Tangiers was not your typical bounty hunter. For one, the hunter was a female. For two, she was a halfling. For three, if she ever failed, she returned any and all monies given to her. Rumor has it; she has not given back her retainer in over 10 years. Her skill and stealth was legendary. Her appearance also. Her entire body was tattooed in green ink. Depicted was a jungle teaming with life as halflings hunted animals nearby or within a ruin. Rumor also had it that there was more to these tattoos than just the artwork. Some were psionic obviously but it was rumored that hints to where she hid her vast fortune were hidden within those tattoos on her body. All one had to do was read and decipher the clues. She would never allow this. A person would need to kill her first.

She snuck into the house and made it to the meeting room where Veela awaited sipping fermented sweet water. “Well done. You are worth every ceramic bit I give you.”

Tangiers quietly walks up to her. She eyes the pouch with the coins. “Why have you asked for this test?”

“Please, sit down and relax. Have some sweetened water. It is quite good. The job offer I have for you will be fun and profitable …for us both.” An evil smile spreads across her face while Tangiers listens carefully.

“Dancing Halfling Savages”

The halfling had a cruel smile on her face as she positioned the body. She could hear the protests behind her but cared little for them. The poison should silence her shortly as it has her loud footsteps in her forest. She aimed once, twice and on the third time swung down with clasped hands onto the soaked man.

A satisfying wet thrack came from his body. It jerked once then laid still. Hurgh! The halfling began to beat on his stomach then rolled him onto his stomach. By now, Cosa’s cheeks were soaked from tears. She couldn’t even whisper in Mania’s defense now.

The halfling began to jump up and down on his back. An audible crack was heard as one rib gives but water shoots out of his mouth. A smile and another grunt later, the halfling returns to jumping on his back. Now six more halflings have arrived. Each cheers the female on. Now acting to the forming crowd, she begins to stomp and holler as she dances on top of Mania’s dead inert body. More water shoots out then a sudden cough and a jerking motion. All 10 halflings give out a song like “ohhhhh awwwwww”. The dancing savage halfling drops to knees and begins to rub his still neck then pulls out a long pin made from bone. “Ahhhhhhhhoooohhhh rah!” and she stabs him in the neck.

“YOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWCH!” Hackt hackt cough cough.

For nearly two minutes, the only sound that can be heard is the gentle ripples of the stream and Mania’s aggravated coughs and curses. Blood streams down his chest from his new wound. The halfling now walks over to Cosa. A slow steady chant begins. She drips three drops of fluid from a fruit in hand onto Cosa’s lips. “Otay Otay Oolay….Otay Otay Oolay” The others join her in this new ritual. Cosa fears for her life but finds her fingers burn and twitch on their own. Her heart races and races. Her thoughts shift from Mania to her being eaten alive by these halflings. As she loses sight she catches a glimpse of someone. Someone taller than the halflings…much taller.

A man dressed in brown carrying a wooden tree limb for a cane steps into the circle of halflings. “Hoy Betroth. Hoy Betroth. Sydee Bah Wanna. Bah Wanna!”

Mania watches the man walk over to him. He is far too nauseous to move, much less stop the person. “Jue Lay Neyah?” The man leans over him. “Oh…sorry. You don’t speak the halfling tongue of the Tall Waters Clan. I am Bruce. That is Sydee. She is the clan’s healer and medicine woman. Don’t ever get sick while here. Come, sit up, breathe deeply and relax. We thought you were dead for a moment there.”

“C-cough cough…Cosa….” Motioning to her fallen still body.

“Ah, Cosa yes. She fainted away. I believe she thought it to be her turn.” He looks at the halfling female who smiles and hopes to heal more tall halflings. “Come, alley-oop!” He aids Mania in standing up. “You will rest better at my place. Come.”

“A Templar’s Revenge”

Keela was quite unhappy. The only man to ever defy her…the only person (excluding Nibenay himself if you wish to refer to him as a person that is) escaped her with his life. Worse, he escaped with a woman whom rumor has it is his new love interest. The ****ing pig! She thought to herself. I will…No I must fix this. I must have my revenge.

