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Urban Arcana:New Orleans Dept.7 (IC)

Jade Solstar

First Post
As the last person takes their seat at the table, the Director begins handing each of you a briefcase. After he sets the final one down he begins speaking "Now I know you all have a curiosity as to why you have been recruited for this particular position and I am about give you information that not even members of the Congress are privy to. Department 7 is a government blackbook project, that means we do not exist but we do. Our agency is the sole government agency responsible for the dealings of the Shadow. The Shadow is the re-emergence of our distant past in a manner of speaking. Most of what you have been told in myths and fairytales has an actual basis in the real world. Magic is real but not as real as it used to be. Like a wave of energy that rolls in and flows out, it is now rolling in again after having rolled away for a millinium. Each of you has been effected by the Shadow or is linked to it some manner, wether it be through your job or your heritage. Which brings me to my first point. I would like for you to step forward Mr.Grundgehammer. Derrik here is a first generation dwarf from the Shadow. If you would alll just please concentrate upon him for a moment and use your -awareness- you will realize the truth that your mind has blinded you to. I will wait for a moment why you do this."

After a few moments pass, the image of Derrik seems to blend into an image of -real- drwaf. Not the dwarves you see on tv, not a short guy but a real dwarf... It almost looks like he stepped off the set of the Lord of the Rings. The longer you stare the more you are able to see that he is more than what he appeared to be. You can also see a slight shadowy haze around him almost like her is cloaked by shadows...

For some of you this may be a very happy time as your ideas are being realized about the real world but for some this may bring back memories of a painful past...

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First Post
James' voice is just audible as he says under his breath "I knew it... I knew it..." His eyes grow wide with a kind of teary eyed smile, as years of suspicion are confirmed. "I knew it..."

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Austin Krenek: (Human/Male/Fast 1)

Austin pushes back deep into the chair as the dwarfs true form comes into focus as his first thoughts in his panic is to place a built in the unnatural and unknown creature. His mind catches back up to his reflexes and he sets in reflection of his own past. He pulls his eyes away and glances at the man in the Armani suit while everyone else is looking at the dwarf. The cockiness is gone and much of a hunted soul is visible threw his eyes. "Director Stevens, does this mean my sanity isn’t in doubt…? That what I saw did need happen the way I saw it…?"
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"Ahhh what ye all bleedin staren at you act as though ye never seen a dwarf before. Me mother looked the same as me, had a right fine beard on her chin as well, Id be proud if I could grow mine that long." Derrik sits back down with a grumble.


First Post
Mike shakes his head, blinking to be sure his eyes aren't deceiving him. Instinctively, he scans the room in a hurried but thorough search. He's not sure if he's looking for more elements of Shadow to emerge, or for the hidden cameras.

"This is alot to take in, Director; I mean, 'fairy tales are real'? How does Department 7 know about this? Why doesn't the world? I think "MONSTERS EXIST" would get page 1 over the California recall election..."


First Post
Angela sits considering. After listening to the reactions of the others, she says, "Okay, I've seen some strange things in the past, but I never suspected anything like this. But what does it mean? You say we are all connected to it somehow, but what is it you have brought us together to do?"

[OOC: This frickin' cable internet is quite nice, thankyouverymuch!]

Jade Solstar

First Post
After listening to your initial reactions for amoment the Director smiles slightly and says "Well to be frank you have been called together to form our New Orleans task force. The influx of shadow has given rise to more than normal disturbances around this area. The history of New Orleans is very old and steeped in ancient traditions, some of which can bring about changes to the Shadow, like vodoo or santeria. I do not want you to get the wrong idea and think that all religions or mystical practices will bring about Shadow effects but with enough belief and skill the changes can be wrought by one who is knowledgable in these things.

You are to be a freelance team given leave to deal with the situations that you face as you see fit. Any equipment you need for the task you face will be supplied by Department 7 upon request and approval. You are to operate as a team and work together so that your skills compliment each other. For that is the reason you were each picked, because of your backgounds, skills and knowledge. We do not normally place anyone as team leader as we have learned that it is best for you to pick your own leader amongst yourselves after you have started working together. You will also have access to our computer information system, which has a plethura of knowledge available of your use.

Each of you has "seen" or "experienced" things in the past that you couldn't explain but believe me they were real. Do not think for a minute that if you see a creature that appears to be something so exotic or imagined that it couldnt be real because if you freeze in hesitation you might die or endanger your team members. You are all physically and psychologically ready and prepared for this job.

The current problem we are having in the New Orleans area is that bodies of the dead buried in the old Devereuax Graveyard in the historic district are disappearing. More aptly put they are getting up and walking away, we believe they are being raised as zombies by someone but we can not be sure. That is where you come in. This is your current mission but as I stated earlier anything you run across that is of the Shadow you are to resolve the situation to the best of your ability. Not all Shadow creatures are bad or seek to do evil, but you must be wary for we have only been in operation as Department 7 for about 10 years and still have not catalogued everything that is out there.

Now I will go ahead and take your questions as I am sure you each have plenty that you want answered..."

After finishing speaking the Director leans back in his chair and takes a drink from his glass of water looking out at those assembled around the table.
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"Yeah there be one thing Im needen answerin..... you said I be a first generation native, that be meanin me muther she was...from this shadow thing?" Derrik appears to be fully engrossed in the conversation or any of you for the first time since ariving. "Why in the bloody hell didn't she tell me?"

Jade Solstar

First Post
Casar Couer De' Lion said:
"Yeah there be one thing Im needen answerin..... you said I be a first generation native, that be meanin me muther she was...from this shadow thing?" Derrik appears to be fully engrossed in the conversation or any of you for the first time since ariving. "Why in the bloody hell didn't she tell me?"

Director Stevens looks at Derrik and says "I cannot say for sure but most first generation residents of Shadow arent aware of their unique situation here until an event triggers their latent abilities or something similiar. Your mother was probably trying to keep you safe as their are some extreme groups out there that believe only by whiping out all evidence/creatures of Shadow will our world be safe. Much like anything else their are extreme views for every situation.

You shouldn't feel like your the only one because our DNA tests show that all of you present have connections to the Shadow in your gene pool, which means your distant relatives were denizens of Shadow. If you want to be literal almost everyone today has some connection to the Shadow but you gathered here have a closer or stronger connection. Which is why you have had contact with the Shadow in your pasts because you are genetically displaced to be more open to it than the average person. I hope that helps clear that bit up for you."


First Post
"I'm sorry if I'm not following, but I'm still confused as to how such a fanciful story can be true and yet the world at large doesn't have a clue about it. I mean, zombies?! Where does Department 7 get its information, and how has the existence of this 'Shadow' remained secret?"

So far, it just seems too farfetched for Micheal to believe. He still views his "hallucinations" as a weakness, the result of stress or mental breakdown, and indeed thought he would be passed over for this assignment when the doctor administering the psych evaluation got him to fess up to them. He had seemed particularily interested in his visions, asking very detailed and articulate questions about the nature of the "monsters" he'd seen....

While Mike hasn't recovered from the bomb Stephens has just dropped on the room, he enjoys a brief moment of clarity and scans the room, observing the others, gauging their reactions.

Voidrunner's Codex

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