Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana: Giant Soul Sorcerer

I like the bonus spells and all the different things that vary by giant (dragon sorcerers and circle of the land druids should have this kind of variety), but it seems like it is trying to make the melee sorcerer without a lot of things that are good for melee. It is a strange day when the hill giant origin makes for a "better" fit than many other types. I might have given the fire giant...

I like the bonus spells and all the different things that vary by giant (dragon sorcerers and circle of the land druids should have this kind of variety), but it seems like it is trying to make the melee sorcerer without a lot of things that are good for melee. It is a strange day when the hill giant origin makes for a "better" fit than many other types. I might have given the fire giant flame blade, the storm giant thunderous smite, and ensnaring strike for the stone giant. Not sure what I would give the cloud giant.


The 6th level feature works with the cantrip too, so the Paladin can cast minor illusion to teleport 10 feet.
Understood. A paladin deciding to multiclass into sorcerer has to work through 5 levels to get to the "at-will" lesser misty step (shorter, requires you action). That is a long wait for the benefit. If you're going paladin 5, then sorcerer 15... you'll gain this ability at 11th level.

I think most paladins would lean towards more immediate benefits of the dragon sorcerer, etc..

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"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
Storm Giants doing 3xCon extra damage for using their cantrip is legit interesting.

I think if they replaced (or added) to Jotun resilience some other small scaling feature based on Con, it would communicate the Con focus more clearly.

The only real thing I don't like are the movement features that scale by Con mod (Cloud and Hill Giant 6th level features), so they have no real benefit on a grid unless Con is 20. I'd rather see them as 5* Con modifier.


I wish the enlarge feature came earlier than 14th level; most characters I see never reach that high, and "bigger" seems important to giant-kin.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
I'm also really enjoying this UA. It has a lot of flavor and I think it fits even better in Eberron than it does in FR.


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
I wish the enlarge feature came earlier than 14th level; most characters I see never reach that high, and "bigger" seems important to giant-kin.
Yea, the problem with putting Rage oFO at 1st is that might be too good as a melee dip, but getting it at 14th makes it more like Tenser's Transformation rather than something that might enable a legit melee sorcerer build.


First Post
Well, this took quite the turn since the last time I saw this on MMHFH.

I do agree this is trying to be a bit gishy, with some abilities.

I will say, it's gonna be fun if someone goes Hill to minimum 18, and manages to pop both Rages and Enlarge. Gargantuan character right there.

I think they wanted to avoid none PHB spells so they don't have to reprint them.

Honestly I think the Subclass is great, it's an effient 6 subclasses in one. I will be giving it high marks.

Good point, but I think all three are PHB spells (flame blade is the druid spell that lets you make a blade of fire, not the green flame blade cantrip, although I sometimes get them confused, so I had to double check).

I will also give it high marks. My suggestions are more to align the abilities with the assumed goal of it being the gish sorcerer subclass.


This was looking like it was shaping up to be a fun subclass during the happy hour, I quite like how it has turned out for the UA.


Having just watched the video I think the Telepath will ultimately end up as a Psion instead of a mentalist wizard if the Psion keeps the D6 hit die. The Telepath is just too iconic.

Still my favourite subclass is the Constructor, Ardent, and the Lurker.


Oh, wow, there is a feature that lets you add your CON bonus to weapon damage rolls! My warmain fighter subclass got absolutely hammered on here for having such a feature. Probably okay now Wizards have done it though... as well as since developing fighter subclasses based upon 'concept' that can be done with Battlemaster...

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