[UPDATED - ASCENSION!] Blackdirge's "Metamorphosis - From Dretch to Demon Lord"

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Morrus said:
I'm pretty sure I've replied to everything, Jeremy - maybe it's my email client that's messed up! Feel free to resend any emails, though.
Just wanted to warn you, in case you have a spam filter that bounces unfamiliar email addresses, that I am emailing you from my Hotmail account about some things.

I am still not sure that all my emails from Yahoo are reaching you, nor that yours are reaching me, so we should probably use the Hotmail from now on.

Hopefully, this will keep me from annoying others by posting on this thread about personal stuff anymore! ;)


Well, that was fun
Staff member
For those of you reading the Metamorphosis Trilogy, we have a sneak preview of Chapter 5 of the second book, The Tides of Chaos. You can download it here (430k PDF). The first book, Death of a Demon Lord, is available in both novel and "deluxe" formats from RPGNow (PDF) and ENP's print storefront (softcover). The Tides of Chaos should be available in September.


tensen said:
What is the current schedule for release on the second book?

It's in the editing stage. The last release info I have is it will be released in November.

Morrus, anything more specific than that?



Well, that was fun
Staff member
It's in the editing stage. The last release info I have is it will be released in November.

Morrus, anything more specific than that?


Editing will be done by the end of October. Then it goes into layout. My guess is November.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Stegger said:
Is there any official update on the release?

The editor had a bereavement. I expect the edited manuscript for Book 2 by Dec 15th. In the meantime, Blackdirge has finished Book 3!
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Voidrunner's Codex

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