[UPDATED - ASCENSION!] Blackdirge's "Metamorphosis - From Dretch to Demon Lord"

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Okay, I guess I'm not up on my texting skills. What is QFT!!!

I'm sure it is something that ruins it if you have to explain it :D :p :lol:

Evilhalfling said:
Great - the one story hour that I read regularly now I have to buy it. *sigh*
Good for you BLACKDIRGE ;)
I too regularly read his work, more than the others. When he gets around to updating :D :p :lol:

I guess I should talk though, I find little time to update my own :) ;) :cool:

Jolly Giant

First Post
This I gotta buy! And just to boast a little; Blackdirge originally created the character Yaghur Hod for me to use in one of my campaigns! This was back when he was doing his critters column, and was taking requests. I'm kinda proud of that now... :cool:


Jolly Giant said:
This I gotta buy! And just to boast a little; Blackdirge originally created the character Yaghur Hod for me to use in one of my campaigns! This was back when he was doing his critters column, and was taking requests. I'm kinda proud of that now... :cool:

That's right, Yaghur Hod was inspired by your request. Unfortunately, being a yugoloth, Yaghur Hod is going to have to change a bit in the published version of the story. Otherwise, WoTC is likley to pull out the +5 beatin' stick of OGL violation on me. :D



The EN World kitten
Just change that to "daemon" and the text should be fine. Any stat blocks might be a bit more difficult, though; have you considered using some other d20 sources that might more closely approximate a NE fiend (such as Green Ronin's Book of Fiends)?

Jolly Giant

First Post
That's right, Yaghur Hod was inspired by your request. Unfortunately, being a yugoloth, Yaghur Hod is going to have to change a bit in the published version of the story. Otherwise, WoTC is likley to pull out the +5 beatin' stick of OGL violation on me. :D


That's ok. I've got the original version anyway! ;)


Well, that was fun
Staff member
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Voidrunner's Codex

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