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Trapdoor Technologies, who are running the Codename: Morningstar Kickstarter for the electronic tools suite (launching with Pathfinder) has created a short User Interface Overview. This 2-minute silent video quickly shows you some of the functionality in the product, including character generation, party messaging, adventure browsing, product shelf, store, dice roller, and adventure creation and publishing.

Trapdoor Technologies, who are running the Codename: Morningstar Kickstarter for the electronic tools suite (launching with Pathfinder) has created a short User Interface Overview. This 2-minute silent video quickly shows you some of the functionality in the product, including character generation, party messaging, adventure browsing, product shelf, store, dice roller, and adventure creation and publishing.

The full Kickstarter is here. It has currently raised $19,000 of its $425,000 goal.

The below video has been updated with a new one which contains a soundtrack.


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Looks like their first official campaign supplement will be the Karthun setting that had a successful kickstarter a couple of months ago by the d20 monkey people. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/trapdoortech/codename-morningstar/posts/1079547#comments.
The link to that kickstarter is here https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/sandandsteam/karthun-lands-of-conflict

Is there actually a product yet? Everything links to the kickstarter that states that the product will be out in the future. Looks like the earliest is 2nd quarter next year. Timing would be tight to get them out near together.


First Post
They planned on releasing Dungeonscape in tiers, first the character builder in September, and they were mainly waiting on pricing from WotC, and approval from Apple. I think that with the revenue coming in from that, it would have allowed them to move on to the campaign module, and party module, which was slated for late Oct/ early Nov. Finally, The Forge, was scheduled for December.

IMHO, I think WotC saw the potential that this whole sweet of tools had, and could not figure out a way to capitalize on the cloud sharing of adventures, monsters created in the Forge and everything else. So instead, they just cut the ties.

Syrinscape has a pretty concise explanation of Trapdoor's breakup with WotC: http://youtu.be/F_-xT6pVykg?t=2m58s.

There's not much else we can say about it other than it was a collision of differing perspectives on how to make digital distribution work effectively. Structuring digital content properly and successfully can be very scary for traditional publishing.

Does that matter, though? You don't need to fully understand the production costs of a product to buy it. Surely the evaluation is whether or not the pledge level is worth the reward to you? Heck, I don't care if they factoring in a bonus holiday in Hawaii as long as the cost-reward ration works for me!
I'd like to know. It matters if they're using the funds wisely or wasting them. It matters if all of the $400k is going to them and the project or if it's going to other things.
For example, a fair use of money would be computers and tech for the project. However, those computers shouldn't be $2500 alienware gaming PCs.

They're a small company that looks like it operates out of a home, so normal business expenses like office space should be minimal.

$400k for a project that's due in April shakes out at $100k a month. If there a dozen employees that's $8k per employee per month. Even if they were assuming the Kickstarter would pay for wages and expenses for the next eight months that's still $4k per month.

Hollow Man

Heya ENWorld. It's been awhile since I've been here - to be honest, I've been a little scared :)

But I did want to share this exciting news with everyone. Whether you are in support of Morningstar or against it, I think we can all rejoice and concur that MIKE SCHLEY as a &@$!*(^ Badass!!


The hints on your web page were clearly pointing to this. It's a good thing. His maps are great.

I just wish you guys had asked for less money...I can't see how with only two weeks left you're going to get to your goal. Here's hoping I'm ridiculously wrong and there's someone out there with A LOT of money to give you, or, you re-launch with a smaller focus, and build from there.


I hear that Hollow Man. And ya know, sometimes I wish the same thing. Needless to say, those choices and decisions are above my pay grade. What it'll really come down to is the community - if everyone one can rally around a toolset like Morningstar (that will be able to deliver 5e OGL content *very soon after an announcement is made* because its already built...), that's awesome. More than awesome actually - EPIC.

I get the number is a big ask. For me personally, I'll support an expensive as #%&@ Kickstarter because I'm PSYCHED to see that vision or product realized. If the monetary ask for ME isn't that high? Cool. So even if the goal is high but I'm only responsible for 50 bucks? I'm cool. But hey, that's just me :)


I hear that Hollow Man. And ya know, sometimes I wish the same thing. Needless to say, those choices and decisions are above my pay grade. What it'll really come down to is the community - if everyone one can rally around a toolset like Morningstar (that will be able to deliver 5e OGL content *very soon after an announcement is made* because its already built...), that's awesome. More than awesome actually - EPIC.

I get the number is a big ask. For me personally, I'll support an expensive as #%&@ Kickstarter because I'm PSYCHED to see that vision or product realized. If the monetary ask for ME isn't that high? Cool. So even if the goal is high but I'm only responsible for 50 bucks? I'm cool. But hey, that's just me :)

Even if this thing doesn't fund I hope you guys find a way to make this happen. The more I see morningstar the more I like it.

Also, hopefully the 5e OGL lets you dust off a bunch of work you have done already.

Hollow Man

I hear that Hollow Man. And ya know, sometimes I wish the same thing. Needless to say, those choices and decisions are above my pay grade. What it'll really come down to is the community - if everyone one can rally around a toolset like Morningstar (that will be able to deliver 5e OGL content *very soon after an announcement is made* because its already built...), that's awesome. More than awesome actually - EPIC.

I get the number is a big ask. For me personally, I'll support an expensive as #%&@ Kickstarter because I'm PSYCHED to see that vision or product realized. If the monetary ask for ME isn't that high? Cool. So even if the goal is high but I'm only responsible for 50 bucks? I'm cool. But hey, that's just me :)

I still have a lot questions. They're all here, in my previous posts, but to be honest, most of my concerns were brought up by the latest Roundtable podcast by The Tome Show. I read on your Facebook page you had a rebuttal to be played next week, but when I asked if the Tome Show group (a majority of which were not supporting the project) had changed their mind based on your comments to come, that message (and others) were deleted.

This behavior frustrates me. You of course have a right to moderate your Facebook page as you see fit, but my question was not rudely asked, nor outrageous in subject matter. It simply points to what I mentioned a few posts earlier...that right now backer turnout is quite low. And we're simply explaining to you guys what our issues are and what will help change our minds, because it's what will help us throw our support behind you.


I still have a lot questions. They're all here, in my previous posts, but to be honest, most of my concerns were brought up by the latest Roundtable podcast by The Tome Show. I read on your Facebook page you had a rebuttal to be played next week, but when I asked if the Tome Show group (a majority of which were not supporting the project) had changed their mind based on your comments to come, that message (and others) were deleted.

This behavior frustrates me. You of course have a right to moderate your Facebook page as you see fit, but my question was not rudely asked, nor outrageous in subject matter. It simply points to what I mentioned a few posts earlier...that right now backer turnout is quite low. And we're simply explaining to you guys what our issues are and what will help change our minds, because it's what will help us throw our support behind you.


Hollow Man - As the sole manager of the Facebook page, I can tell you that I have never deleted a post - if Facebook moderates, its only for language and TBH, I let most of that slide to as I find expletives a fantastic way to express ones self. If Facebook DOES moderate, I can see that its hidden and I unhide them.

Here's what the page looks like for me. I see a comment that mirrors what you're referring to in your post. It's still there and no one has commented on it yet.

View attachment 65684

We've always communicated openly and honestly with the community/EN World, our Facebook fans, on Twitter, through email, phone calls, whatever. I'm not sure what happened on your end of Facebook but I've checked 4 other computers and see the same thing. The comment is still there. If there's anything that you want to chat with me about personally, PM me and we can do that there.

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