[UPDATED - ASCENSION!] Blackdirge's "Metamorphosis - From Dretch to Demon Lord"

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Will the mechanics for your Demonic progression of our hero be included in your book, or perhaps maybe you could post that here if it is not. I am interested in what would be required mechanically speaking to progress from a dretch and on up.


Muxe said:
Will the mechanics for your Demonic progression of our hero be included in your book, or perhaps maybe you could post that here if it is not. I am interested in what would be required mechanically speaking to progress from a dretch and on up.

There will be plenty of crunchy goodness included in the book, but that aspect I think I'd rather leave vague, simply becasue defining it in D20 terms could keep me from taking the story where I want it to go. It would kind of box me in, and I like to avoid that as much as possible.

But that said, I do have some ideas in the vein that I would like to explore at some point, and of course, these boards would be an ideal place to do so.



Land Outcast said:
He's taking out the non-OGL stuff.


Most of the changes I'm making are pretty small. Instead of saying Baator, I just say the Nine Hells, instead of tanar'ri, I say demon, and so on. There are only a few instances where I needed to do any serious reworking.


This is fantastic, I've often thought that many of the Story Hours here deserve to see print.

Now, I wonder if it's possible to get certain other DM's to finish thier Story Hours if they were to be published? I think the oldsters here know just who I'm talking about, or have thier own list.

Voidrunner's Codex

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