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Urgent: "Catpeople"-Race needed!!!


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Here are my catpeople:


Kathos roam from settlement to settlement, seeking adventure, excitement and the thrill of the chase. They are agile, quick and independent, filled with curiosity and wanderlust.
Personality: Kathos are curious to a fault. While they can lie for most of the day enjoying the simple pleasures of life, they still have the heart of a predator. Nothing excites them more than the thrill of a chase, and nothing angers tham more than an attempt to break their spirits.

Physical Description: Kathos have been described as “cat-people”, and that is truly the best way to sum them up. They are slim and athletic, standing around 6 feet tall and wheighing around 160 pounds. Males and females have nearly the same height, although females are somewhat lighter. Their bodies are covered with short fur, ranging from beige to yellow-gray, with little to no markings. Ther eyes are yellow, green or blue, with vertical pupils. Their irises are so large that they take up nearly all of the eye. They dress in practical leather clothing that allows them to move freely. Their trousers have a small hole for their 2-foot-long tails. Footwear is rare, usually little more than bandages. Kathos reach adulthood at about 14 years of age and can live to be 70 years old.

Relations: Kathos tend to judge an individual for his merits, not his race. Other races have difficulty to read a kathos’ racial expressions, and find their unblinking stare somewhat unnerving. The only true enemies of the kathos are the gnolls, whose larger numbers often force a kathos family to move on.

Alignment: Unsurprisingly, kathos tend more towards chaos than law, but are equally capable of good and evil.

Kathos Lands: Kathos tend to live in open plains and temperate praeiries, as part of extended families. These families can settle in a region for months at a time, or they can live as nomads for years without settling. Familial units rarely have more than twenty kathos and their dire tiger mounts. The only form of law enforcement found among the kathos are the wandering tiger knights, usually rangers, monks or barbarians - themselves a very chaotic bunch.
Kathos encountered in human lands are those who ineviatbly succumb to their wanderlust and take to adventuring (an occupation far more common among kathos than other races).

Religion: Kathos refrain from organized religion, instead seeking solace within themselves and the lines of ancestors that preceeded them. Those who wish to follow a more mystical approach tend to become monks, even if for a short while, which allows them to regain some of the physical might that evolution claimed, through discipline and practice.

Language: Kathos speak a sharp tongue with many rolling sounds and hisses. Kathian is hard on the throat and is rarely written. When it is, it uses the Common alphabet. Kathos tend to whisper a lot, being used to their own kind’s keen ears.

Names: Kathos names are usually simple, one-word affairs. Kathos adventuring in human lands often take on a nickname like “Moonclaw”, “Keen-Eye” or “Stalker”.
Kathos Male Names: Kor, Rwerk, Shan.
Kathos Female names: Mey, Tsann, Seela.

Adventurers: The percentage of adventurers among kathos is far greater than that found among other humanoid races. Kathos resting between adventures tend to be lazy and content. But it won’t be long before the hunt beckons them again and they ride out into the night.

Kathos Racial Traits
- +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence: Kathos are agile and balanced, but their lighter frames make them less sturdy than humans. They have very keen senses, but trust instinct more than reason.
- Medium: As Medium creatures, kathos have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
- Kathos base land speed is 30 feet.
- Low-light Vision: A Kathos can see twice as far as a human in poor lighting conditions.
- Natural Weapons: An unarmed kathos can attack with 2 claws, each dealing 1d3 damage. Although they have sharp teeth, a kathos’ bite is too narrow to do much damage.
- +2 racial bonus to Balance, Move Silently and Listen checks. Kathos are predators at heart.
- +2 racial bonus to Handle Animal, Ride and wild empathy checks when dealing with felines. Kathos can empathize with felines better than most humanoid races.
- Bonus feat: Blind-Fight. Their keen hearing and sensitive whiskers help kathos fight unseen foes.
- Sonic Vulnerability: Kathos suffer a –2 penalty to saves against sonic and sound-based attacks.
- Automatic Languages: Common, Kathian. Bonus Languages: Elven, Gnoll, Giant, Orc, Sylvan. Kathos are familiar with the languages of their neighboors.
Favored Class: Monk. A multiclass kathos’ monk class does not count when determining wether he takes an experience penalty for multiclassing. The monk tradition is a way for kathos to connect to their inner grace and strength, if they can overcome their chaotic nature.


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Frukathka said:
Whats wrong with the Catfolk?
I always thought the Feline Aversion thing was downright weird, like the Catfolk in the Menace Manual were converted over from an original source where the reason for that was left out.


Catfolk are +4 Dex, +2 Cha, FC: Ranger, LA +1 Bonuses to MS, lowlight, and +1 NArmor.

Cccheck 'em out in Minis and RoW. There are even two DDM's for them!


First Post
Yeah, I remember the Rakasta from Mystara, that was a good one. Dunno if it was converted or not.

Klaus, I really like your Kathos race. The only changes I would suggest would be to give them Darkvision (since cats can see in the dark as far as I know, mine seemed to be able to) and change the Favored Class. I don't see a race who's inclination to chaos as having FC as monk. Lawful Monks would be the exception (Drizzt among the Drow, for example), rather than the rule (Dwarven Fighter, Elven Wizard, Halfling Rogue, ect).

But other than that, I think that's a fantastic race and would use it in my own campaign, if there was such a place for a Cat-person race.

Kristivas said:
Yeah, I remember the Rakasta from Mystara, that was a good one. Dunno if it was converted or not.

Klaus, I really like your Kathos race. The only changes I would suggest would be to give them Darkvision (since cats can see in the dark as far as I know, mine seemed to be able to)
Darkvision is not really something you encounter in real life, since it allows looking without _any_ kind of light. Cats still need light, even if considerably less than humans.


First Post
Kristivas said:
Yeah, I remember the Rakasta from Mystara, that was a good one. Dunno if it was converted or not.

Klaus, I really like your Kathos race. The only changes I would suggest would be to give them Darkvision (since cats can see in the dark as far as I know, mine seemed to be able to) and change the Favored Class. I don't see a race who's inclination to chaos as having FC as monk. Lawful Monks would be the exception (Drizzt among the Drow, for example), rather than the rule (Dwarven Fighter, Elven Wizard, Halfling Rogue, ect).

But other than that, I think that's a fantastic race and would use it in my own campaign, if there was such a place for a Cat-person race.

Like Mustrum Ridcully said, cats IRL still need light (I know, 'cause I have one of the lil' bastards... Say 'hi', Tyler!). Their pupils are very large, and the inner lining of their eyes is reflective, magnifying light as it enters the eye and allowing for the same lightrays to shine upon the optic nerves several times, i.e. low-light vision.

As for the monk thing, it is intentional. The class plays to the races' strengths, gives them several abilities that, imho, a feline-like race should have, and if the kathos dips into monk (perhaps roleplaying how hard it is to keep a lawful alignment for a while) for a couple of levels, he suffers no XP penalty from it afterwards. So you can have a CG kathos Ranger 10/ex-Monk 2 riding a dire tiger (like the image up there).

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