Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana: Sidekicks

New playtest material fro WoTC. https://media.wizards.com/2018/dnd/downloads/UA_Sidekicks.pdf I think this would be my DM's nightmare if implemented.


I'm thinking these are the 5e equivalent of the old "generic" classes from 3.x. In which case, I like.. very much!

The biggest difference is that you have to pick a class to emulate its spells. In 3.x you didn't have to.. but you also didn't get any class features.

I'd love to see this developed more!

Oh, and I don't see that the spellcaster "class" is more like a wizard.. you are limited to "spells known." Or is it a mixture of the wizard and sorcerer models?

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My first thought was, "I would play these classes." My second thought was, "This kind of reminds me of 1e Basic D&D."

I wonder if calling them "Sidekicks" is a smokescreen for introducing streamlined Basic D&D rules, perhaps for a new starter set box.

These would be great for 1 Player 1 GM - take a couple sidekicks as secondary characters, and the PC - they are more streamlined, so easier to build and keep track of.


I'd never let a PC run a second charcter/sidekick. I did that in the past and it was a mistake. However, as a way to have less powerful NPCs join the PCs, these rules are nice... but I am not sure that the Warlock spells on a full caster is a clean fit.


Possibly a Idiot.
Just for giggles I made a level 20 champion mastiff so I could spitball what kind of power Biscuit would wield.
That thing is a true beast, hard as nails to take down. Especially if it is mounted by a halfling Paladin or Cavalier, who could prolong it's longevity. Though a (dire)wolf or giant spider would fair even better on the offensive side of things.

But yeah, these things aren't "sidekicks" they are "substitute PC's." They even outright rival some of more questionable subclasses without picking a good base (especially the Spellcaster, who would make a Sorcerer or Warlock think twice about their life decisions). I don't care for how the Expert is set up, because the Expert doesn't have a proper way to scale attacks. However even that can be mitigated by picking something that already has multi-attack. Just imagine a Deinonychus Expert, clever girl indeed. The gap between a good base creature and a poor one is the most noticeable there.

In the end, I can't help but compare these to the Retainers from "Strongholds and Followers". Mostly because that book just got it's PDF out. While I do like having ultra-durable mounts that can actually take a Fireball or two to the face, I do think that the Retainers have a better power curve for an NPC that is supposed to support the PC's instead of stand alongside them as an (near) equal.


If you could find a Brass Dragon Wyrmling(CR1), and were "good", you could very easily make friends with it. It would be a really cool sidekick, and would eventually be pretty powerful. I guess by RAW though even at level 20 it would still be "just" a wyrmling and while you could raise it's DC, it's breath damage would always stay at 4d6.


Just for giggles I made a level 20 champion mastiff so I could spitball what kind of power Biscuit would wield.
That thing is a true beast, hard as nails to take down. Especially if it is mounted by a halfling Paladin or Cavalier, who could prolong it's longevity. Though a (dire)wolf or giant spider would fair even better on the offensive side of things.

But yeah, these things aren't "sidekicks" they are "substitute PC's." They even outright rival some of more questionable subclasses without picking a good base (especially the Spellcaster, who would make a Sorcerer or Warlock think twice about their life decisions). I don't care for how the Expert is set up, because the Expert doesn't have a proper way to scale attacks. However even that can be mitigated by picking something that already has multi-attack. Just imagine a Deinonychus Expert, clever girl indeed. The gap between a good base creature and a poor one is the most noticeable there.

In the end, I can't help but compare these to the Retainers from "Strongholds and Followers". Mostly because that book just got it's PDF out. While I do like having ultra-durable mounts that can actually take a Fireball or two to the face, I do think that the Retainers have a better power curve for an NPC that is supposed to support the PC's instead of stand alongside them as an (near) equal.

What did you do with all those ASIs? Max Str and Con? Did you give it any feats? Just curious because I thought about doing the same thing lol


Possibly a Idiot.
What did you do with all those ASIs? Max Str and Con? Did you give it any feats? Just curious because I thought about doing the same thing lol

Yeah. I didn't pick any feats. Ended up with 20 STR, 18 Con, and put the leftover point in CHA for reasons.

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