On the other hand, has there been a release date set for 5E? It'll likely be, what? Next YEAR before we see it on a shelf? 6 months? And again, the fact that a new edition is on the way - even if it's NEXT month - that should not prevent anyone from getting every dimes worth out of what they HAVE. Even moreso when NOBODY can accurately say they like 5E - because even having liked your partication in a playtest doesn't mean that a year from now it'll turn out to still be all that and the chips.
Not saying people don't have a right to express concerns. I just get a bit tired of the hyperbole regarding new editions and players who want to be victims.
Yeah, I'm such a skinflint Personally, I'm off down a different route for now. $200 is enough for a KindleFire. Add New School clone Pathfinder at $9.99, Old School clone Corruption at $7, Tome of Monsters at something similar and it'll take a local version of Next without a subscription requirement to draw me in. But, I'm such a skinflint.