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Upset about another edition!


Surely by that definition, no company can ever update their product?

At least WotC give you 18-months+ advance notice. They're hardly sprigning it on you a week later.

How unpopular can one dodgy analogy be :)

I'd not be unhappy because I'd received any kind of raw deal, but because if I was a regular buyer of WotC sets/ Insider it'd be real frustrating (to me) to just miss out on building-up a chunk of a war chest for a must buy next edition.

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The WotC ninjas will be coming for you books next Tuesday. I'd be ready for them, and remember they prefer chocolate cookies, not the raisin oatmeals ones (The Legal department can get ugly if not appeased...).

If you think D&D is expensive, you should try starting up a 40K army. You are guaranteed that Games Workshop will update the codex/rulebooks within 5 years, forcing you to buy not only new books, but minis to keep up with the changes in the game.


First Post
I was upset about 4e (still am, for that matter).

But Pathfinder came out, I switched, and continued on running my games, happy that the game that the 3.X architecture would continue.

So, not upset at all about 5e - at the very worst it leaves me in the same position as 4e, happily running Pathfinder. The only possible changes are for the better, other than D&D crashing upon the reefs of Hasbro's expectations and burning to the waterline.

The Auld Grump


First Post
I really hope WotC announces a 6E a few years down the road just so the 5E fans get a taste of the "lol wotc won't come into your house and steal ur books lololol" train that every old edition gets. :hmm: It's never been funny guys, and it really sucks when it's pulled out. Can we please stow it?

No WotC will not come into your house and take your books. That isn't an issue here. What is really getting people down about WotC is that with every article they produce they are continually ridiculing and socially segregating the 4E fans more and more. For **** sakes we've been compared to the McDonalds eaters of the gaming world and that just ain't cool. They aren't burning any of our books. They are just making it so that current 4E fans will never be able to get a game together because the game that they produced material for four years is suddenly badwrongfun. To make matters worse this isn't the first time they've done it in order to launch a new edition and it won't be the first time that it has backfired on them.

Furthermore it's even less relevant with 4E because eventually WotC WILL be coming to take away the 4E DDI content. It's unsustainable and the minute that Hasbro/WotC decides that it is getting in the way of 5E sales they'll cut it off...and there goes a bunch of 4E material that isn't in the books.

So can we please just stow the "LOL WOTC NOT BURNING YOUR BOOKS" comments? They are condescending and don't accomplish anything but creating edition war hostility and are simply untrue because in a worst case scenario WotC could very well cut us off from a lot of the material that we have paid for.


First Post
I realize 4th edition has been out for about 5 years, but i just recently got into 4th edition and spent over $200 on all the books needed for 4th edition. Now I am sure they will coming out with a new set of rules books we all will have to get. If wizards thinks I am going to shell out another $200 for new books, they have another thing coming!
I would like to get everyones opinion on this?
If a WotC RPG goes more than five years without at least a new half-edition, it's because WotC has discontinued the game entirely. There aren't any exceptions to this. I may like or dislike 5e. It may be a great success, a complete failure, or something in between. But no matter which of those happens, I'll be shocked if 6e is not out by 2018 (whether it's a 3.5 or 2e-esque cleanup of 5e, or a 3e or 4e or 5e-esque major rewrite).

I'm sure Wizards will say they have no intention of doing that. And the people who say that will be completely sincere. But they also won't be working for Wizards in 2018. If you can't live with that, then reconcile yourself to playing an unsupported game.


First Post
If a WotC RPG goes more than five years without at least a new half-edition, it's because WotC has discontinued the game entirely. There aren't any exceptions to this. I may like or dislike 5e. It may be a great success, a complete failure, or something in between. But no matter which of those happens, I'll be shocked if 6e is not out by 2018 (whether it's a 3.5 or 2e-esque cleanup of 5e, or a 3e or 4e or 5e-esque major rewrite).

I'm sure Wizards will say they have no intention of doing that. And the people who say that will be completely sincere. But they also won't be working for Wizards in 2018. If you can't live with that, then reconcile yourself to playing an unsupported game.

Remember when WoTC said during the initial 4E launch that there would be no further editions? That its exception-based design made it so generic that all future development could be done as add-ons?


First Post
As someone who really likes 4e and can sympathise with the OP I'll give my opinion, even if it's just restating what others have said.

When 4e came out people didn't just stop playing 3.5. Heaps of people still play it. So their is no reason for you to stop playing 4e if you are enjoying it. Don't shell out anything if you don't want to. If you get in on the play test you'll be able to take it for a test drive for free, then you can decide if you like it better or not without spending a cent. pretty good deal if you ask me.

Nothing has stopped. 4e hasn't ended just because 5e is coming. noone is coming to your house to take your books or your friends away. So keep on gaming brother (or sister) !!!

[MENTION=82763]Ratinyourwalls[/MENTION] Heaps of people also still play 3.5 and not Pathfinder as well.
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Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
I realize 4th edition has been out for about 5 years, but i just recently got into 4th edition and spent over $200 on all the books needed for 4th edition. Now I am sure they will coming out with a new set of rules books we all will have to get. If wizards thinks I am going to shell out another $200 for new books, they have another thing coming!
I would like to get everyones opinion on this?

BTW, why don't you just return them? Have you used them in a fashion that would make them unreturnable? All of them? Did you keep your receipt? Was it so long ago (not really recently) that they are beyond returning?


First Post
4th edition is an exceptional rules set with a vast amount of flexibility and incredible ease of use, especially for the DM. You can play 4E until the day you die, so long as you have a group.

While it would have been really really nice if WotC didn't give up on the system two years in, the system is still quite solid, and so much of it makes so much sense that it's quite easy to develop for it, even if there isn't much profit in it.

D&D 4E was released June 2008, so to Feb 2012 would be almost 4 years not Two. There are still 4E products being released, so still usable. 5E has no release date yet, but the good money is on June - Aug 2013. I play 4E weekly & enjoy the game.

I don't believe that WOTC game up on 4E, as much as the player base did. If gamer purchased the products, I'm sure they would keep selling 4E products.


First Post
Remember when WoTC said during the initial 4E launch that there would be no further editions? That its exception-based design made it so generic that all future development could be done as add-ons?

That would be a quote I would remember, but I don't. I remeber that all WOTC promised was that there would be no 4.5. Many gamers complained that 3.5 was out only 3 years after 3E.

I think it would be erroneous to believe that WOTC would ever stop producing new "Editions", since they are primarily a publisher of books.

Voidrunner's Codex

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