She pushed her thoughts back as it was time for the meeting. The security branch was meeting today on Veela’s wishes. She had to go. She arrived directly on time (though still the last to arrive) and took her place.

“So good of you to arrive Keela.” Mocked Veela. Waiting until Keela had her first drink near her lips she then asks- “I trust you are past the whole Mania / Alliance thing by now.” She hears a satisfactory snort of liquid being spit up.

“Ah…yes High-Templar Veela. I have.” She answers as she dabs her mouth and nose of upset wine. She thinks dark thoughts to herself then returns with her own barb. How did your last meeting with our husband go? I heard he was most upset that the Veiled Alliance was not crushed; that we only found about 15 of the estimated 150 members. That would be…a mere 10% I suppose.

None of the other templars interrupted the silent stares each had for each other of utter hatred and murderous intentions. “Hmmmm…yes well the king is more understanding than most parents. Barb finished she switches to the business on hand before Keela can make a reply.

Most of the meeting was about standard things the justice branch dealt with. Rumors of Veiled Alliance activity, rumors of Shadow theft and murder and even rumors of the great bounty hunter Tangiers arriving in the city that week. Veela spoke of the bounty hunter, being sure that Keela could hear her well enough but allowing no eye contact or other unintentional warning to herself be revealed. Keela was silent for the rest of the meeting. Veela was certain she took the bait.

Veela’s personal bodyguard, Stiffler, spent the next three days spying on Keela. He noted everything about her and her activities. He then reported every detail to Veela.

“Hahahahahahahahha Oh Stiffler. I wish I were there to witness this. This upstart sought to replace me but fell in love with a Veiled Alliance accomplice. She knows not whether to love, leave or kill him. Her love of power is great. I will make these her instrument of self-destruction. I am quite certain Tangiers will agree to the contract but for a fee just out of Keela’s grasp. She will be forced to sell things…favored things to obtain the money. She may even be forced to betray her family in the process. With luck, commit a crime I can act on even. And still, she will not be able to afford the bounty hunter. Somehow this information will get out. She will be ruined and exposed as the sham she is. I will be rid of another would be High-Templar seeking my seat of power. Hahahahahahahahahhahaha.”

Keela has four days to raise an insanely high cost. It will be worth it she thinks. She must have her revenge. She wants Mania dead. Personally killed by her if possible. 150,000 Gold though. So much!
She begins by collecting her own money. Then she collects on old debts. She uses her influence to take money out of the city treasury (for city business of course). She nears a mere 40,000 Gold. Desperate, she begins to sell services to other templars, nobles, merchants and travelers. She even sold a few potions (questionable quality) to some adventurers passing through. Unknowingly, she even gets indebted to many senior Veiled Alliance members in hiding. A mere 50,000 raised in her first day.

Crazed and on the edge of inner madness, she decides to ask her parents for help. She gets little. The next night, a thief made it into her mother’s room and a noble’s home nearby. She raises a total 110,000 Gold.

On the third day Keela is quite merciless collecting taxes at the gate. Several Shom operatives are furious. She is reported but little can be done. She collects a mere 150GD that day.

On her fourth and final day, with 110150 Gold before her, Keela stares. She has until midnight this night to raise more money. 40,000 Gold. It can not be done. She has come to realize that she mistrusted now, could be brought up on treason, stole from her mother and another family that she always disliked and now made mortal enemies with House of Shom.

And still it wasn’t enough.

Night falls. She goes to the family country house to decide what to do after drinking an entire bottle of Red Cactus wine. She feels a need to relieve herself when a lizard appears. Tied to it’s tail is a string. On the other end is a small pouch with a note.

She picks up the lizard, looks at it briefly then pulls the string roughly from it’s tail. It hisses menicely then moves under a table to inspect the injuries. The whole time watching her.

Watching through the eyes of her familiar, the Obe of Gulg watches Keela open her note and read it. Watches as a cruel smile flashes across her face. Watches as Keela greedily tears at the tie-strings of the pouch. From the small pouch of holding fall 40,000 gold worth of gold, silver and ceramic coins. She gathers it all up and hurries to the meeting place Tangiers requested. She might just make it.

