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Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana: Another New Ranger Variant

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The real issue with the ranger is that "what is a ranger" has changed so often, it's hard to make everyone happy. I think they need to dilute it down to a base core and give more options with subclasses. Somewhere between this version, the PHB version and the "Ranger with No Spells" from the previous UA is a good workable ranger.

I like the 2d6 hit dice with light armor. Tough, but with a lower AC will take a beating, but getting 1d6+Con when spending hit dice on a short rest shows resilience. A barbarian has damage resistance. A rogue uncanny dodge. The ranger self heals faster. The light armor fits the mountain man image as well.

I like ambuscade. Rangers hit first.

I like the Skirmisher's Stealth as well, at least in theory. Needs cleaned up a bit.

The Spirit Companions are a different take on the Beastmaster. I like it, but it doesn't really scratch the animal companion itch.

The manifested creature gains a bonus to attack rolls and saving throws equal to your Wisdom modifier. It uses the hit points in the animal’s stat block or half your hit point maximum, whichever is higher. The manifested creature takes its turn on your initiative and acts immediately after you. You control its actions, even if you are unconscious or otherwise unable to act.

Maybe just take that bit and throw it on to the beastmaster.

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Hmmm, interesting line of thought.

It seems to me that the way in which Aragorn and Jon Snow are 'connected to the land' is not really mystical at all: it's essentially political.

I think Aragorn would be better as a fighter with a wilderness background... but snow!?!?! That man needs a subclass. Worg... now that I think of it, Varamyr six skins and Brynden rivers need to be rangers...



I'll need to reread it a few times and hopefully see if in play, but based on the initial read through I don't like it.

I'm not a fan of the 2d6 hit dice. I understand HD idea of finer control over healing, but I have never envisioned the ranger as a beastly barbarian-style tank. I think 2 HD would be a bit confusing due to the inconsistency with other classes.

Spirit companions are underwhelming. They don't seem like an adequate trade off for the spells, but I am more put off by the story of it. It's a very specific style, that doesn't feel much like a Ranger to me... This feels a bit like the 4E Warden. I was never a huge fan of spellcasting Rangers either for much the same reason. I think this could (maybe) work as a subclass, alongside a spellcasting ranger subclass, and something without any mystical/magical abilities. The complaint seems to be the Ranger lacks an identity, but this feels like forcing an identity for its own sake... it doesn't feel like rangers from books and movies (Aragorn, Drizzt , etc.).

My big hope is we see some regular updates on this. UA has not had a great track record of follow up on classes. The Artificer (which they acknowledged didn't go over well) has not been revisited in 7 or 8 months, and we haven't seen anything on the Mystic/Psionics in a few months. I would have hoped to see turnover it's new dates at a simila ace as the play test... Every 2-3 months. If it takes 6 months to see an update and/or more levels, it's tough to play test a 5-level class in an ongoing campaign.


How I'd do it to fit in all the rangers.

Hit Die: 1d10 per ranger level
Armor: Light and medium armor, shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
Skills:Choose three from Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Stealth, and Survival

  • Level 1
    • Favored Enemy OR Ambuscade
    • Natural Explorer
  • Level 2
    • Fighting Style
    • Path of Magic OR Path of War OR Path of Secrets
      • Path of Magic: 1/2 caster Spellcasting
      • Path of War: 2 Maneuvers. 4 d8 superiority dice
      • Path of Secrets: Skirmisher's Stealth
  • Level 3
    • Continue Path
      • Path of Magic: Primeval Awareness
      • Path or War: Poultices
      • Path of Secrets: Sneak attack 1d6
    • Ranger Archetype:
      • The Hunter- As PHB
      • The Beast Master- As PHB
      • The Spirit Walker
        • Spirit Path
      • The Wanderer
        • Hit And Run: If you take the Dash action, you can make 1 attack before the end of your movement.
      • The Survivalist
        • Battlehoned: 3 bonus HP + 1 per each new ranger level
        • Something else
  • Level 4
    • Ability Score Adjustment OR Feat
  • Level 5
    • Extra Attack
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First Post

You really can't give a Player Character a PC-level-equivalent power companion with no restrictions on actions for very long. D&D combats are won and lost on the number of powerful actions made on each side. Soemthing has to give.

You have to give up something.

