Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana Introduces The Artifcer

I don't think anyone saw this coming!

The new Unearthed Arcana is a bit of a surprise - instead of a bunch of new archetypes for an existing class, it's a brand new character class: the artificer! "Unearthed Arcana greets 2017 with a new character class: the artificer, a master of magical invention. In a previous installment of Unearthed Arcana, we experimented with the artificer as a subclass of the wizard. Now the artificer stands on its own, based on the feedback we received about the previous experiment."

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I don't think anyone saw this coming!

That's for sure. Well, there wasn't really any point in revisiting the Ranger yet again, was there? I was kinda hoping that they'd touch on all the PHB classes first before heading into "new" territory. Rogue & Sorcerer have had previous UA articles, but has there been any Warlock or Wizard coverage?

Level 20 capstone ability...

You can attune up to 6 magic items, and you get a +1 bonus to all saving throws for each magic item attuned.

....say what???

Somewhat surprising,but we knew they were working on Artificers.

This does add to the hypothesis that the "Big Book of Crunch" will fill in setting gaps...

I like the rival and the mechanical servant is interesting (I was kind of hoping the alchemist would get an alchemical servant instead, but that is just fluff).

I like that the magic items are more utility/defense than offense. 3 days to rebuild the gun is the biggest problem for the gunsmith--it makes the ranger's pet replacement issue seem trivial, but I think that is so that the PC (and party) would be strongly motivated to get it back instead of waiting to rebuild it.

This would be the first 4th level casting class (half cast round down?). Interesting that it doesn't give cantrips, so it is more like the paladin/ranger classes than eldritch knight/arcane spell thief subclasses.

I guess the whole alphabetical class progression for the UA's is out the window, so I am curious as to what we get next week.

I'm not very fond of the Wondrous Invention feature. While the listed magic items are utilitarian, they are still free magic items!

Yeah, but that's not really anything much when you compare it to another full caster at the same level. At 5th level an Artificer gets what... two "permanent" magic item features and three 1st level spells? Versus a full caster who has 4 cantrips, 4 1st level spells, 3 2nd level spells and 2 3rd level spells. Does gaining darkvision and the ability to swim really easily (for example) that overpowered compared to the other 6 spells per day the wizard would be casting plus 4 at-will magics? I don't believe so.

Hmmm....nothing that really has an appeal to me, although the construct follower is interesting. But I totally get how this would have an appeal for other gamers, especially if firearms are part of your preference. If they do have a big book of crunch based off of UA articles, a class like this certainly has a place.

Although, a gnome throwing bags and vials of splody things while riding a mechanical panda bear has a certain appeal..... ;)
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