The Obe of Gulg sits back from her scrying pool. I know not why I have done this for sure, but I see at the least, an opportunity to confuse and redirect Nibenay’s templars at just the right point. The forest and grasslands will be mine again.

Since I have noticed this is commonly done-

MANIA (as of segment 67 ) Male human; Fit 3 PsW 3; CR 6; Med Sz Humaniod (human); HD 3d10+3d8+24; hp 62; Init +12 (+4 Dex, +4 Impr Init, +2 Blooded, +2 Thug); Spd 30ft; AC 16 (+4 Dex, +2 Armor / Touch 14 / Flat footed 12); Atk +11 (greatclub +2 1d10+6 /+8 2hd) 20/x2 Troll craftsmanship) +09/+09 (Singing Sticks+1 x2 1d6+5 [19-20/x2 right hand –Impact or 20/x2 left hand –no additional magics] ) AL- CG; SV Fort +10, Ref +06, Wil +06; Str 18, Dex 19, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 18 Cha 18
Language: Common only (due to lack of exposure)
Skills: Bal +6, Climb +6, Con +5, Heal +2, Hide +2, Jump +5, Know:Myth +1, Know: Psionics +1, Listen +2, Move Silent +2, Ride +1, Search +2, Spot +5, Stab Self +6, Tumble +6, Use Psi Device +2, Wild Lore +2 (includes Synergy bonuses and Feats but excludes Attribute mod)
Feats: Improv Init, Blooded, Weapon Focus: Singing Sticks, Amberdex, Thug, Ener Armor, Power Attack, 2 Weap Fighting
Possessions: Leather Armor, Lose coins, Great Club +2, Bag of Holding (Type I), Singing Stick +1, Singing Stick of Impact +1
Psionics 0 x3 1 x1
Powers- Catfall, Daze, Elf Sight and Bio-Feedback
History- Mania is a young and confused young man. He has always had an edge over kids his own age but never thought much of it. Now it has been suggested he has a destiny. Though he is uncertain if that is true, he has found himself pointed and running in the direction of that destiny. Now however, he has a new concern. His father may have been a sorcerer-king.
He travels with a determined and very focused young mage whom wants to aid him in reaching his destiny. The fact that she is now his lover and he still has mixed feelings for a power hungry templar of Nibenay complicates things further for him.

Growing up and becoming a man was never easy.

Thoughts? Cosa will be next followed by Keela. Others to follow.

COSA (segment 67) Female Human; Rog 4 Mag 4; CR 8 Med Sz Humaniod (human); HD 4d6+4d4+8; HP 40; Init +6 (+2 DEX +4 Imp Init) ; Sp 30 ; AC 12 (+2 DEX / Touch 12 / Flat footed 10); Atk+06 (Club 1d6+1 20/x2) or +8 (Quarterstaff +2 1d6+3 20/x2); AL- CN, SV Fort +03 Ref +07 Wil +06; Str 12 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 16 Wis 10 Cha 16
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elven and some Jozal
Skills: Appraise +4, Bal +5, Bluff +9, Climb +3, Con +8, Dis Device +5, Disguise +9, E Art +2, Forg +3, Gather Info +5, Hide +7, Know: Anc Hist +1, Know:Arcana +5, Know:Local +4, Know: Pathlore +1, Listen +6, M Sil +8, O Lock +2, Pro: Seamtress +2, Read Lips +2, Search +1, Seduction +3, Spellc +5, Spot +2, Tumble +2, Wild Lore +1
Feats: Skill Focus: Bluff, Skill Focus: Disguise, Improve Init, Dodge
Possessions: Quarterstaff+2, Club, robes x3, Belt of Many Things (familiar, spell components, Potions of Blur and Invis x3, Fruits of Cure mod W x5, Scroll of Bull Str, Dark Vision, Hold Person, Lock picking tools 100 Gold, 7 Plat and 3 pages of Veena’s Journal, Ring of Prot), Ring of Cooling, Psi Tattoo of Stomp and a spell book within a bag, and another pouch with 50 SL worth of Silver and Ceramics (coppers).
SPELLS: 0=4 1=4 2=3
Daze, light, Ray of Frost, Mage Hand, Mending, Wash, Waterfind, Change Self, Charm Person, Exp Retreat, Mage Armor, M Miss, Obs Mist, Prot Evil, Shield, Sleep, Sneaky Feet, Alter Self, Blur, Cont Flame, Detect Thoughts, Invis, Locate Obj, mirror Im, True Filch, Web, Hold Person
History- Cosa grew up learning there was a lot of room between right and wrong. She learned talents of a rogue and enjoyed using them against the arrogant templars and nobles. Then she stole a a spellbook accidently from a Veiled Alliance member. Within the book was a worn and folded page with markings and drawing on it. Curious she returned the spellbook and kept the picture. She replaced it with a poorly written note asking to become a mage. Not knowing it was part of a test, she was accepted and learned many things, including how to write common. She became a valued member whom worked outside the edges in secret.
She became more facinated by the drawings and even decyphered a symbol or two before here mentor could. As a gift, she was allowed to keep the parchment.
In time her obsession with the lost artifact has allowed her a good knowledge of ancient times and future telling myths. With her third page found, she decided she was meant to find the book and solve it’s mysteries.
She also decided she needed help. Enter the strange but very capable Mania. Her instincts told her he was important and was a force of good and arranged for their meeting.


