• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

UNITY RPG: The Best of D&D 4E, Pathfinder, & Dungeon World

Unity is an interesting new game going soon. With diceless GMing, a narrative approach, and tactical gridless combat in which players operate in "unity" rather than taking turns, and inspirations from D&D 4E, Pathfinder, and Dungeon World, it's an indie game with great production values. I've been sent an exclusive preview of the game, which you can see below - two page spreads, one introducing the game and one taking a look at a combat encounter.

Unity is an interesting new game going soon. With diceless GMing, a narrative approach, and tactical gridless combat in which players operate in "unity" rather than taking turns, and inspirations from D&D 4E, Pathfinder, and Dungeon World, it's an indie game with great production values. I've been sent an exclusive preview of the game, which you can see below - two page spreads, one introducing the game and one taking a look at a combat encounter.

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Designer Anson Tran says "If I could sum up what I’m trying to do with Unity, it would be to create a game that has the tactical depth and crunch of D&D 4e, the excitement of character builds from 3.5e/Pathfinder and finally the narrative ease and storytelling potential of a game like Dungeon World. All of this oriented around very team-focused turn-less combat. Unity is Epic Fantasy infused with a flavourful dose of long lost magic-powered technology – there are guns, robots, and floating cities but they are a rare and momentous thing to discover."

There's a Kickstarter coming later this year for the 330+ page full-colour hardcover.

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"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
The best of D&D 4e and gridless combat? Dunno...
Looks like it's using similar range concepts to 13th Age; I see game terms like ADJACENT and NEARBY in the power descriptions.

This looks pretty interesting, although indie games with high production values always make a little nervous on Kickstarter. Still definitely going to be keeping an eye open for this.

Oh, this looks interesting. I'm certainly going to give the KS a glance. Thanks Morrus.

Edit: I can't seem to find any further info on the web. Anything beyond this article?


Oh, this looks interesting. I'm certainly going to give the KS a glance. Thanks Morrus.

Edit: I can't seem to find any further info on the web. Anything beyond this article?

I had the same problem.

Caught it in one of those teasers after some investigating.

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