Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana: Giant Soul Sorcerer

I like the bonus spells and all the different things that vary by giant (dragon sorcerers and circle of the land druids should have this kind of variety), but it seems like it is trying to make the melee sorcerer without a lot of things that are good for melee. It is a strange day when the hill giant origin makes for a "better" fit than many other types. I might have given the fire giant...

I like the bonus spells and all the different things that vary by giant (dragon sorcerers and circle of the land druids should have this kind of variety), but it seems like it is trying to make the melee sorcerer without a lot of things that are good for melee. It is a strange day when the hill giant origin makes for a "better" fit than many other types. I might have given the fire giant flame blade, the storm giant thunderous smite, and ensnaring strike for the stone giant. Not sure what I would give the cloud giant.

This month's Unearthed Arcana is here! "In the age of myth, giants bestowed magical blessings upon smaller folk whom they especially favored. Now sorcerers can playtest descendants of those folk, using the Giant Soul subclass."

"The giants once dwelled in a fabled realm known as Ostoria, a paradise for their folk that reflected their mastery of the mortal realm. In time, Ostoria fell, and the giants were scattered and broken. During that mythic era, the giants granted a few chosen individuals among the small folk a shard of their great power. These favored people were caught in the same tragedy that sundered Ostoria. Since that time, they have spread across the many worlds of the multiverse. Now and again, one of their descendants manifests the gifts imparted by the giants, granting them sorcerous magic that allows them to command the elements and gain the might of a giant."

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Lost in Dark Sun
Cloud, Frost, and Stone Giant Soul all look like fun to me. Frost Giant in particular.

Fire Giant feels like a weak option to me compared with a Draconic Bloodline.

I think Hill Giant should have gotten something like Thunderous Smite in place of Heroism, but that's probably because I feel that it is intended to be the Gish Sorcerer in this UA.


Yeah, I think you gotta read "hill giant" more as "baseline giant," i.e., big and smashy, no particular elemental schtick.

I share the concern that at least some of these options feel very melee-oriented . . . but I like the idea that in an emergency, you can cast heroism and shillelagh and just wade in there.


First Post
This looks like a lot of fun. It also looks like it could easily be a race with subraces rather than a subclass.


I bet the "empyrean bloodline" (my name for the paladin/giant soul sorcerer multiclass) will be popular.
I don't think so. Paladin is better off multiclassing with other options in sorcerer. A few extra hps, a cantrip and a couple extra spells known won't pull the attention. The 6th level ability, should the multiclass go that far, is not too exceiting for a paladin that turns spells into smites.


I like the bonus spells and all the different things that vary by giant (dragon sorcerers and circle of the land druids should have this kind of variety), but it seems like it is trying to make the melee sorcerer without a lot of things that are good for melee. It is a strange day when the hill giant origin makes for a "better" fit than many other types. I might have given the fire giant flame blade, the storm giant thunderous smite, and ensnaring strike for the stone giant. Not sure what I would give the cloud giant.

I think they wanted to avoid none PHB spells so they don't have to reprint them.

Honestly I think the Subclass is great, it's an effient 6 subclasses in one. I will be giving it high marks.


I don't think so. Paladin is better off multiclassing with other options in sorcerer. A few extra hps, a cantrip and a couple extra spells known won't pull the attention. The 6th level ability, should the multiclass go that far, is not too exceiting for a paladin that turns spells into smites.

The 6th level feature works with the cantrip too, so the Paladin can cast minor illusion to teleport 10 feet.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
The Hill Giant option is the one I'm immediately drawn to. Shillelagh allows Charisma to be used for melee weapon attacks (previously allowed only by Bards and Magical Secrets?).It is sort of funny that Hill Giant blood enables the high-charisma combat option.

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