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Unearthed Arcana: un-sell me

Well, just because I'm cruel, and I don't believe anyone should be allowed to save money on RPG stuff when I don't have the willpower to do so myself, I'm going to be honest instead of giving you the answer you want. :D

UA is one of the best RPG books I've purchased in quite some time. Not only do I have no buyer's remorse, I'm encouraging everyone I game with to buy a copy.

You should get the new Psionics Handbook too, even if you've never used psionics. These are some of the best books WotC's ever put out. Seriously.

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First Post
Personally, I really dig the Gestalts, though i'd never use them in a game with 4 or more players. I can absolutely see their usefulness to small groups, though in larger ones the characters could quickly step on each other's toes, not to mention that the DM would have to escalate ELs quickly.

IMC, we're using weapon groups (love em! though I allowed Wizards to take one group rather than the book's allowance,) level independant XP, racial paragons (assuming anyone ever takes them,) craft points, and I made most of the variant classes available.

So far, there have been no complaints.

Green Knight

First Post
BiggusGeekus said:
I'm trying to hold off gaming purchases for this month. I'm trying very, very hard. But there seems like so much great stuff coming out that I just want to buy, buy, buy.

So. Unearthed Arcana. Tell me why it's a terrible purchase so I can at least hold off until May.

It has Teh Aids.

*shrugs* :\


First Post
Plane Sailing said:
Good term!

To be pedantic about it, the official marketing term for this particular little issues is *drum roll* Post Purchase Dissonance. Gotta admit though, Buyer's remorse sounds better!

On the main topic, I cannot offer advice, I gave in to the dark side and ordered it via Amazon since none of the shops here in South Africa had imported it. Yep, I even coughed up an extra $12 for postage! My wife IS going to kill me if she ever sees that invoice especially since I cannot get her to play RPGs!

Sir Elton

First Post
BiggusGeekus said:
I'm trying to hold off gaming purchases for this month. I'm trying very, very hard. But there seems like so much great stuff coming out that I just want to buy, buy, buy.

So. Unearthed Arcana. Tell me why it's a terrible purchase so I can at least hold off until May.

Spend your disposable income elsewhere. Treat your girlfriend to a date which both of you can benefit from.



First Post
Just buy the book, you obviously want it, and I agree with you, I have bought gaming books simply to read them on occasion, why is that ANY different than $25 for a hardcover novel? $35 and I get a read for ideas, and maybe later use in various games. Sounds like a win-win situation.

I liked UA, and to sound off with Mousferatu, the Expanded Psionics Handbook.



First Post
Because if I catch you trying to sneak off to the store to buy a copy of it I will fit you with a restraining bolt!

*bleeep* *whirrrrr* *beeeeeeep*


No offense, but this is an awful thread. You can't use more than 5 to 10% of the reasons not to buy UNEARTHED ARCANA at any given time. Not to mention, some of the reasons seem really rushed. I mean seriously, how many of you actually USED these reasons before not buying UA?

In the time it's taken to figure out what usable and what's not usable in this thread, I could have created one of my own!

Voidrunner's Codex

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