First Post
Wow... All these updates :)
What a pleasure for my eyes.

Loved the earth spirit :D very .. entish.

And more twisting plots and plays.. stabbing and backstabbing. Just as the doctor ordered it.

Sorry I didn't comment earlier but I haven't been to the boards that much lately. I hope thing are looking a little better for you Andy.

KEELA (segment 67) female human; Fit 1 Psi 1 Temp 6; CR 8; Med sz Humaniod (human); HD 1d10+1d4+6d8+24; HP 60; Init +04 (+2 Dex, +2 Blooded); Spd 30ft; AC 20 (+6 Armor, +2 Shield, +2 Dex / Touch 12 / Flat foot 18) ; Atk +09 (Heavy Mace of Impact +1 1d8+3 19-20/ x2 Weapon Focus); AL- CN (moving towards CE); SV Fort +10 Ref +04 Wil +09; Str 14 Dex 14 Con 16 Int 10 Wis 10 Cha 16
Language: Common (read / write)
Skills: Bluff +08, Climb +2, Con+2, Dipl +06, Gather Info +10, Intim +12, Know:Local +1, Know: Noble+2, Know:psi +3, Ride +2, Search +4, Seduction +7, S Motive +4, Wild Lore +2 (includes all synergy, feats but excludes attribute mod)
Feats: Skill Focus: Seduction , Blooded, Psychoanalyst, Circle of Friends, Dodge, Irin Will, Weapon Focus: Heavy Mace
Possessions: Studded Leather +3 Fortified, Heavy Mace, Circulet of Persuation, Horn of Blasting, Psicrystal (“flirt”) [special note- much of this is templar issue, not her own]
Psionics 0 x3 1x1
Telempathic Projection, Lesser Nat Armor, Missive, Charm Person
Templar Spells: 0 =5 1=4 2=3 3=2
Domains Evil and Domination
Templar authority:Rebuke undead, Command Slaves, Judge slaves, Enter Freeman’s Home, Requ soldiers
History- She is a nibenese noble looking to gather as much power as she can. She is capable of doing anything and is finding it easier everyday. She used her natural beauty to influence any man (or woman) to do as she wanted. She thought that by becoming a templar she would gather more power. She never understood what it took to be a templar of Nibenay. The trials and trubilations involved are slowly breaking her mind.
Enter Mania. She had hoped to use his fame and niave intensions to favor herself but came instead to feel something. She came to love him. She now blames him for her current position including being married to a large lizard-like gaunt creature. She will do anything to get her revenge.
Her ambition has not gone unnoticed either. Her senior, High Templar Veela knows she will topple her (kill her) if allowed to go unchecked. She first tried to put her in harms way but she survived that. Now she hopes to use her need for Mania against her instead.

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