[UPDATED - ASCENSION!] Blackdirge's "Metamorphosis - From Dretch to Demon Lord"

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The EN World kitten
What's the level of crunch in this book then? I know most of the standard releases don't have much, while the deluxe editions have several articles of crunch. Will this have all of the crunch that would've been in a deluxe edition?


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Alzrius said:
What's the level of crunch in this book then? I know most of the standard releases don't have much, while the deluxe editions have several articles of crunch. Will this have all of the crunch that would've been in a deluxe edition?

Nope, sorry. It's just the novel.

We do have some stat blocks for it (but no art). Maybe we'll put together a small separate PDF or something for just the stats.


The EN World kitten
Morrus said:
We do have some stat blocks for it (but no art). Maybe we'll put together a small separate PDF or something for just the stats.

I hope so. I'm far less concerned with artwork than I am with seeing the stats for some of the characters in this last book.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Alzrius said:
I hope so. I'm far less concerned with artwork than I am with seeing the stats for some of the characters in this last book.

Very worst case, if we don't use them directly, Blackdirge can post 'em here.


First Post
I just finished Book III. A very nice, 4 stars out of 5 novel. I'd like to comment about some facts in Ascension, though:








First, as a player of the Curse of Cthulhu campaign, I was amused to see the reference about Abu-Hol, "the Beast". However, I'd love an illustration about the reptilian-looking Beast in Ascension. The image of a headless sphinx with a void in the head (from Curse of Cthulhu) became stuck in my head during the reading :)

Second, I wonder if it was Asmodeus who sold the scroll of banishment to Gemnez. Demogorgon or even Dagon also could be the one responsible for the trade.

Some celestial/guardinal/eladrin intereference could be nice, too. And if anyone read that epic adventure from Dungeon 123 (The Quicksilver Hourglass), Yaghur Hod's crusade could be the threat mentioned by that tertian modron hierarch in the end of the adventure, "a threat so great that Mechanus and Arborea appear ready to align against it".

Ereshkigal was referred by Pyrak as a Queen of Demons or Queen of the Abyss (not sure which one now). I like to think her as the original Queen of Chaos, who was last seen in the 14th level of the Abyss (the Steaming Fens) after the eladrin-tanar´ri wars. But that's my call ;)

Finally, I missed the fate of Xixel, the Cryptodaemon, after the crowning of Targon as the new Archodaemon. I suspect either servitude or death, but I'd like to see it detailed in the novel. And despite my nitpicking this trilogy was a refreshing reading on lower plane politics (Gemnez rules!). Well done, Blackdirge :D







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Growing impatient

When will the 'Deluxe Edition' of 'Ascension' be released? I have the other two in that format so I cannot very well by the final part in normal paperback format, can I?


Well, that was fun
Staff member
When will the 'Deluxe Edition' of 'Ascension' be released? I have the other two in that format so I cannot very well by the final part in normal paperback format, can I?

There won't be one; sorry. Not enough people bought the others that we can afford the art.


The EN World kitten
It seems that stats for creatures and NPCs from Ascension are making their way to the EN World OGC Wiki. So far there are stats for the four generals of Yaghur Hod (Xixel, Zeeosh, Nyxus, and Turgon), as well as the dretch Lobgog, Abu Hol himself (along with the Sigil of Naggath-Orguul spell) and for terradaemons.

Interestingly, Morrus is the one posting the stats, and not Blackdirge. That said, its great to have stats at last! Let's hope stats for azodaemons, Yaghur Hod, and Hazag appear soon!


It seems that stats for creatures and NPCs from Ascension are making their way to the EN World OGC Wiki. So far there are stats for the four generals of Yaghur Hod (Xixel, Zeeosh, Nyxus, and Turgon), as well as the dretch Lobgog, Abu Hol himself (along with the Sigil of Naggath-Orguul spell) and for terradaemons.

Interestingly, Morrus is the one posting the stats, and not Blackdirge. That said, its great to have stats at last! Let's hope stats for azodaemons, Yaghur Hod, and Hazag appear soon!

Don't worry, they're my stats. =]

Yaghur Hod's stats can be found in my old Monster Column, but I didn't actually do any stats for Hazag, as I didn't want to define his abilities statistically and limit what he could do in the novel.


Voidrunner's Codex

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