  • Power. As in the conjure animals and conjure woodland beings spells. You keep all your actions and get to use them often but the actual beasts are weak.
  • Action. As in the beastmaster's beast companion. The companion is strong and stays with you but uses your actions.
  • Frequency. As in this new ranger. The spirit companions is strong and acts on their own but you can only use them a minute a day.
  • It All. As in the hunter warrior with hunter's mark. No beast. All buttwhooping. All the time.

I agree. Perhaps I didn't state my opinion clearly. Or we may differ in where the line is drawn for what is considered a strong companion.

My preference would be for a weak companion that didn't require the character's action to act on a normal basis; the ranger could empower the companion once per day (or more depending on level) to fight at a higher level or grant special benefits. This would grant the ranger a permanent pet for RP and give the ranger an occasional power boost in combat - combination of your Power and Frequency examples.

The finer details lie in the question of where is the line...

Should you be able to have a wolf (CR 1/4) that can be turned into a dire wolf (CR 1) for one minute a day? Maybe people would be more comfortable with an eagle (CR 0) that can turn into a giant eagle (CR1) for one minute a day? The wolf may be potent at level 1, but it doesn't scale well. How potent is it at level 6? level 10?

I like the idea of using the pet as a differentiator. I just think it needs to be present for role play flavor and have the occasional bite for combat.

Jeff Carlsen

The core of a ranger is his understanding of the lands he patrols, and those that live there. Yes, the ranger is connected to the land, but not in the same way as a druid. The land isn't the Ranger's friend, but he understands it, just has he understands all his potential enemies.

The ranger speaks Orc, goblin, and many other languages. On the borders, he's an ambassador for civilization. In the city, he speaks for the roaming tribes.

The ranger is an expert huntsman and tracker. He can travel silently without leaving a trace. He can camouflage himself and keep unseen in the wilderness. He's a marksman with a bow, and a capable fighter with a sword.

He knows the sounds and smells of danger, and is never surprised while in a his favored terrain.

He may have beast friends, but they probably don't fight for him. He may have learned magic from a druid. He may have dedicated himself to hunting a particular type of creature.

I don't know if this is enough to build a class around, but it's a place to start. Personally, I think the ranger best fits as a Fighter subclass. But that's not the goal here, so it hardly matters.

This reminds me a lot of the sorcerer we saw in 2012, where they also decided to get creative, forgetting that people have to convert charscters to this class, both from games and novels.

This class looks nothing like Riverwind or Tanis or Belkar or Drizzt or any of the rangers I or any og my pkayers have played.

2d6 Hit Dice. Odd. The ranger doesn't strike me as high hp, especially since they were downgraded to d8s and don't tank. I'd rather see them keep d10 but gain a bonus HD to represent some self-sufficiency.

Ambuscade. Odd. Seems useful for archers only since you can't move to get close for two weapons. If you can move it's just an opportunity to get ganged-up on and slaughtered. A free turn at the start of every combat just seems to make the ranger the perfect dip class.
A bonus for surprising creatures, like an extra attack, might be preferable. Something more limited.

Skirmisher's Stealth. This is another ranged-only power. Being able to dash in and out of cover and make a melee attack seems super situational. Plus it provokes opportunity attacks.
I don't see why the ranger gets this over the rogue (aka the master of Stealth).
I also super dislike how it takes some power away from DMs in what breaks Stealth. I liked allowing DMs to choose if sniping was allowed or broke Stealth: this change means only the ranger can snipe.

Spirit path. I like the concept as an option. The spirit ranger. It's a neat idea for a build/subclass. Like totems for the barbarian. But I don't think it works for all rangers.
It also seems rather weak as it's just for a minute each day.

The final class actually seems weaker. It gets one extra turn but loses hunters mark and stuff like horde breaker. And an eff tonne of utility.


Two strong saves, something which no other class gets.

The ability to control a creature while unconscious... even though that creature ceases to exist while unconscious. (It breaks concentration.)

Primeval Awareness requires you to spend ranger spell slots. This version of the Ranger doesn't have any spell slots. They quite literally gain a class ability that they cannot use.

This is simply poorly written. Regardless of whether I like the flavor or 2d6 hit dice, this is undercooked even for an UA article. A spell slot ability for a class that doesn't cast spells? Controlling something while unconscious even though it won't be there anymore? Come on guys. Little bit more proofreading next time please.

I can't agree more. Two strong saves. Powerful one level dip. Poorly written or thought out new ability in ambuscade. I read it as a turn that restricts the action portion of that turn to hide or attack action. The combo with assassin is too powerful.

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